
2022-12-08 更新

D2DF2WOD: Learning Object Proposals for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection via Progressive Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yuting Wang, Ricardo Guerrero, Vladimir Pavlovic

Weakly-supervised object detection (WSOD) models attempt to leverage image-level annotations in lieu of accurate but costly-to-obtain object localization labels. This oftentimes leads to substandard object detection and localization at inference time. To tackle this issue, we propose D2DF2WOD, a Dual-Domain Fully-to-Weakly Supervised Object Detection framework that leverages synthetic data, annotated with precise object localization, to supplement a natural image target domain, where only image-level labels are available. In its warm-up domain adaptation stage, the model learns a fully-supervised object detector (FSOD) to improve the precision of the object proposals in the target domain, and at the same time learns target-domain-specific and detection-aware proposal features. In its main WSOD stage, a WSOD model is specifically tuned to the target domain. The feature extractor and the object proposal generator of the WSOD model are built upon the fine-tuned FSOD model. We test D2DF2WOD on five dual-domain image benchmarks. The results show that our method results in consistently improved object detection and localization compared with state-of-the-art methods.
PDF published in WACV 2023


LWSIS: LiDAR-guided Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Xiang Li, Junbo Yin, Botian Shi, Yikang Li, Ruigang Yang, Jianbin Shen

Image instance segmentation is a fundamental research topic in autonomous driving, which is crucial for scene understanding and road safety. Advanced learning-based approaches often rely on the costly 2D mask annotations for training. In this paper, we present a more artful framework, LiDAR-guided Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation (LWSIS), which leverages the off-the-shelf 3D data, i.e., Point Cloud, together with the 3D boxes, as natural weak supervisions for training the 2D image instance segmentation models. Our LWSIS not only exploits the complementary information in multimodal data during training, but also significantly reduces the annotation cost of the dense 2D masks. In detail, LWSIS consists of two crucial modules, Point Label Assignment (PLA) and Graph-based Consistency Regularization (GCR). The former module aims to automatically assign the 3D point cloud as 2D point-wise labels, while the latter further refines the predictions by enforcing geometry and appearance consistency of the multimodal data. Moreover, we conduct a secondary instance segmentation annotation on the nuScenes, named nuInsSeg, to encourage further research on multimodal perception tasks. Extensive experiments on the nuInsSeg, as well as the large-scale Waymo, show that LWSIS can substantially improve existing weakly supervised segmentation models by only involving 3D data during training. Additionally, LWSIS can also be incorporated into 3D object detectors like PointPainting to boost the 3D detection performance for free. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/Serenos/LWSIS.


3D Multi-Object Tracking with Differentiable Pose Estimation

Authors:Dominik Schmauser, Zeju Qiu, Norman Müller, Matthias Nießner

We propose a novel approach for joint 3D multi-object tracking and reconstruction from RGB-D sequences in indoor environments. To this end, we detect and reconstruct objects in each frame while predicting dense correspondences mappings into a normalized object space. We leverage those correspondences to inform a graph neural network to solve for the optimal, temporally-consistent 7-DoF pose trajectories of all objects. The novelty of our method is two-fold: first, we propose a new graph-based approach for differentiable pose estimation over time to learn optimal pose trajectories; second, we present a joint formulation of reconstruction and pose estimation along the time axis for robust and geometrically consistent multi-object tracking. In order to validate our approach, we introduce a new synthetic dataset comprising 2381 unique indoor sequences with a total of 60k rendered RGB-D images for multi-object tracking with moving objects and camera positions derived from the synthetic 3D-FRONT dataset. We demonstrate that our method improves the accumulated MOTA score for all test sequences by 24.8% over existing state-of-the-art methods. In several ablations on synthetic and real-world sequences, we show that our graph-based, fully end-to-end-learnable approach yields a significant boost in tracking performance.
PDF Project page: https://domischmauser.github.io/3D_MOT/


Semantically Enhanced Global Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Mir Rayat Imtiaz Hossain, Leonid Sigal, James J. Little

Recent advances in pixel-level tasks (e.g., segmentation) illustrate the benefit of long-range interactions between aggregated region-based representations that can enhance local features. However, such pixel-to-region associations and the resulting representation, which often take the form of attention, cannot model the underlying semantic structure of the scene (e.g., individual objects and, by extension, their interactions). In this work, we take a step toward addressing this limitation. Specifically, we propose an architecture where we learn to project image features into latent region representations and perform global reasoning across them, using a transformer, to produce contextualized and scene-consistent representations that are then fused with original pixel-level features. Our design enables the latent regions to represent semantically meaningful concepts, by ensuring that activated regions are spatially disjoint and unions of such regions correspond to connected object segments. The resulting semantic global reasoning (SGR) is end-to-end trainable and can be combined with any semantic segmentation framework and backbone. Combining SGR with DeepLabV3 results in a semantic segmentation performance that is competitive to the state-of-the-art, while resulting in more semantically interpretable and diverse region representations, which we show can effectively transfer to detection and instance segmentation. Further, we propose a new metric that allows us to measure the semantics of representations at both the object class and instance level.


Depth Estimation Matters Most: Improving Per-Object Depth Estimation for Monocular 3D Detection and Tracking

Authors:Longlong Jing, Ruichi Yu, Henrik Kretzschmar, Kang Li, Charles R. Qi, Hang Zhao, Alper Ayvaci, Xu Chen, Dillon Cower, Yingwei Li, Yurong You, Han Deng, Congcong Li, Dragomir Anguelov

Monocular image-based 3D perception has become an active research area in recent years owing to its applications in autonomous driving. Approaches to monocular 3D perception including detection and tracking, however, often yield inferior performance when compared to LiDAR-based techniques. Through systematic analysis, we identified that per-object depth estimation accuracy is a major factor bounding the performance. Motivated by this observation, we propose a multi-level fusion method that combines different representations (RGB and pseudo-LiDAR) and temporal information across multiple frames for objects (tracklets) to enhance per-object depth estimation. Our proposed fusion method achieves the state-of-the-art performance of per-object depth estimation on the Waymo Open Dataset, the KITTI detection dataset, and the KITTI MOT dataset. We further demonstrate that by simply replacing estimated depth with fusion-enhanced depth, we can achieve significant improvements in monocular 3D perception tasks, including detection and tracking.


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation using One-shot Image-to-Image Translation via Latent Representation Mixing

Authors:Sarmad F. Ismael, Koray Kayabol, Erchan Aptoula

Domain adaptation is one of the prominent strategies for handling both domain shift, that is widely encountered in large-scale land use/land cover map calculation, and the scarcity of pixel-level ground truth that is crucial for supervised semantic segmentation. Studies focusing on adversarial domain adaptation via re-styling source domain samples, commonly through generative adversarial networks, have reported varying levels of success, yet they suffer from semantic inconsistencies, visual corruptions, and often require a large number of target domain samples. In this letter, we propose a new unsupervised domain adaptation method for the semantic segmentation of very high resolution images, that i) leads to semantically consistent and noise-free images, ii) operates with a single target domain sample (i.e. one-shot) and iii) at a fraction of the number of parameters required from state-of-the-art methods. More specifically an image-to-image translation paradigm is proposed, based on an encoder-decoder principle where latent content representations are mixed across domains, and a perceptual network module and loss function is further introduced to enforce semantic consistency. Cross-city comparative experiments have shown that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods. Our source code will be available at \url{https://github.com/Sarmadfismael/LRM_I2I}.


MUS-CDB: Mixed Uncertainty Sampling with Class Distribution Balancing for Active Annotation in Aerial Object Detection

Authors:Dong Liang, Jing-Wei Zhang, Ying-Peng Tang, Sheng-Jun Hang

Recent aerial object detection models rely on a large amount of labeled training data, which requires unaffordable manual labeling costs in large aerial scenes with dense objects. Active learning is effective in reducing the data labeling cost by selectively querying the informative and representative unlabelled samples. However, existing active learning methods are mainly with class-balanced setting and image-based querying for generic object detection tasks, which are less applicable to aerial object detection scenario due to the long-tailed class distribution and dense small objects in aerial scenes. In this paper, we propose a novel active learning method for cost-effective aerial object detection. Specifically, both object-level and image-level informativeness are considered in the object selection to refrain from redundant and myopic querying. Besides, an easy-to-use class-balancing criterion is incorporated to favor the minority objects to alleviate the long-tailed class distribution problem in model training. To fully utilize the queried information, we further devise a training loss to mine the latent knowledge in the undiscovered image regions. Extensive experiments are conducted on the DOTA-v1.0 and DOTA-v2.0 benchmarks to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that it can save more than 75% of the labeling cost to reach the same performance compared to the baselines and state-of-the-art active object detection methods. Code is available at https://github.com/ZJW700/MUS-CDB
PDF 13 pages, 7 figures


DiffusionInst: Diffusion Model for Instance Segmentation

Authors:Zhangxuan Gu, Haoxing Chen, Zhuoer Xu, Jun Lan, Changhua Meng, Weiqiang Wang

Recently, diffusion frameworks have achieved comparable performance with previous state-of-the-art image generation models. Researchers are curious about its variants in discriminative tasks because of its powerful noise-to-image denoising pipeline. This paper proposes DiffusionInst, a novel framework that represents instances as instance-aware filters and formulates instance segmentation as a noise-to-filter denoising process. The model is trained to reverse the noisy groundtruth without any inductive bias from RPN. During inference, it takes a randomly generated filter as input and outputs mask in one-step or multi-step denoising. Extensive experimental results on COCO and LVIS show that DiffusionInst achieves competitive performance compared to existing instance segmentation models. We hope our work could serve as a simple yet effective baseline, which could inspire designing more efficient diffusion frameworks for challenging discriminative tasks. Our code is available in https://github.com/chenhaoxing/DiffusionInst.


Synthesize Boundaries: A Boundary-aware Self-consistent Framework for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection

Authors:Binwei Xu, Haoran Liang, Ronghua Liang, Peng Chen

Fully supervised salient object detection (SOD) has made considerable progress based on expensive and time-consuming data with pixel-wise annotations. Recently, to relieve the labeling burden while maintaining performance, some scribble-based SOD methods have been proposed. However, learning precise boundary details from scribble annotations that lack edge information is still difficult. In this paper, we propose to learn precise boundaries from our designed synthetic images and labels without introducing any extra auxiliary data. The synthetic image creates boundary information by inserting synthetic concave regions that simulate the real concave regions of salient objects. Furthermore, we propose a novel self-consistent framework that consists of a global integral branch (GIB) and a boundary-aware branch (BAB) to train a saliency detector. GIB aims to identify integral salient objects, whose input is the original image. BAB aims to help predict accurate boundaries, whose input is the synthetic image. These two branches are connected through a self-consistent loss to guide the saliency detector to predict precise boundaries while identifying salient objects. Experimental results on five benchmarks demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly supervised SOD methods and further narrows the gap with the fully supervised methods.


Strong Instance Segmentation Pipeline for MMSports Challenge

Authors:Bo Yan, Fengliang Qi, Zhuang Li, Yadong Li, Hongbin Wang

The goal of ACM MMSports2022 DeepSportRadar Instance Segmentation Challenge is to tackle the segmentation of individual humans including players, coaches and referees on a basketball court. And the main characteristics of this challenge are there is a high level of occlusions between players and the amount of data is quite limited. In order to address these problems, we designed a strong instance segmentation pipeline. Firstly, we employed a proper data augmentation strategy for this task mainly including photometric distortion transform and copy-paste strategy, which can generate more image instances with a wider distribution. Secondly, we employed a strong segmentation model, Hybrid Task Cascade based detector on the Swin-Base based CBNetV2 backbone, and we add MaskIoU head to HTCMaskHead that can simply and effectively improve the performance of instance segmentation. Finally, the SWA training strategy was applied to improve the performance further. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed pipeline can achieve a competitive result on the DeepSportRadar challenge, with 0.768AP@0.50:0.95 on the challenge set. Source code is available at https://github.com/YJingyu/Instanc_Segmentation_Pro.
PDF The first place solution for ACM MMSports2022 DeepSportRadar Instance Segmentation Challenge


YolOOD: Utilizing Object Detection Concepts for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors:Alon Zolfi, Guy Amit, Amit Baras, Satoru Koda, Ikuya Morikawa, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has attracted a large amount of attention from the machine learning research community in recent years due to its importance in deployed systems. Most of the previous studies focused on the detection of OOD samples in the multi-class classification task. However, OOD detection in the multi-label classification task remains an underexplored domain. In this research, we propose YolOOD - a method that utilizes concepts from the object detection domain to perform OOD detection in the multi-label classification task. Object detection models have an inherent ability to distinguish between objects of interest (in-distribution) and irrelevant objects (e.g., OOD objects) on images that contain multiple objects from different categories. These abilities allow us to convert a regular object detection model into an image classifier with inherent OOD detection capabilities with just minor changes. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art OOD detection methods and demonstrate YolOOD’s ability to outperform these methods on a comprehensive suite of in-distribution and OOD benchmark datasets.
PDF 10 pages, 4 figures


Iterative Next Boundary Detection for Instance Segmentation of Tree Rings in Microscopy Images of Shrub Cross Sections

Authors:Alexander Gillert, Giulia Resente, Alba Anadon-Rosell, Martin Wilmking, Uwe Freiherr von Lukas

We analyze the problem of detecting tree rings in microscopy images of shrub cross sections. This can be regarded as a special case of the instance segmentation task with several particularities such as the concentric circular ring shape of the objects and high precision requirements due to which existing methods don’t perform sufficiently well. We propose a new iterative method which we term Iterative Next Boundary Detection (INBD). It intuitively models the natural growth direction, starting from the center of the shrub cross section and detecting the next ring boundary in each iteration step. In our experiments, INBD shows superior performance to generic instance segmentation methods and is the only one with a built-in notion of chronological order. Our dataset and source code are available at http://github.com/alexander-g/INBD.


A Dataset with Multibeam Forward-Looking Sonar for Underwater Object Detection

Authors:Kaibing Xie, Jian Yang, Kang Qiu

Multibeam forward-looking sonar (MFLS) plays an important role in underwater detection. There are several challenges to the research on underwater object detection with MFLS. Firstly, the research is lack of available dataset. Secondly, the sonar image, generally processed at pixel level and transformed to sector representation for the visual habits of human beings, is disadvantageous to the research in artificial intelligence (AI) areas. Towards these challenges, we present a novel dataset, the underwater acoustic target detection (UATD) dataset, consisting of over 9000 MFLS images captured using Tritech Gemini 1200ik sonar. Our dataset provides raw data of sonar images with annotation of 10 categories of target objects (cube, cylinder, tyres, etc). The data was collected from lake and shallow water. To verify the practicality of UATD, we apply the dataset to the state-of-the-art detectors and provide corresponding benchmarks for its accuracy and efficiency.


UIU-Net: U-Net in U-Net for Infrared Small Object Detection

Authors:Xin Wu, Danfeng Hong, Jocelyn Chanussot

Learning-based infrared small object detection methods currently rely heavily on the classification backbone network. This tends to result in tiny object loss and feature distinguishability limitations as the network depth increases. Furthermore, small objects in infrared images are frequently emerged bright and dark, posing severe demands for obtaining precise object contrast information. For this reason, we in this paper propose a simple and effective ``U-Net in U-Net’’ framework, UIU-Net for short, and detect small objects in infrared images. As the name suggests, UIU-Net embeds a tiny U-Net into a larger U-Net backbone, enabling the multi-level and multi-scale representation learning of objects. Moreover, UIU-Net can be trained from scratch, and the learned features can enhance global and local contrast information effectively. More specifically, the UIU-Net model is divided into two modules: the resolution-maintenance deep supervision (RM-DS) module and the interactive-cross attention (IC-A) module. RM-DS integrates Residual U-blocks into a deep supervision network to generate deep multi-scale resolution-maintenance features while learning global context information. Further, IC-A encodes the local context information between the low-level details and high-level semantic features. Extensive experiments conducted on two infrared single-frame image datasets, i.e., SIRST and Synthetic datasets, show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed UIU-Net in comparison with several state-of-the-art infrared small object detection methods. The proposed UIU-Net also produces powerful generalization performance for video sequence infrared small object datasets, e.g., ATR ground/air video sequence dataset. The codes of this work are available openly at \url{https://github.com/danfenghong/IEEE_TIP_UIU-Net}.


Evidential Deep Learning for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Karl Holmquist, Lena Klasén, Michael Felsberg

Class-Incremental Learning is a challenging problem in machine learning that aims to extend previously trained neural networks with new classes. This is especially useful if the system is able to classify new objects despite the original training data being unavailable. While the semantic segmentation problem has received less attention than classification, it poses distinct problems and challenges since previous and future target classes can be unlabeled in the images of a single increment. In this case, the background, past and future classes are correlated and there exist a background-shift. In this paper, we address the problem of how to model unlabeled classes while avoiding spurious feature clustering of future uncorrelated classes. We propose to use Evidential Deep Learning to model the evidence of the classes as a Dirichlet distribution. Our method factorizes the problem into a separate foreground class probability, calculated by the expected value of the Dirichlet distribution, and an unknown class (background) probability corresponding to the uncertainty of the estimate. In our novel formulation, the background probability is implicitly modeled, avoiding the feature space clustering that comes from forcing the model to output a high background score for pixels that are not labeled as objects. Experiments on the incremental Pascal VOC, and ADE20k benchmarks show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art, especially when repeatedly learning new classes with increasing number of increments.


SASFormer: Transformers for Sparsely Annotated Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Hui Su, Yue Ye, Wei Hua, Lechao Cheng, Mingli Song

Semantic segmentation based on sparse annotation has advanced in recent years. It labels only part of each object in the image, leaving the remainder unlabeled. Most of the existing approaches are time-consuming and often necessitate a multi-stage training strategy. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective sparse annotated semantic segmentation framework based on segformer, dubbed SASFormer, that achieves remarkable performance. Specifically, the framework first generates hierarchical patch attention maps, which are then multiplied by the network predictions to produce correlated regions separated by valid labels. Besides, we also introduce the affinity loss to ensure consistency between the features of correlation results and network predictions. Extensive experiments showcase that our proposed approach is superior to existing methods and achieves cutting-edge performance. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/su-hui-zz/SASFormer}.
PDF 7 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables; version2.0


ZegCLIP: Towards Adapting CLIP for Zero-shot Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Ziqin Zhou, Bowen Zhang, Yinjie Lei, Lingqiao Liu, Yifan Liu

Recently, CLIP has been applied to pixel-level zero-shot learning tasks via a two-stage scheme. The general idea is to first generate class-agnostic region proposals and then feed the cropped proposal regions to CLIP to utilize its image-level zero-shot classification capability. While effective, such a scheme requires two image encoders, one for proposal generation and one for CLIP, leading to a complicated pipeline and high computational cost. In this work, we pursue a simpler-and-efficient one-stage solution that directly extends CLIP’s zero-shot prediction capability from image to pixel level. Our investigation starts with a straightforward extension as our baseline that generates semantic masks by comparing the similarity between text and patch embeddings extracted from CLIP. However, such a paradigm could heavily overfit the seen classes and fail to generalize to unseen classes. To handle this issue, we propose three simple-but-effective designs and figure out that they can significantly retain the inherent zero-shot capacity of CLIP and improve pixel-level generalization ability. Incorporating those modifications leads to an efficient zero-shot semantic segmentation system called ZegCLIP. Through extensive experiments on three public benchmarks, ZegCLIP demonstrates superior performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin under both “inductive” and “transductive” zero-shot settings. In addition, compared with the two-stage method, our one-stage ZegCLIP achieves a speedup of about 5 times faster during inference. We release the code at https://github.com/ZiqinZhou66/ZegCLIP.git.
PDF 12 pages, 8 figures


Saccade Mechanisms for Image Classification, Object Detection and Tracking

Authors:Saurabh Farkya, Zachary Daniels, Aswin Nadamuni Raghavan, David Zhang, Michael Piacentino

We examine how the saccade mechanism from biological vision can be used to make deep neural networks more efficient for classification and object detection problems. Our proposed approach is based on the ideas of attention-driven visual processing and saccades, miniature eye movements influenced by attention. We conduct experiments by analyzing: i) the robustness of different deep neural network (DNN) feature extractors to partially-sensed images for image classification and object detection, and ii) the utility of saccades in masking image patches for image classification and object tracking. Experiments with convolutional nets (ResNet-18) and transformer-based models (ViT, DETR, TransTrack) are conducted on several datasets (CIFAR-10, DAVSOD, MSCOCO, and MOT17). Our experiments show intelligent data reduction via learning to mimic human saccades when used in conjunction with state-of-the-art DNNs for classification, detection, and tracking tasks. We observed minimal drop in performance for the classification and detection tasks while only using about 30\% of the original sensor data. We discuss how the saccade mechanism can inform hardware design via ``in-pixel’’ processing.
PDF 4 Pages, 6 figures, will be presented at CVPR2022-NeuroVision workshop as a Lightning talk


Geometry-Aware Network for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yinghong Liao, Wending Zhou, Xu Yan, Shuguang Cui, Yizhou Yu, Zhen Li

Measuring and alleviating the discrepancies between the synthetic (source) and real scene (target) data is the core issue for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. Though recent works have introduced depth information in the source domain to reinforce the geometric and semantic knowledge transfer, they cannot extract the intrinsic 3D information of objects, including positions and shapes, merely based on 2D estimated depth. In this work, we propose a novel Geometry-Aware Network for Domain Adaptation (GANDA), leveraging more compact 3D geometric point cloud representations to shrink the domain gaps. In particular, we first utilize the auxiliary depth supervision from the source domain to obtain the depth prediction in the target domain to accomplish structure-texture disentanglement. Beyond depth estimation, we explicitly exploit 3D topology on the point clouds generated from RGB-D images for further coordinate-color disentanglement and pseudo-labels refinement in the target domain. Moreover, to improve the 2D classifier in the target domain, we perform domain-invariant geometric adaptation from source to target and unify the 2D semantic and 3D geometric segmentation results in two domains. Note that our GANDA is plug-and-play in any existing UDA framework. Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-arts on GTA5->Cityscapes and SYNTHIA->Cityscapes.


Box2Mask: Box-supervised Instance Segmentation via Level-set Evolution

Authors:Wentong Li, Wenyu Liu, Jianke Zhu, Miaomiao Cui, Risheng Yu, Xiansheng Hua, Lei Zhang

In contrast to fully supervised methods using pixel-wise mask labels, box-supervised instance segmentation takes advantage of simple box annotations, which has recently attracted increasing research attention. This paper presents a novel single-shot instance segmentation approach, namely Box2Mask, which integrates the classical level-set evolution model into deep neural network learning to achieve accurate mask prediction with only bounding box supervision. Specifically, both the input image and its deep features are employed to evolve the level-set curves implicitly, and a local consistency module based on a pixel affinity kernel is used to mine the local context and spatial relations. Two types of single-stage frameworks, i.e., CNN-based and transformer-based frameworks, are developed to empower the level-set evolution for box-supervised instance segmentation, and each framework consists of three essential components: instance-aware decoder, box-level matching assignment and level-set evolution. By minimizing the level-set energy function, the mask map of each instance can be iteratively optimized within its bounding box annotation. The experimental results on five challenging testbeds, covering general scenes, remote sensing, medical and scene text images, demonstrate the outstanding performance of our proposed Box2Mask approach for box-supervised instance segmentation. In particular, with the Swin-Transformer large backbone, our Box2Mask obtains 42.4% mask AP on COCO, which is on par with the recently developed fully mask-supervised methods. The code is available at: https://github.com/LiWentomng/boxlevelset.
PDF 29 pages, 7 figures, 14 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.09055


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