
2023-02-08 更新

Look around and learn: self-improving object detection by exploration

Authors:ianluca Scarpellini, Stefano Rosa, Pietro Morerio, Lorenzo Natale, Alessio Del Bue

Object detectors often experience a drop in performance when new environmental conditions are insufficiently represented in the training data. This paper studies how to automatically fine-tune a pre-existing object detector while exploring and acquiring images in a new environment without relying on human intervention, i.e., in an utterly self-supervised fashion. In our setting, an agent initially learns to explore the environment using a pre-trained off-the-shelf detector to locate objects and associate pseudo-labels. By assuming that pseudo-labels for the same object must be consistent across different views, we learn an exploration policy mining hard samples and we devise a novel mechanism for producing refined predictions from the consensus among observations. Our approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art, and it closes the performance gap against a fully supervised setting without relying on ground-truth annotations. We also compare various exploration policies for the agent to gather more informative observations. Code and dataset will be made available upon paper acceptance


SimCon Loss with Multiple Views for Text Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yash Patel, Yusheng Xie, Yi Zhu, Srikar Appalaraju, R. Manmatha

Learning to segment images purely by relying on the image-text alignment from web data can lead to sub-optimal performance due to noise in the data. The noise comes from the samples where the associated text does not correlate with the image’s visual content. Instead of purely relying on the alignment from the noisy data, this paper proposes a novel loss function termed SimCon, which accounts for intra-modal similarities to determine the appropriate set of positive samples to align. Further, using multiple views of the image (created synthetically) for training and combining the SimCon loss with it makes the training more robust. This version of the loss is termed MV-SimCon. The empirical results demonstrate that using the proposed loss function leads to consistent improvements on zero-shot, text supervised semantic segmentation and outperforms state-of-the-art by $+3.0\%$, $+3.3\%$ and $+6.9\%$ on PASCAL VOC, PASCAL Context and MSCOCO, respectively. With test time augmentations, we set a new record by improving these results further to $58.7\%$, $26.6\%$, and $33.3\%$ on PASCAL VOC, PASCAL Context, and MSCOCO, respectively. In addition, using the proposed loss function leads to robust training and faster convergence.


SeaFormer: Squeeze-enhanced Axial Transformer for Mobile Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Qiang Wan, Zilong Huang, Jiachen Lu, Gang Yu, Li Zhang

Since the introduction of Vision Transformers, the landscape of many computer vision tasks (e.g., semantic segmentation), which has been overwhelmingly dominated by CNNs, recently has significantly revolutionized. However, the computational cost and memory requirement render these methods unsuitable on the mobile device, especially for the high-resolution per-pixel semantic segmentation task. In this paper, we introduce a new method squeeze-enhanced Axial TransFormer (SeaFormer) for mobile semantic segmentation. Specifically, we design a generic attention block characterized by the formulation of squeeze Axial and detail enhancement. It can be further used to create a family of backbone architectures with superior cost-effectiveness. Coupled with a light segmentation head, we achieve the best trade-off between segmentation accuracy and latency on the ARM-based mobile devices on the ADE20K and Cityscapes datasets. Critically, we beat both the mobile-friendly rivals and Transformer-based counterparts with better performance and lower latency without bells and whistles. Beyond semantic segmentation, we further apply the proposed SeaFormer architecture to image classification problem, demonstrating the potentials of serving as a versatile mobile-friendly backbone.


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