Domain Adaptation

2023-02-08 更新

UDApter — Efficient Domain Adaptation Using Adapters

Authors:Bhavitvya Malik, Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap, Min-Yen Kan, Soujanya Poria

We propose two methods to make unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) more parameter efficient using adapters, small bottleneck layers interspersed with every layer of the large-scale pre-trained language model (PLM). The first method deconstructs UDA into a two-step process: first by adding a domain adapter to learn domain-invariant information and then by adding a task adapter that uses domain-invariant information to learn task representations in the source domain. The second method jointly learns a supervised classifier while reducing the divergence measure. Compared to strong baselines, our simple methods perform well in natural language inference (MNLI) and the cross-domain sentiment classification task. We even outperform unsupervised domain adaptation methods such as DANN and DSN in sentiment classification, and we are within 0.85% F1 for natural language inference task, by fine-tuning only a fraction of the full model parameters. We release our code at


Domain-Indexing Variational Bayes: Interpretable Domain Index for Domain Adaptation

Authors:Zihao Xu, Guang-Yuan Hao, Hao He, Hao Wang

Previous studies have shown that leveraging domain index can significantly boost domain adaptation performance \cite{arXiv:2007.01807, arXiv:2202.03628}. However, such domain indices are not always available. To address this challenge, we first provide a formal definition of domain index from the probabilistic perspective, and then propose an adversarial variational Bayesian framework that infers domain indices from multi-domain data, thereby providing additional insight on domain relations and improving domain adaptation performance. Our theoretical analysis shows that our adversarial variational Bayesian framework finds the optimal domain index at equilibrium. Empirical results on both synthetic and real data verify that our model can produce interpretable domain indices which enable us to achieve superior performance compared to state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods.
PDF ICLR 2023 Spotlight (notable-top-25%)


Domain Re-Modulation for Few-Shot Generative Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yi Wu, Ziqiang Li, Chaoyue Wang, Heliang Zheng, Shanshan Zhao, Bin Li, Dacheng Tao

In this study, we investigate the task of few-shot Generative Domain Adaptation (GDA), which involves transferring a pre-trained generator from one domain to a new domain using one or a few reference images. Building upon previous research that has focused on Target-domain Consistency, Large Diversity, and Cross-domain Consistency, we conclude two additional desired properties for GDA: Memory and Domain Association. To meet these properties, we proposed a novel method Domain Re-Modulation (DoRM). Specifically, DoRM freezes the source generator and employs additional mapping and affine modules (M&A module) to capture the attributes of the target domain, resulting in a linearly combinable domain shift in style space. This allows for high-fidelity multi-domain and hybrid-domain generation by integrating multiple M&A modules in a single generator. DoRM is lightweight and easy to implement. Extensive experiments demonstrated the superior performance of DoRM on both one-shot and 10-shot GDA, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Additionally, for the first time, multi-domain and hybrid-domain generation can be achieved with a minimal storage cost by using a single model. The code will be available at
PDF Under Review


Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Source Label Adaptation

Authors:Yu-Chu Yu, Hsuan-Tien Lin

Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation (SSDA) involves learning to classify unseen target data with a few labeled and lots of unlabeled target data, along with many labeled source data from a related domain. Current SSDA approaches usually aim at aligning the target data to the labeled source data with feature space mapping and pseudo-label assignments. Nevertheless, such a source-oriented model can sometimes align the target data to source data of the wrong classes, degrading the classification performance. This paper presents a novel source-adaptive paradigm that adapts the source data to match the target data. Our key idea is to view the source data as a noisily-labeled version of the ideal target data. Then, we propose an SSDA model that cleans up the label noise dynamically with the help of a robust cleaner component designed from the target perspective. Since the paradigm is very different from the core ideas behind existing SSDA approaches, our proposed model can be easily coupled with them to improve their performance. Empirical results on two state-of-the-art SSDA approaches demonstrate that the proposed model effectively cleans up the noise within the source labels and exhibits superior performance over those approaches across benchmark datasets.


Bringing the State-of-the-Art to Customers: A Neural Agent Assistant Framework for Customer Service Support

Authors:Stephen Obadinma, Faiza Khan Khattak, Shirley Wang, Tania Sidhom, Elaine Lau, Sean Robertson, Jingcheng Niu, Winnie Au, Alif Munim, Karthik Raja K. Bhaskar, Bencheng Wei, Iris Ren, Waqar Muhammad, Erin Li, Bukola Ishola, Michael Wang, Griffin Tanner, Yu-Jia Shiah, Sean X. Zhang, Kwesi P. Apponsah, Kanishk Patel, Jaswinder Narain, Deval Pandya, Xiaodan Zhu, Frank Rudzicz, Elham Dolatabadi

Building Agent Assistants that can help improve customer service support requires inputs from industry users and their customers, as well as knowledge about state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. We combine expertise from academia and industry to bridge the gap and build task/domain-specific Neural Agent Assistants (NAA) with three high-level components for: (1) Intent Identification, (2) Context Retrieval, and (3) Response Generation. In this paper, we outline the pipeline of the NAA’s core system and also present three case studies in which three industry partners successfully adapt the framework to find solutions to their unique challenges. Our findings suggest that a collaborative process is instrumental in spurring the development of emerging NLP models for Conversational AI tasks in industry. The full reference implementation code and results are available at \url{}
PDF Camera Ready Version of Paper Published in EMNLP 2022 Industry Track


Revisiting Image Deblurring with an Efficient ConvNet

Authors:Lingyan Ruan, Mojtaba Bemana, Hans-peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Bin Chen

Image deblurring aims to recover the latent sharp image from its blurry counterpart and has a wide range of applications in computer vision. The Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) have performed well in this domain for many years, and until recently an alternative network architecture, namely Transformer, has demonstrated even stronger performance. One can attribute its superiority to the multi-head self-attention (MHSA) mechanism, which offers a larger receptive field and better input content adaptability than CNNs. However, as MHSA demands high computational costs that grow quadratically with respect to the input resolution, it becomes impractical for high-resolution image deblurring tasks. In this work, we propose a unified lightweight CNN network that features a large effective receptive field (ERF) and demonstrates comparable or even better performance than Transformers while bearing less computational costs. Our key design is an efficient CNN block dubbed LaKD, equipped with a large kernel depth-wise convolution and spatial-channel mixing structure, attaining comparable or larger ERF than Transformers but with a smaller parameter scale. Specifically, we achieve +0.17dB / +0.43dB PSNR over the state-of-the-art Restormer on defocus / motion deblurring benchmark datasets with 32% fewer parameters and 39% fewer MACs. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our network and the effectiveness of each module. Furthermore, we propose a compact and intuitive ERFMeter metric that quantitatively characterizes ERF, and shows a high correlation to the network performance. We hope this work can inspire the research community to further explore the pros and cons of CNN and Transformer architectures beyond image deblurring tasks.
PDF 30 pages (12 pages for the main manuscript and 18 for the supplementary materials)


Energy-based Out-of-Distribution Detection for Graph Neural Networks

Authors:Qitian Wu, Yiting Chen, Chenxiao Yang, Junchi Yan

Learning on graphs, where instance nodes are inter-connected, has become one of the central problems for deep learning, as relational structures are pervasive and induce data inter-dependence which hinders trivial adaptation of existing approaches that assume inputs to be i.i.d.~sampled. However, current models mostly focus on improving testing performance of in-distribution data and largely ignore the potential risk w.r.t. out-of-distribution (OOD) testing samples that may cause negative outcome if the prediction is overconfident on them. In this paper, we investigate the under-explored problem, OOD detection on graph-structured data, and identify a provably effective OOD discriminator based on an energy function directly extracted from graph neural networks trained with standard classification loss. This paves a way for a simple, powerful and efficient OOD detection model for GNN-based learning on graphs, which we call GNNSafe. It also has nice theoretical properties that guarantee an overall distinguishable margin between the detection scores for in-distribution and OOD samples, which, more critically, can be further strengthened by a learning-free energy belief propagation scheme. For comprehensive evaluation, we introduce new benchmark settings that evaluate the model for detecting OOD data from both synthetic and real distribution shifts (cross-domain graph shifts and temporal graph shifts). The results show that GNNSafe achieves up to $17.0\%$ AUROC improvement over state-of-the-arts and it could serve as simple yet strong baselines in such an under-developed area.
PDF Accepted by International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023)


Domain Adaptation via Rebalanced Sub-domain Alignment

Authors:Yiling Liu, Juncheng Dong, Ziyang Jiang, Ahmed Aloui, Keyu Li, Hunter Klein, Vahid Tarokh, David Carlson

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a technique used to transfer knowledge from a labeled source domain to a different but related unlabeled target domain. While many UDA methods have shown success in the past, they often assume that the source and target domains must have identical class label distributions, which can limit their effectiveness in real-world scenarios. To address this limitation, we propose a novel generalization bound that reweights source classification error by aligning source and target sub-domains. We prove that our proposed generalization bound is at least as strong as existing bounds under realistic assumptions, and we empirically show that it is much stronger on real-world data. We then propose an algorithm to minimize this novel generalization bound. We demonstrate by numerical experiments that this approach improves performance in shifted class distribution scenarios compared to state-of-the-art methods.
PDF 20 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables


APAM: Adaptive Pre-training and Adaptive Meta Learning in Language Model for Noisy Labels and Long-tailed Learning

Authors:Sunyi Chi, Bo Dong, Yiming Xu, Zhenyu Shi, Zheng Du

Practical natural language processing (NLP) tasks are commonly long-tailed with noisy labels. Those problems challenge the generalization and robustness of complex models such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Some commonly used resampling techniques, such as oversampling or undersampling, could easily lead to overfitting. It is growing popular to learn the data weights leveraging a small amount of metadata. Besides, recent studies have shown the advantages of self-supervised pre-training, particularly to the under-represented data. In this work, we propose a general framework to handle the problem of both long-tail and noisy labels. The model is adapted to the domain of problems in a contrastive learning manner. The re-weighting module is a feed-forward network that learns explicit weighting functions and adapts weights according to metadata. The framework further adapts weights of terms in the loss function through a combination of the polynomial expansion of cross-entropy loss and focal loss. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed framework consistently outperforms baseline methods. Lastly, our sensitive analysis emphasizes the capability of the proposed framework to handle the long-tailed problem and mitigate the negative impact of noisy labels.


RLSbench: Domain Adaptation Under Relaxed Label Shift

Authors:Saurabh Garg, Nick Erickson, James Sharpnack, Alex Smola, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Zachary C. Lipton

Despite the emergence of principled methods for domain adaptation under label shift, the sensitivity of these methods for minor shifts in the class conditional distributions remains precariously under explored. Meanwhile, popular deep domain adaptation heuristics tend to falter when faced with shifts in label proportions. While several papers attempt to adapt these heuristics to accommodate shifts in label proportions, inconsistencies in evaluation criteria, datasets, and baselines, make it hard to assess the state of the art. In this paper, we introduce RLSbench, a large-scale relaxed label shift benchmark, consisting of >500 distribution shift pairs that draw on 14 datasets across vision, tabular, and language modalities and compose them with varying label proportions. First, we evaluate 13 popular domain adaptation methods, demonstrating more widespread failures under label proportion shifts than were previously known. Next, we develop an effective two-step meta-algorithm that is compatible with most deep domain adaptation heuristics: (i) pseudo-balance the data at each epoch; and (ii) adjust the final classifier with (an estimate of) target label distribution. The meta-algorithm improves existing domain adaptation heuristics often by 2—10\% accuracy points under extreme label proportion shifts and has little (i.e., <0.5\%) effect when label proportions do not shift. We hope that these findings and the availability of RLSbench will encourage researchers to rigorously evaluate proposed methods in relaxed label shift settings. Code is publicly available at


Domain Adaptation for Time Series Under Feature and Label Shifts

Authors:Huan He, Owen Queen, Teddy Koker, Consuelo Cuevas, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Marinka Zitnik

The transfer of models trained on labeled datasets in a source domain to unlabeled target domains is made possible by unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). However, when dealing with complex time series models, the transferability becomes challenging due to the dynamic temporal structure that varies between domains, resulting in feature shifts and gaps in the time and frequency representations. Furthermore, tasks in the source and target domains can have vastly different label distributions, making it difficult for UDA to mitigate label shifts and recognize labels that only exist in the target domain. We present RAINCOAT, the first model for both closed-set and universal DA on complex time series. RAINCOAT addresses feature and label shifts by considering both temporal and frequency features, aligning them across domains, and correcting for misalignments to facilitate the detection of private labels. Additionally,RAINCOAT improves transferability by identifying label shifts in target domains. Our experiments with 5 datasets and 13 state-of-the-art UDA methods demonstrate that RAINCOAT can achieve an improvement in performance of up to 16.33%, and can effectively handle both closed-set and universal adaptation.
PDF 24 pages (13 pages main paper + 11 pages supplementary materials)


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