
2022-12-08 更新

Teaching Where to Look: Attention Similarity Knowledge Distillation for Low Resolution Face Recognition

Authors:Sungho Shin, Joosoon Lee, Junseok Lee, Yeonguk Yu, Kyoobin Lee

Deep learning has achieved outstanding performance for face recognition benchmarks, but performance reduces significantly for low resolution (LR) images. We propose an attention similarity knowledge distillation approach, which transfers attention maps obtained from a high resolution (HR) network as a teacher into an LR network as a student to boost LR recognition performance. Inspired by humans being able to approximate an object’s region from an LR image based on prior knowledge obtained from HR images, we designed the knowledge distillation loss using the cosine similarity to make the student network’s attention resemble the teacher network’s attention. Experiments on various LR face related benchmarks confirmed the proposed method generally improved recognition performances on LR settings, outperforming state-of-the-art results by simply transferring well-constructed attention maps. The code and pretrained models are publicly available in the https://github.com/gist-ailab/teaching-where-to-look.
PDF ECCV 2022 accepted


HiMFR: A Hybrid Masked Face Recognition Through Face Inpainting

Authors:Md Imran Hosen, Md Baharul Islam

To recognize the masked face, one of the possible solutions could be to restore the occluded part of the face first and then apply the face recognition method. Inspired by the recent image inpainting methods, we propose an end-to-end hybrid masked face recognition system, namely HiMFR, consisting of three significant parts: masked face detector, face inpainting, and face recognition. The masked face detector module applies a pretrained Vision Transformer (ViT_b32) to detect whether faces are covered with masked or not. The inpainting module uses a fine-tune image inpainting model based on a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to restore faces. Finally, the hybrid face recognition module based on ViT with an EfficientNetB3 backbone recognizes the faces. We have implemented and evaluated our proposed method on four different publicly available datasets: CelebA, SSDMNV2, MAFA, {Pubfig83} with our locally collected small dataset, namely Face5. Comprehensive experimental results show the efficacy of the proposed HiMFR method with competitive performance. Code is available at https://github.com/mdhosen/HiMFR
PDF 7 pages, 6 figures, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Workshop: Deep Learning for Visual Detection and Recognition


CORE: Consistent Representation Learning for Face Forgery Detection

Authors:Yunsheng Ni, Depu Meng, Changqian Yu, Chengbin Quan, Dongchun Ren, Youjian Zhao

Face manipulation techniques develop rapidly and arouse widespread public concerns. Despite that vanilla convolutional neural networks achieve acceptable performance, they suffer from the overfitting issue. To relieve this issue, there is a trend to introduce some erasing-based augmentations. We find that these methods indeed attempt to implicitly induce more consistent representations for different augmentations via assigning the same label for different augmented images. However, due to the lack of explicit regularization, the consistency between different representations is less satisfactory. Therefore, we constrain the consistency of different representations explicitly and propose a simple yet effective framework, COnsistent REpresentation Learning (CORE). Specifically, we first capture the different representations with different augmentations, then regularize the cosine distance of the representations to enhance the consistency. Extensive experiments (in-dataset and cross-dataset) demonstrate that CORE performs favorably against state-of-the-art face forgery detection methods.
PDF Accepted by CVPRW 2022


Convolutional Neural Network Based Partial Face Detection

Authors:Md. Towfiqul Islam, Tanzim Ahmed, A. B. M. Raihanur Rashid, Taminul Islam, Md. Sadekur Rahman, Md. Tarek Habib

Due to the massive explanation of artificial intelligence, machine learning technology is being used in various areas of our day-to-day life. In the world, there are a lot of scenarios where a simple crime can be prevented before it may even happen or find the person responsible for it. A face is one distinctive feature that we have and can differentiate easily among many other species. But not just different species, it also plays a significant role in determining someone from the same species as us, humans. Regarding this critical feature, a single problem occurs most often nowadays. When the camera is pointed, it cannot detect a person’s face, and it becomes a poor image. On the other hand, where there was a robbery and a security camera installed, the robber’s identity is almost indistinguishable due to the low-quality camera. But just making an excellent algorithm to work and detecting a face reduces the cost of hardware, and it doesn’t cost that much to focus on that area. Facial recognition, widget control, and such can be done by detecting the face correctly. This study aims to create and enhance a machine learning model that correctly recognizes faces. Total 627 Data have been collected from different Bangladeshi people’s faces on four angels. In this work, CNN, Harr Cascade, Cascaded CNN, Deep CNN & MTCNN are these five machine learning approaches implemented to get the best accuracy of our dataset. After creating and running the model, Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network (MTCNN) achieved 96.2% best model accuracy with training data rather than other machine learning models.
PDF Accepted in 7th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2022, 6 pages, 7 figures


文章作者: 木子已
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