
2022-12-22 更新

UnICLAM:Contrastive Representation Learning with Adversarial Masking for Unified and Interpretable Medical Vision Question Answering

Authors:Chenlu Zhan, Peng Peng, Hongsen Wang, Tao Chen, Hongwei Wang

Medical Visual Question Answering (Medical-VQA) aims to answer clinical questions regarding radiology images, assisting doctors with decision-making options. Nevertheless, current Medical-VQA models learn cross-modal representations through residing vision and texture encoders in dual separate spaces, which lead to indirect semantic alignment. In this paper, we propose UnICLAM, a Unified and Interpretable Medical-VQA model through Contrastive Representation Learning with Adversarial Masking. Specifically, to learn an aligned image-text representation, we first establish a unified dual-stream pre-training structure with the gradually soft-parameter sharing strategy. Technically, the proposed strategy learns a constraint for the vision and texture encoders to be close in a same space, which is gradually loosened as the higher number of layers. Moreover, for grasping the semantic representation, we extend the unified Adversarial Masking data augmentation strategy to the contrastive representation learning of vision and text in a unified manner, alleviating the meaningless of the commonly used random mask. Concretely, while the encoder training minimizes the distance between the original feature and the masking feature, the adversarial masking model keeps adversarial learning to conversely maximize the distance. Furthermore, we also intuitively take a further exploration of the unified adversarial masking strategy, which improves the potential ante-hoc interpretability with remarkable performance and efficiency. Experimental results on VQA-RAD and SLAKE public benchmarks demonstrate that UnICLAM outperforms the existing 11 state-of-the-art Medical-VQA models. More importantly, we make an additional discussion about the performance of UnICLAM in diagnosing heart failure, verifying that UnICLAM exhibits superior few-shot adaption performance in practical disease diagnosis.


Similarity Contrastive Estimation for Image and Video Soft Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning

Authors:Julien Denize, Jaonary Rabarisoa, Astrid Orcesi, Romain Hérault

Contrastive representation learning has proven to be an effective self-supervised learning method for images and videos. Most successful approaches are based on Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) and use different views of an instance as positives that should be contrasted with other instances, called negatives, that are considered as noise. However, several instances in a dataset are drawn from the same distribution and share underlying semantic information. A good data representation should contain relations between the instances, or semantic similarity and dissimilarity, that contrastive learning harms by considering all negatives as noise. To circumvent this issue, we propose a novel formulation of contrastive learning using semantic similarity between instances called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE). Our training objective is a soft contrastive one that brings the positives closer and estimates a continuous distribution to push or pull negative instances based on their learned similarities. We validate empirically our approach on both image and video representation learning. We show that SCE performs competitively with the state of the art on the ImageNet linear evaluation protocol for fewer pretraining epochs and that it generalizes to several downstream image tasks. We also show that SCE reaches state-of-the-art results for pretraining video representation and that the learned representation can generalize to video downstream tasks.
PDF Extended version of our WACV 2023 paper to video self-supervised learning


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