2023-01-26 更新
Bipartite Graph Diffusion Model for Human Interaction Generation
Authors:Baptiste Chopin, Hao Tang, Mohamed Daoudi
The generation of natural human motion interactions is a hot topic in computer vision and computer animation. It is a challenging task due to the diversity of possible human motion interactions. Diffusion models, which have already shown remarkable generative capabilities in other domains, are a good candidate for this task. In this paper, we introduce a novel bipartite graph diffusion method (BiGraphDiff) to generate human motion interactions between two persons. Specifically, bipartite node sets are constructed to model the inherent geometric constraints between skeleton nodes during interactions. The interaction graph diffusion model is transformer-based, combining some state-of-the-art motion methods. We show that the proposed achieves new state-of-the-art results on leading benchmarks for the human interaction generation task.
StyleGAN-T: Unlocking the Power of GANs for Fast Large-Scale Text-to-Image Synthesis
Authors:Axel Sauer, Tero Karras, Samuli Laine, Andreas Geiger, Timo Aila
Text-to-image synthesis has recently seen significant progress thanks to large pretrained language models, large-scale training data, and the introduction of scalable model families such as diffusion and autoregressive models. However, the best-performing models require iterative evaluation to generate a single sample. In contrast, generative adversarial networks (GANs) only need a single forward pass. They are thus much faster, but they currently remain far behind the state-of-the-art in large-scale text-to-image synthesis. This paper aims to identify the necessary steps to regain competitiveness. Our proposed model, StyleGAN-T, addresses the specific requirements of large-scale text-to-image synthesis, such as large capacity, stable training on diverse datasets, strong text alignment, and controllable variation vs. text alignment tradeoff. StyleGAN-T significantly improves over previous GANs and outperforms distilled diffusion models - the previous state-of-the-art in fast text-to-image synthesis - in terms of sample quality and speed.
PDF Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/stylegan-t/
RainDiffusion:When Unsupervised Learning Meets Diffusion Models for Real-world Image Deraining
Authors:Mingqiang Wei, Yiyang Shen, Yongzhen Wang, Haoran Xie, Fu Lee Wang
What will happen when unsupervised learning meets diffusion models for real-world image deraining? To answer it, we propose RainDiffusion, the first unsupervised image deraining paradigm based on diffusion models. Beyond the traditional unsupervised wisdom of image deraining, RainDiffusion introduces stable training of unpaired real-world data instead of weakly adversarial training. RainDiffusion consists of two cooperative branches: Non-diffusive Translation Branch (NTB) and Diffusive Translation Branch (DTB). NTB exploits a cycle-consistent architecture to bypass the difficulty in unpaired training of standard diffusion models by generating initial clean/rainy image pairs. DTB leverages two conditional diffusion modules to progressively refine the desired output with initial image pairs and diffusive generative prior, to obtain a better generalization ability of deraining and rain generation. Rain-Diffusion is a non adversarial training paradigm, serving as a new standard bar for real-world image deraining. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of our RainDiffusion over un/semi-supervised methods and show its competitive advantages over fully-supervised ones.
PDF 9 pages
Separate And Diffuse: Using a Pretrained Diffusion Model for Improving Source Separation
Authors:Shahar Lutati, Eliya Nachmani, Lior Wolf
The problem of speech separation, also known as the cocktail party problem, refers to the task of isolating a single speech signal from a mixture of speech signals. Previous work on source separation derived an upper bound for the source separation task in the domain of human speech. This bound is derived for deterministic models. Recent advancements in generative models challenge this bound. We show how the upper bound can be generalized to the case of random generative models. Applying a diffusion model Vocoder that was pretrained to model single-speaker voices on the output of a deterministic separation model leads to state-of-the-art separation results. It is shown that this requires one to combine the output of the separation model with that of the diffusion model. In our method, a linear combination is performed, in the frequency domain, using weights that are inferred by a learned model. We show state-of-the-art results on 2, 3, 5, 10, and 20 speakers on multiple benchmarks. In particular, for two speakers, our method is able to surpass what was previously considered the upper performance bound.
Dif-Fusion: Towards High Color Fidelity in Infrared and Visible Image Fusion with Diffusion Models
Authors:Jun Yue, Leyuan Fang, Shaobo Xia, Yue Deng, Jiayi Ma
Color plays an important role in human visual perception, reflecting the spectrum of objects. However, the existing infrared and visible image fusion methods rarely explore how to handle multi-spectral/channel data directly and achieve high color fidelity. This paper addresses the above issue by proposing a novel method with diffusion models, termed as Dif-Fusion, to generate the distribution of the multi-channel input data, which increases the ability of multi-source information aggregation and the fidelity of colors. In specific, instead of converting multi-channel images into single-channel data in existing fusion methods, we create the multi-channel data distribution with a denoising network in a latent space with forward and reverse diffusion process. Then, we use the the denoising network to extract the multi-channel diffusion features with both visible and infrared information. Finally, we feed the multi-channel diffusion features to the multi-channel fusion module to directly generate the three-channel fused image. To retain the texture and intensity information, we propose multi-channel gradient loss and intensity loss. Along with the current evaluation metrics for measuring texture and intensity fidelity, we introduce a new evaluation metric to quantify color fidelity. Extensive experiments indicate that our method is more effective than other state-of-the-art image fusion methods, especially in color fidelity.
PDF This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
Fast Inference in Denoising Diffusion Models via MMD Finetuning
Authors:Emanuele Aiello, Diego Valsesia, Enrico Magli
Denoising Diffusion Models (DDMs) have become a popular tool for generating high-quality samples from complex data distributions. These models are able to capture sophisticated patterns and structures in the data, and can generate samples that are highly diverse and representative of the underlying distribution. However, one of the main limitations of diffusion models is the complexity of sample generation, since a large number of inference timesteps is required to faithfully capture the data distribution. In this paper, we present MMD-DDM, a novel method for fast sampling of diffusion models. Our approach is based on the idea of using the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) to finetune the learned distribution with a given budget of timesteps. This allows the finetuned model to significantly improve the speed-quality trade-off, by substantially increasing fidelity in inference regimes with few steps or, equivalently, by reducing the required number of steps to reach a target fidelity, thus paving the way for a more practical adoption of diffusion models in a wide range of applications. We evaluate our approach on unconditional image generation with extensive experiments across the CIFAR-10, CelebA, ImageNet and LSUN-Church datasets. Our findings show that the proposed method is able to produce high-quality samples in a fraction of the time required by widely-used diffusion models, and outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for accelerated sampling. Code is available at: https://github.com/diegovalsesia/MMD-DDM.