I2I Translation

2022-12-28 更新

DSI2I: Dense Style for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Baran Ozaydin, Tong Zhang, Sabine Susstrunk, Mathieu Salzmann

Unpaired exemplar-based image-to-image (UEI2I) translation aims to translate a source image to a target image domain with the style of a target image exemplar, without ground-truth input-translation pairs. Existing UEI2I methods represent style using either a global, image-level feature vector, or one vector per object instance/class but requiring knowledge of the scene semantics. Here, by contrast, we propose to represent style as a dense feature map, allowing for a finer-grained transfer to the source image without requiring any external semantic information. We then rely on perceptual and adversarial losses to disentangle our dense style and content representations, and exploit unsupervised cross-domain semantic correspondences to warp the exemplar style to the source content. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on two datasets using standard metrics together with a new localized style metric measuring style similarity in a class-wise manner. Our results evidence that the translations produced by our approach are more diverse and closer to the exemplars than those of the state-of-the-art methods while nonetheless preserving the source content.
PDF In submission for CVPR23


Deformable Surface Reconstruction via Riemannian Metric Preservation

Authors:Oriol Barbany, Adrià Colomé, Carme Torras

Estimating the pose of an object from a monocular image is an inverse problem fundamental in computer vision. The ill-posed nature of this problem requires incorporating deformation priors to solve it. In practice, many materials do not perceptibly shrink or extend when manipulated, constituting a powerful and well-known prior. Mathematically, this translates to the preservation of the Riemannian metric. Neural networks offer the perfect playground to solve the surface reconstruction problem as they can approximate surfaces with arbitrary precision and allow the computation of differential geometry quantities. This paper presents an approach to inferring continuous deformable surfaces from a sequence of images, which is benchmarked against several techniques and obtains state-of-the-art performance without the need for offline training.


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