
2022-12-08 更新

LAVENDER: Unifying Video-Language Understanding as Masked Language Modeling

Authors:Linjie Li, Zhe Gan, Kevin Lin, Chung-Ching Lin, Zicheng Liu, Ce Liu, Lijuan Wang

Unified vision-language frameworks have greatly advanced in recent years, most of which adopt an encoder-decoder architecture to unify image-text tasks as sequence-to-sequence generation. However, existing video-language (VidL) models still require task-specific designs in model architecture and training objectives for each task. In this work, we explore a unified VidL framework LAVENDER, where Masked Language Modeling (MLM) is used as the common interface for all pre-training and downstream tasks. Such unification leads to a simplified model architecture, where only a lightweight MLM head, instead of a decoder with much more parameters, is needed on top of the multimodal encoder. Surprisingly, experimental results show that this unified framework achieves competitive performance on 14 VidL benchmarks, covering video question answering, text-to-video retrieval and video captioning. Extensive analyses further demonstrate the advantage of LAVENDER over existing VidL methods in: (i) supporting all downstream tasks with just a single set of parameter values when multi-task finetuned; (ii) few-shot generalization on various downstream tasks; and (iii) enabling zero-shot evaluation on video question answering tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/microsoft/LAVENDER.


Revisiting the “Video” in Video-Language Understanding

Authors:Shyamal Buch, Cristóbal Eyzaguirre, Adrien Gaidon, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei, Juan Carlos Niebles

What makes a video task uniquely suited for videos, beyond what can be understood from a single image? Building on recent progress in self-supervised image-language models, we revisit this question in the context of video and language tasks. We propose the atemporal probe (ATP), a new model for video-language analysis which provides a stronger bound on the baseline accuracy of multimodal models constrained by image-level understanding. By applying this model to standard discriminative video and language tasks, such as video question answering and text-to-video retrieval, we characterize the limitations and potential of current video-language benchmarks. We find that understanding of event temporality is often not necessary to achieve strong or state-of-the-art performance, even compared with recent large-scale video-language models and in contexts intended to benchmark deeper video-level understanding. We also demonstrate how ATP can improve both video-language dataset and model design. We describe a technique for leveraging ATP to better disentangle dataset subsets with a higher concentration of temporally challenging data, improving benchmarking efficacy for causal and temporal understanding. Further, we show that effectively integrating ATP into full video-level temporal models can improve efficiency and state-of-the-art accuracy.
PDF CVPR 2022 (Oral)


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