
2023-01-30 更新

SemSup-XC: Semantic Supervision for Zero and Few-shot Extreme Classification

Authors:Pranjal Aggarwal, Ameet Deshpande, Karthik Narasimhan

Extreme classification (XC) involves predicting over large numbers of classes (thousands to millions), with real-world applications like news article classification and e-commerce product tagging. The zero-shot version of this task requires generalization to novel classes without additional supervision. In this paper, we develop SemSup-XC, a model that achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot and few-shot performance on three XC datasets derived from legal, e-commerce, and Wikipedia data. To develop SemSup-XC, we use automatically collected semantic class descriptions to represent classes and facilitate generalization through a novel hybrid matching module that matches input instances to class descriptions using a combination of semantic and lexical similarity. Trained with contrastive learning, SemSup-XC significantly outperforms baselines and establishes state-of-the-art performance on all three datasets considered, gaining up to 12 precision points on zero-shot and more than 10 precision points on one-shot tests, with similar gains for recall@10. Our ablation studies highlight the relative importance of our hybrid matching module and automatically collected class descriptions.


GeCoNeRF: Few-shot Neural Radiance Fields via Geometric Consistency

Authors:Minseop Kwak, Jiuhn Song, Seungryong Kim

We present a novel framework to regularize Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) in a few-shot setting with a geometry-aware consistency regularization. The proposed approach leverages a rendered depth map at unobserved viewpoint to warp sparse input images to the unobserved viewpoint and impose them as pseudo ground truths to facilitate learning of NeRF. By encouraging such geometry-aware consistency at a feature-level instead of using pixel-level reconstruction loss, we regularize the NeRF at semantic and structural levels while allowing for modeling view dependent radiance to account for color variations across viewpoints. We also propose an effective method to filter out erroneous warped solutions, along with training strategies to stabilize training during optimization. We show that our model achieves competitive results compared to state-of-the-art few-shot NeRF models. Project page is available at https://ku-cvlab.github.io/GeCoNeRF/.


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