
2023-01-06 更新

High-level semantic feature matters few-shot unsupervised domain adaptation

Authors:Lei Yu, Wanqi Yang, Shengqi Huang, Lei Wang, Ming Yang

In few-shot unsupervised domain adaptation (FS-UDA), most existing methods followed the few-shot learning (FSL) methods to leverage the low-level local features (learned from conventional convolutional models, e.g., ResNet) for classification. However, the goal of FS-UDA and FSL are relevant yet distinct, since FS-UDA aims to classify the samples in target domain rather than source domain. We found that the local features are insufficient to FS-UDA, which could introduce noise or bias against classification, and not be used to effectively align the domains. To address the above issues, we aim to refine the local features to be more discriminative and relevant to classification. Thus, we propose a novel task-specific semantic feature learning method (TSECS) for FS-UDA. TSECS learns high-level semantic features for image-to-class similarity measurement. Based on the high-level features, we design a cross-domain self-training strategy to leverage the few labeled samples in source domain to build the classifier in target domain. In addition, we minimize the KL divergence of the high-level feature distributions between source and target domains to shorten the distance of the samples between the two domains. Extensive experiments on DomainNet show that the proposed method significantly outperforms SOTA methods in FS-UDA by a large margin (i.e., 10%).


Authors:Hojin Park, Jaewoo Park, Andrew Beng Jin Teoh

In this paper, we focus on addressing the open-set face identification problem on a few-shot gallery by fine-tuning. The problem assumes a realistic scenario for face identification, where only a small number of face images is given for enrollment and any unknown identity must be rejected during identification. We observe that face recognition models pretrained on a large dataset and naively fine-tuned models perform poorly for this task. Motivated by this issue, we propose an effective fine-tuning scheme with classifier weight imprinting and exclusive BatchNorm layer tuning. For further improvement of rejection accuracy on unknown identities, we propose a novel matcher called Neighborhood Aware Cosine (NAC) that computes similarity based on neighborhood information. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes thoroughly on large-scale face benchmarks across different convolutional neural network architectures. The source code for this project is available at: https://github.com/1ho0jin1/OSFI-by-FineTuning


Critical Perspectives: A Benchmark Revealing Pitfalls in PerspectiveAPI

Authors:Lorena Piedras, Lucas Rosenblatt, Julia Wilkins

Detecting “toxic” language in internet content is a pressing social and technical challenge. In this work, we focus on PERSPECTIVE from Jigsaw, a state-of-the-art tool that promises to score the “toxicity” of text, with a recent model update that claims impressive results (Lees et al., 2022). We seek to challenge certain normative claims about toxic language by proposing a new benchmark, Selected Adversarial SemanticS, or SASS. We evaluate PERSPECTIVE on SASS, and compare to low-effort alternatives, like zero-shot and few-shot GPT-3 prompt models, in binary classification settings. We find that PERSPECTIVE exhibits troubling shortcomings across a number of our toxicity categories. SASS provides a new tool for evaluating performance on previously undetected toxic language that avoids common normative pitfalls. Our work leads us to emphasize the importance of questioning assumptions made by tools already in deployment for toxicity detection in order to anticipate and prevent disparate harms.


文章作者: 木子已
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