2022-12-08 更新

D-TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes

Authors:Hankyu Jang, Daeyoung Kim

Neural radiance field (NeRF) attracts attention as a promising approach to reconstructing the 3D scene. As NeRF emerges, subsequent studies have been conducted to model dynamic scenes, which include motions or topological changes. However, most of them use an additional deformation network, slowing down the training and rendering speed. Tensorial radiance field (TensoRF) recently shows its potential for fast, high-quality reconstruction of static scenes with compact model size. In this paper, we present D-TensoRF, a tensorial radiance field for dynamic scenes, enabling novel view synthesis at a specific time. We consider the radiance field of a dynamic scene as a 5D tensor. The 5D tensor represents a 4D grid in which each axis corresponds to X, Y, Z, and time and has 1D multi-channel features per element. Similar to TensoRF, we decompose the grid either into rank-one vector components (CP decomposition) or low-rank matrix components (newly proposed MM decomposition). We also use smoothing regularization to reflect the relationship between features at different times (temporal dependency). We conduct extensive evaluations to analyze our models. We show that D-TensoRF with CP decomposition and MM decomposition both have short training times and significantly low memory footprints with quantitatively and qualitatively competitive rendering results in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods in 3D dynamic scene modeling.
PDF 21 pages, 11 figures


GARF:Geometry-Aware Generalized Neural Radiance Field

Authors:Yue Shi, Dingyi Rong, Bingbing Ni, Chang Chen, Wenjun Zhang

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has revolutionized free viewpoint rendering tasks and achieved impressive results. However, the efficiency and accuracy problems hinder its wide applications. To address these issues, we propose Geometry-Aware Generalized Neural Radiance Field (GARF) with a geometry-aware dynamic sampling (GADS) strategy to perform real-time novel view rendering and unsupervised depth estimation on unseen scenes without per-scene optimization. Distinct from most existing generalized NeRFs, our framework infers the unseen scenes on both pixel-scale and geometry-scale with only a few input images. More specifically, our method learns common attributes of novel-view synthesis by an encoder-decoder structure and a point-level learnable multi-view feature fusion module which helps avoid occlusion. To preserve scene characteristics in the generalized model, we introduce an unsupervised depth estimation module to derive the coarse geometry, narrow down the ray sampling interval to proximity space of the estimated surface and sample in expectation maximum position, constituting Geometry-Aware Dynamic Sampling strategy (GADS). Moreover, we introduce a Multi-level Semantic Consistency loss (MSC) to assist more informative representation learning. Extensive experiments on indoor and outdoor datasets show that comparing with state-of-the-art generalized NeRF methods, GARF reduces samples by more than 25\%, while improving rendering quality and 3D geometry estimation.


SceneRF: Self-Supervised Monocular 3D Scene Reconstruction with Radiance Fields

Authors:Anh-Quan Cao, Raoul de Charette

In the literature, 3D reconstruction from 2D image has been extensively addressed but often still requires geometrical supervision. In this paper, we propose SceneRF, a self-supervised monocular scene reconstruction method with neural radiance fields (NeRF) learned from multiple image sequences with pose. To improve geometry prediction, we introduce new geometry constraints and a novel probabilistic sampling strategy that efficiently update radiance fields. As the latter are conditioned on a single frame, scene reconstruction is achieved from the fusion of multiple synthesized novel depth views. This is enabled by our spherical-decoder, which allows hallucination beyond the input frame field of view. Thorough experiments demonstrate that we outperform all baselines on all metrics for novel depth views synthesis and scene reconstruction. Our code is available at


SSDNeRF: Semantic Soft Decomposition of Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Siddhant Ranade, Christoph Lassner, Kai Li, Christian Haene, Shen-Chi Chen, Jean-Charles Bazin, Sofien Bouaziz

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) encode the radiance in a scene parameterized by the scene’s plenoptic function. This is achieved by using an MLP together with a mapping to a higher-dimensional space, and has been proven to capture scenes with a great level of detail. Naturally, the same parameterization can be used to encode additional properties of the scene, beyond just its radiance. A particularly interesting property in this regard is the semantic decomposition of the scene. We introduce a novel technique for semantic soft decomposition of neural radiance fields (named SSDNeRF) which jointly encodes semantic signals in combination with radiance signals of a scene. Our approach provides a soft decomposition of the scene into semantic parts, enabling us to correctly encode multiple semantic classes blending along the same direction — an impossible feat for existing methods. Not only does this lead to a detailed, 3D semantic representation of the scene, but we also show that the regularizing effects of the MLP used for encoding help to improve the semantic representation. We show state-of-the-art segmentation and reconstruction results on a dataset of common objects and demonstrate how the proposed approach can be applied for high quality temporally consistent video editing and re-compositing on a dataset of casually captured selfie videos.
PDF Project page:


Fast Non-Rigid Radiance Fields from Monocularized Data

Authors:Moritz Kappel, Vladislav Golyanik, Susana Castillo, Christian Theobalt, Marcus Magnor

3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis of dynamic scenes from collections of single views recently gained increased attention. Existing work shows impressive results for synthetic setups and forward-facing real-world data, but is severely limited in the training speed and angular range for generating novel views. This paper addresses these limitations and proposes a new method for full 360{\deg} novel view synthesis of non-rigidly deforming scenes. At the core of our method are: 1) An efficient deformation module that decouples the processing of spatial and temporal information for acceleration at training and inference time; and 2) A static module representing the canonical scene as a fast hash-encoded neural radiance field. We evaluate the proposed approach on the established synthetic D-NeRF benchmark, that enables efficient reconstruction from a single monocular view per time-frame randomly sampled from a full hemisphere. We refer to this form of inputs as monocularized data. To prove its practicality for real-world scenarios, we recorded twelve challenging sequences with human actors by sampling single frames from a synchronized multi-view rig. In both cases, our method is trained significantly faster than previous methods (minutes instead of days) while achieving higher visual accuracy for generated novel views. Our source code and data is available at our project page
PDF 17 pages, 12 figures; project page:


StegaNeRF: Embedding Invisible Information within Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Chenxin Li, Brandon Y. Feng, Zhiwen Fan, Panwang Pan, Zhangyang Wang

Recent advances in neural rendering imply a future of widespread visual data distributions through sharing NeRF model weights. However, while common visual data (images and videos) have standard approaches to embed ownership or copyright information explicitly or subtly, the problem remains unexplored for the emerging NeRF format. We present StegaNeRF, a method for steganographic information embedding in NeRF renderings. We design an optimization framework allowing accurate hidden information extractions from images rendered by NeRF, while preserving its original visual quality. We perform experimental evaluations of our method under several potential deployment scenarios, and we further discuss the insights discovered through our analysis. StegaNeRF signifies an initial exploration into the novel problem of instilling customizable, imperceptible, and recoverable information to NeRF renderings, with minimal impact to rendered images. Project page:
PDF Project page:


NeRFEditor: Differentiable Style Decomposition for Full 3D Scene Editing

Authors:Chunyi Sun, Yanbing Liu, Junlin Han, Stephen Gould

We present NeRFEditor, an efficient learning framework for 3D scene editing, which takes a video captured over 360{\deg} as input and outputs a high-quality, identity-preserving stylized 3D scene. Our method supports diverse types of editing such as guided by reference images, text prompts, and user interactions. We achieve this by encouraging a pre-trained StyleGAN model and a NeRF model to learn from each other mutually. Specifically, we use a NeRF model to generate numerous image-angle pairs to train an adjustor, which can adjust the StyleGAN latent code to generate high-fidelity stylized images for any given angle. To extrapolate editing to GAN out-of-domain views, we devise another module that is trained in a self-supervised learning manner. This module maps novel-view images to the hidden space of StyleGAN that allows StyleGAN to generate stylized images on novel views. These two modules together produce guided images in 360{\deg}views to finetune a NeRF to make stylization effects, where a stable fine-tuning strategy is proposed to achieve this. Experiments show that NeRFEditor outperforms prior work on benchmark and real-world scenes with better editability, fidelity, and identity preservation.
PDF Project page:


Neural Fourier Filter Bank

Authors:Zhijie Wu, Yuhe Jin, Kwang Moo Yi

We present a novel method to provide efficient and highly detailed reconstructions. Inspired by wavelets, our main idea is to learn a neural field that decompose the signal both spatially and frequency-wise. We follow the recent grid-based paradigm for spatial decomposition, but unlike existing work, encourage specific frequencies to be stored in each grid via Fourier features encodings. We then apply a multi-layer perceptron with sine activations, taking these Fourier encoded features in at appropriate layers so that higher-frequency components are accumulated on top of lower-frequency components sequentially, which we sum up to form the final output. We demonstrate that our method outperforms the state of the art regarding model compactness and efficiency on multiple tasks: 2D image fitting, 3D shape reconstruction, and neural radiance fields.


Non-uniform Sampling Strategies for NeRF on 360{\textdegree} images

Authors:Takashi Otonari, Satoshi Ikehata, Kiyoharu Aizawa

In recent years, the performance of novel view synthesis using perspective images has dramatically improved with the advent of neural radiance fields (NeRF). This study proposes two novel techniques that effectively build NeRF for 360{\textdegree} omnidirectional images. Due to the characteristics of a 360{\textdegree} image of ERP format that has spatial distortion in their high latitude regions and a 360{\textdegree} wide viewing angle, NeRF’s general ray sampling strategy is ineffective. Hence, the view synthesis accuracy of NeRF is limited and learning is not efficient. We propose two non-uniform ray sampling schemes for NeRF to suit 360{\textdegree} images - distortion-aware ray sampling and content-aware ray sampling. We created an evaluation dataset Synth360 using Replica and SceneCity models of indoor and outdoor scenes, respectively. In experiments, we show that our proposal successfully builds 360{\textdegree} image NeRF in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. The proposal is widely applicable to advanced variants of NeRF. DietNeRF, AugNeRF, and NeRF++ combined with the proposed techniques further improve the performance. Moreover, we show that our proposed method enhances the quality of real-world scenes in 360{\textdegree} images. Synth360:
PDF Accepted at the 33rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2022


One-shot Implicit Animatable Avatars with Model-based Priors

Authors:Yangyi Huang, Hongwei Yi, Weiyang Liu, Haofan Wang, Boxi Wu, Wenxiao Wang, Binbin Lin, Debing Zhang, Deng Cai

Existing neural rendering methods for creating human avatars typically either require dense input signals such as video or multi-view images, or leverage a learned prior from large-scale specific 3D human datasets such that reconstruction can be performed with sparse-view inputs. Most of these methods fail to achieve realistic reconstruction when only a single image is available. To enable the data-efficient creation of realistic animatable 3D humans, we propose ELICIT, a novel method for learning human-specific neural radiance fields from a single image. Inspired by the fact that humans can easily reconstruct the body geometry and infer the full-body clothing from a single image, we leverage two priors in ELICIT: 3D geometry prior and visual semantic prior. Specifically, ELICIT introduces the 3D body shape geometry prior from a skinned vertex-based template model (i.e., SMPL) and implements the visual clothing semantic prior with the CLIP-based pre-trained models. Both priors are used to jointly guide the optimization for creating plausible content in the invisible areas. In order to further improve visual details, we propose a segmentation-based sampling strategy that locally refines different parts of the avatar. Comprehensive evaluations on multiple popular benchmarks, including ZJU-MoCAP, Human3.6M, and DeepFashion, show that ELICIT has outperformed current state-of-the-art avatar creation methods when only a single image is available. Code will be public for reseach purpose at .
PDF Project website:


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