
2022-12-29 更新

Towards Transferable Unrestricted Adversarial Examples with Minimum Changes

Authors:Fangcheng Liu, Chao Zhang, Hongyang Zhang

Transfer-based adversarial example is one of the most important classes of black-box attacks. However, there is a trade-off between transferability and imperceptibility of the adversarial perturbation. Prior work in this direction often requires a fixed but large $\ellp$-norm perturbation budget to reach a good transfer success rate, leading to perceptible adversarial perturbations. On the other hand, most of the current unrestricted adversarial attacks that aim to generate semantic-preserving perturbations suffer from weaker transferability to the target model. In this work, we propose a geometry-aware framework to generate transferable adversarial examples with minimum changes. Analogous to model selection in statistical machine learning, we leverage a validation model to select the best perturbation budget for each image under both the $\ell{\infty}$-norm and unrestricted threat models. We propose a principled method for the partition of training and validation models by encouraging intra-group diversity while penalizing extra-group similarity. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of our framework on balancing imperceptibility and transferability of the crafted adversarial examples. The methodology is the foundation of our entry to the CVPR’21 Security AI Challenger: Unrestricted Adversarial Attacks on ImageNet, in which we ranked 1st place out of 1,559 teams and surpassed the runner-up submissions by 4.59% and 23.91% in terms of final score and average image quality level, respectively. Code is available at https://github.com/Equationliu/GA-Attack.
PDF Accepted at SaTML 2023


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