
2023-01-30 更新

Cut and Learn for Unsupervised Object Detection and Instance Segmentation

Authors:Xudong Wang, Rohit Girdhar, Stella X. Yu, Ishan Misra

We propose Cut-and-LEaRn (CutLER), a simple approach for training unsupervised object detection and segmentation models. We leverage the property of self-supervised models to ‘discover’ objects without supervision and amplify it to train a state-of-the-art localization model without any human labels. CutLER first uses our proposed MaskCut approach to generate coarse masks for multiple objects in an image and then learns a detector on these masks using our robust loss function. We further improve the performance by self-training the model on its predictions. Compared to prior work, CutLER is simpler, compatible with different detection architectures, and detects multiple objects. CutLER is also a zero-shot unsupervised detector and improves detection performance AP50 by over 2.7 times on 11 benchmarks across domains like video frames, paintings, sketches, etc. With finetuning, CutLER serves as a low-shot detector surpassing MoCo-v2 by 7.3% APbox and 6.6% APmask on COCO when training with 5% labels.
PDF Tech report. Project page: http://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~xdwang/projects/CutLER/. Code is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/CutLER


Semantic Segmentation Enhanced Transformer Model for Human Attention Prediction

Authors:Shuo Zhang

Saliency Prediction aims to predict the attention distribution of human eyes given an RGB image. Most of the recent state-of-the-art methods are based on deep image feature representations from traditional CNNs. However, the traditional convolution could not capture the global features of the image well due to its small kernel size. Besides, the high-level factors which closely correlate to human visual perception, e.g., objects, color, light, etc., are not considered. Inspired by these, we propose a Transformer-based method with semantic segmentation as another learning objective. More global cues of the image could be captured by Transformer. In addition, simultaneously learning the object segmentation simulates the human visual perception, which we would verify in our investigation of human gaze control in cognitive science. We build an extra decoder for the subtask and the multiple tasks share the same Transformer encoder, forcing it to learn from multiple feature spaces. We find in practice simply adding the subtask might confuse the main task learning, hence Multi-task Attention Module is proposed to deal with the feature interaction between the multiple learning targets. Our method achieves competitive performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods.


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