
2023-01-13 更新

Head-Free Lightweight Semantic Segmentation with Linear Transformer

Authors:Bo Dong, Pichao Wang, Fan Wang

Existing semantic segmentation works have been mainly focused on designing effective decoders; however, the computational load introduced by the overall structure has long been ignored, which hinders their applications on resource-constrained hardwares. In this paper, we propose a head-free lightweight architecture specifically for semantic segmentation, named Adaptive Frequency Transformer. It adopts a parallel architecture to leverage prototype representations as specific learnable local descriptions which replaces the decoder and preserves the rich image semantics on high-resolution features. Although removing the decoder compresses most of the computation, the accuracy of the parallel structure is still limited by low computational resources. Therefore, we employ heterogeneous operators (CNN and Vision Transformer) for pixel embedding and prototype representations to further save computational costs. Moreover, it is very difficult to linearize the complexity of the vision Transformer from the perspective of spatial domain. Due to the fact that semantic segmentation is very sensitive to frequency information, we construct a lightweight prototype learning block with adaptive frequency filter of complexity $O(n)$ to replace standard self attention with $O(n^{2})$. Extensive experiments on widely adopted datasets demonstrate that our model achieves superior accuracy while retaining only 3M parameters. On the ADE20K dataset, our model achieves 41.8 mIoU and 4.6 GFLOPs, which is 4.4 mIoU higher than Segformer, with 45% less GFLOPs. On the Cityscapes dataset, our model achieves 78.7 mIoU and 34.4 GFLOPs, which is 2.5 mIoU higher than Segformer with 72.5% less GFLOPs. Code is available at https://github.com/dongbo811/AFFormer.
PDF Accepted by AAAI2023; codes and models are available at https://github.com/dongbo811/AFFormer


1st Place Solution for ECCV 2022 OOD-CV Challenge Object Detection Track

Authors:Wei Zhao, Binbin Chen, Weijie Chen, Shicai Yang, Di Xie, Shiliang Pu, Yueting Zhuang

OOD-CV challenge is an out-of-distribution generalization task. To solve this problem in object detection track, we propose a simple yet effective Generalize-then-Adapt (G&A) framework, which is composed of a two-stage domain generalization part and a one-stage domain adaptation part. The domain generalization part is implemented by a Supervised Model Pretraining stage using source data for model warm-up and a Weakly Semi-Supervised Model Pretraining stage using both source data with box-level label and auxiliary data (ImageNet-1K) with image-level label for performance boosting. The domain adaptation part is implemented as a Source-Free Domain Adaptation paradigm, which only uses the pre-trained model and the unlabeled target data to further optimize in a self-supervised training manner. The proposed G&A framework help us achieve the first place on the object detection leaderboard of the OOD-CV challenge. Code will be released in https://github.com/hikvision-research/OOD-CV.
PDF Tech Report


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