Domain Adaptation

2023-02-06 更新

Zero Shot Transfer of Legal Judgement Prediction as Article-aware Entailment for the European Court of Human Rights

Authors:T. Y. S. S Santosh, Oana Ichim, Matthias Grabmair

In this paper, we cast Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) from text on European Court of Human Rights cases as an entailment task, where the case outcome is classified from a combined input of case facts and convention articles. This configuration facilitates the model learning legal reasoning ability in mapping article text to specific fact text. It also provides the opportunity to evaluate the model’s ability to generalize to zero-shot settings when asked to classify the case outcome with respect to articles not seen during training. We devise zero-shot LJP experiments and apply domain adaptation methods based on domain discriminator and Wasserstein distance. Our results demonstrate that the entailment architecture outperforms straightforward fact classification. We also find that domain adaptation methods improve zero-shot transfer performance, with article relatedness and encoder pre-training influencing the effect.
PDF Accepted to EACL Findings 2023


Class Overwhelms: Mutual Conditional Blended-Target Domain Adaptation

Authors:Pengcheng Xu, Boyu Wang, Charles Ling

Current methods of blended targets domain adaptation (BTDA) usually infer or consider domain label information but underemphasize hybrid categorical feature structures of targets, which yields limited performance, especially under the label distribution shift. We demonstrate that domain labels are not directly necessary for BTDA if categorical distributions of various domains are sufficiently aligned even facing the imbalance of domains and the label distribution shift of classes. However, we observe that the cluster assumption in BTDA does not comprehensively hold. The hybrid categorical feature space hinders the modeling of categorical distributions and the generation of reliable pseudo labels for categorical alignment. To address these, we propose a categorical domain discriminator guided by uncertainty to explicitly model and directly align categorical distributions $P(Z|Y)$. Simultaneously, we utilize the low-level features to augment the single source features with diverse target styles to rectify the biased classifier $P(Y|Z)$ among diverse targets. Such a mutual conditional alignment of $P(Z|Y)$ and $P(Y|Z)$ forms a mutual reinforced mechanism. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in BTDA even compared with methods utilizing domain labels, especially under the label distribution shift, and in single target DA on DomainNet.


Bioformer: an efficient transformer language model for biomedical text mining

Authors:Li Fang, Qingyu Chen, Chih-Hsuan Wei, Zhiyong Lu, Kai Wang

Pretrained language models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Recently, BERT has been adapted to the biomedical domain. Despite the effectiveness, these models have hundreds of millions of parameters and are computationally expensive when applied to large-scale NLP applications. We hypothesized that the number of parameters of the original BERT can be dramatically reduced with minor impact on performance. In this study, we present Bioformer, a compact BERT model for biomedical text mining. We pretrained two Bioformer models (named Bioformer8L and Bioformer16L) which reduced the model size by 60% compared to BERTBase. Bioformer uses a biomedical vocabulary and was pre-trained from scratch on PubMed abstracts and PubMed Central full-text articles. We thoroughly evaluated the performance of Bioformer as well as existing biomedical BERT models including BioBERT and PubMedBERT on 15 benchmark datasets of four different biomedical NLP tasks: named entity recognition, relation extraction, question answering and document classification. The results show that with 60% fewer parameters, Bioformer16L is only 0.1% less accurate than PubMedBERT while Bioformer8L is 0.9% less accurate than PubMedBERT. Both Bioformer16L and Bioformer8L outperformed BioBERTBase-v1.1. In addition, Bioformer16L and Bioformer8L are 2-3 fold as fast as PubMedBERT/BioBERTBase-v1.1. Bioformer has been successfully deployed to PubTator Central providing gene annotations over 35 million PubMed abstracts and 5 million PubMed Central full-text articles. We make Bioformer publicly available via, including pre-trained models, datasets, and instructions for downstream use.


Efficient Domain Adaptation for Speech Foundation Models

Authors:Bo Li, Dongseong Hwang, Zhouyuan Huo, Junwen Bai, Guru Prakash, Tara N. Sainath, Khe Chai Sim, Yu Zhang, Wei Han, Trevor Strohman, Francoise Beaufays

Foundation models (FMs), that are trained on broad data at scale and are adaptable to a wide range of downstream tasks, have brought large interest in the research community. Benefiting from the diverse data sources such as different modalities, languages and application domains, foundation models have demonstrated strong generalization and knowledge transfer capabilities. In this paper, we present a pioneering study towards building an efficient solution for FM-based speech recognition systems. We adopt the recently developed self-supervised BEST-RQ for pretraining, and propose the joint finetuning with both source and unsupervised target domain data using JUST Hydra. The FM encoder adapter and decoder are then finetuned to the target domain with a small amount of supervised in-domain data. On a large-scale YouTube and Voice Search task, our method is shown to be both data and model parameter efficient. It achieves the same quality with only 21.6M supervised in-domain data and 130.8M finetuned parameters, compared to the 731.1M model trained from scratch on additional 300M supervised in-domain data.


Domain Adaptation via Alignment of Operation Profile for Remaining Useful Lifetime Prediction

Authors:Ismail Nejjar, Fabian Geissmann, Mengjie Zhao, Cees Taal, Olga Fink

Effective Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) relies on accurate prediction of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL). Data-driven RUL prediction techniques rely heavily on the representativeness of the available time-to-failure trajectories. Therefore, these methods may not perform well when applied to data from new units of a fleet that follow different operating conditions than those they were trained on. This is also known as domain shifts. Domain adaptation (DA) methods aim to address the domain shift problem by extracting domain invariant features. However, DA methods do not distinguish between the different phases of operation, such as steady states or transient phases. This can result in misalignment due to under- or over-representation of different operation phases. This paper proposes two novel DA approaches for RUL prediction based on an adversarial domain adaptation framework that considers the different phases of the operation profiles separately. The proposed methodologies align the marginal distributions of each phase of the operation profile in the source domain with its counterpart in the target domain. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is evaluated using the New Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System (N-CMAPSS) dataset, where sub-fleets of turbofan engines operating in one of the three different flight classes (short, medium, and long) are treated as separate domains. The experimental results show that the proposed methods improve the accuracy of RUL predictions compared to current state-of-the-art DA methods.
PDF 18 pages,11 figures


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