
2022-12-19 更新

MURMUR: Modular Multi-Step Reasoning for Semi-Structured Data-to-Text Generation

Authors:Swarnadeep Saha, Xinyan Velocity Yu, Mohit Bansal, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Asli Celikyilmaz

Prompting large language models has enabled significant recent progress in multi-step reasoning over text. However, when applied to text generation from semi-structured data (e.g., graphs or tables), these methods typically suffer from low semantic coverage, hallucination, and logical inconsistency. We propose MURMUR, a neuro-symbolic modular approach to text generation from semi-structured data with multi-step reasoning. MURMUR is a best-first search method that generates reasoning paths using: (1) neural and symbolic modules with specific linguistic and logical skills, (2) a grammar whose production rules define valid compositions of modules, and (3) value functions that assess the quality of each reasoning step. We conduct experiments on two diverse data-to-text generation tasks like WebNLG and LogicNLG. These tasks differ in their data representations (graphs and tables) and span multiple linguistic and logical skills. MURMUR obtains significant improvements over recent few-shot baselines like direct prompting and chain-of-thought prompting, while also achieving comparable performance to fine-tuned GPT-2 on out-of-domain data. Moreover, human evaluation shows that MURMUR generates highly faithful and correct reasoning paths that lead to 26% more logically consistent summaries on LogicNLG, compared to direct prompting.
PDF 22 pages (9 figures, 18 tables)


FewFedWeight: Few-shot Federated Learning Framework across Multiple NLP Tasks

Authors:Weilong Dong, Xinwei Wu, Junzhuo Li, Shuangzhi Wu, Chao Bian, Deyi Xiong

Massively multi-task learning with large language models has recently made substantial progress on few-shot generalization. However, this is usually performed in a centralized learning fashion, ignoring the privacy sensitivity issue of (annotated) data used in multiple tasks. To mitigate this issue, we propose FewFedWeight, a few-shot federated learning framework across multiple tasks, to achieve the best of both worlds: privacy preservation and cross-task generalization. FewFedWeight trains client models in isolated devices without sharing data. It broadcasts the global model in the server to each client and produces pseudo data for clients so that knowledge from the global model can be explored to enhance few-shot learning of each client model. An energy-based algorithm is further proposed to weight pseudo samples in order to reduce the negative impact of noise from the generated pseudo data. Adaptive model weights of client models are also tuned according to their performance. We use these model weights to dynamically aggregate client models to update the global model. Experiments on 118 NLP tasks show that FewFedWeight can significantly improve the performance of client models on 61% tasks with an average performance improvement rate of 30.5% over the baseline and substantially outperform FedAvg and other decentralized learning methods.


Fast Rule-Based Decoding: Revisiting Syntactic Rules in Neural Constituency Parsing

Authors:Tianyu Shi, Zhicheng Wang, Liyin Xiao, Cong Liu

Most recent studies on neural constituency parsing focus on encoder structures, while few developments are devoted to decoders. Previous research has demonstrated that probabilistic statistical methods based on syntactic rules are particularly effective in constituency parsing, whereas syntactic rules are not used during the training of neural models in prior work probably due to their enormous computation requirements. In this paper, we first implement a fast CKY decoding procedure harnessing GPU acceleration, based on which we further derive a syntactic rule-based (rule-constrained) CKY decoding. In the experiments, our method obtains 95.89 and 92.52 F1 on the datasets of PTB and CTB respectively, which shows significant improvements compared with previous approaches. Besides, our parser achieves strong and competitive cross-domain performance in zero-shot settings.


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