Vision Transformer

2023-02-08 更新

Knowledge Distillation in Vision Transformers: A Critical Review

Authors:Gousia Habib, Tausifa Jan Saleem, Brejesh Lall

In Natural Language Processing (NLP), Transformers have already revolutionized the field by utilizing an attention-based encoder-decoder model. Recently, some pioneering works have employed Transformer-like architectures in Computer Vision (CV) and they have reported outstanding performance of these architectures in tasks such as image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. Vision Transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated impressive performance improvements over Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) due to their competitive modelling capabilities. However, these architectures demand massive computational resources which makes these models difficult to be deployed in the resource-constrained applications. Many solutions have been developed to combat this issue, such as compressive transformers and compression functions such as dilated convolution, min-max pooling, 1D convolution, etc. Model compression has recently attracted considerable research attention as a potential remedy. A number of model compression methods have been proposed in the literature such as weight quantization, weight multiplexing, pruning and Knowledge Distillation (KD). However, techniques like weight quantization, pruning and weight multiplexing typically involve complex pipelines for performing the compression. KD has been found to be a simple and much effective model compression technique that allows a relatively simple model to perform tasks almost as accurately as a complex model. This paper discusses various approaches based upon KD for effective compression of ViT models. The paper elucidates the role played by KD in reducing the computational and memory requirements of these models. The paper also presents the various challenges faced by ViTs that are yet to be resolved.
PDF 28pages, 16 figures


KDEformer: Accelerating Transformers via Kernel Density Estimation

Authors:Amir Zandieh, Insu Han, Majid Daliri, Amin Karbasi

Dot-product attention mechanism plays a crucial role in modern deep architectures (e.g., Transformer) for sequence modeling, however, na\”ive exact computation of this model incurs quadratic time and memory complexities in sequence length, hindering the training of long-sequence models. Critical bottlenecks are due to the computation of partition functions in the denominator of softmax function as well as the multiplication of the softmax matrix with the matrix of values. Our key observation is that the former can be reduced to a variant of the kernel density estimation (KDE) problem, and an efficient KDE solver can be further utilized to accelerate the latter via subsampling-based fast matrix products. Our proposed KDEformer can approximate the attention in sub-quadratic time with provable spectral norm bounds, while all prior results merely provide entry-wise error bounds. Empirically, we verify that KDEformer outperforms other attention approximations in terms of accuracy, memory, and runtime on various pre-trained models. On BigGAN image generation, we achieve better generative scores than the exact computation with over $4\times$ speedup. For ImageNet classification with T2T-ViT, KDEformer shows over $18\times$ speedup while the accuracy drop is less than $0.5\%$.
PDF 26 pages, 7 figures


Semantic-Guided Image Augmentation with Pre-trained Models

Authors:Bohan Li, Xinghao Wang, Xiao Xu, Yutai Hou, Yunlong Feng, Feng Wang, Wanxiang Che

Image augmentation is a common mechanism to alleviate data scarcity in computer vision. Existing image augmentation methods often apply pre-defined transformations or mixup to augment the original image, but only locally vary the image. This makes them struggle to find a balance between maintaining semantic information and improving the diversity of augmented images. In this paper, we propose a Semantic-guided Image augmentation method with Pre-trained models (SIP). Specifically, SIP constructs prompts with image labels and captions to better guide the image-to-image generation process of the pre-trained Stable Diffusion model. The semantic information contained in the original images can be well preserved, and the augmented images still maintain diversity. Experimental results show that SIP can improve two commonly used backbones, i.e., ResNet-50 and ViT, by 12.60% and 2.07% on average over seven datasets, respectively. Moreover, SIP not only outperforms the best image augmentation baseline RandAugment by 4.46% and 1.23% on two backbones, but also further improves the performance by integrating naturally with the baseline. A detailed analysis of SIP is presented, including the diversity of augmented images, an ablation study on textual prompts, and a case study on the generated images.
PDF 15 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables


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