
2023-01-13 更新

LiteLSTM Architecture Based on Weights Sharing for Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors:Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Anthony S. Maida

Long short-term memory (LSTM) is one of the robust recurrent neural network architectures for learning sequential data. However, it requires considerable computational power to learn and implement both software and hardware aspects. This paper proposed a novel LiteLSTM architecture based on reducing the LSTM computation components via the weights sharing concept to reduce the overall architecture computation cost and maintain the architecture performance. The proposed LiteLSTM can be significant for processing large data where time-consuming is crucial while hardware resources are limited, such as the security of IoT devices and medical data processing. The proposed model was evaluated and tested empirically on three different datasets from the computer vision, cybersecurity, speech emotion recognition domains. The proposed LiteLSTM has comparable accuracy to the other state-of-the-art recurrent architecture while using a smaller computation budget.
PDF Under the second reviewing round in the SN Computer Science Journal. Extended version of the LiteLSTM Architecture for Deep Recurrent Neural Networks paper that have been published in the IEEE ISCAS 2022 conference. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2201.11624


A Dataset of Kurdish (Sorani) Named Entities — An Amendment to Kurdish-BLARK Named Entities

Authors:Sazan Salar, Hossein Hassani

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is one of the essential applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is also an instrument that plays a significant role in many other NLP applications, such as Machine Translation (MT), Information Retrieval (IR), and Part of Speech Tagging (POST). Kurdish is an under-resourced language from the NLP perspective. Particularly, in all the categories, the lack of NER resources hinders other aspects of Kurdish processing. In this work, we present a data set that covers several categories of NEs in Kurdish (Sorani). The dataset is a significant amendment to a previously developed dataset in the Kurdish BLARK (Basic Language Resource Kit). It covers 11 categories and 33261 entries in total. The dataset is publicly available for non-commercial use under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license at https://kurdishblark.github.io/.
PDF The dataset is available at https://github.com/KurdishBLARK/KurdishNamedEntities


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