
2022-12-02 更新

Improved Detection of Face Presentation Attacks Using Image Decomposition

Authors:Shlok Kumar Mishra, Kuntal Sengupta, Max Horowitz-Gelb, Wen-Sheng Chu, Sofien Bouaziz, David Jacobs

Presentation attack detection (PAD) is a critical component in secure face authentication. We present a PAD algorithm to distinguish face spoofs generated by a photograph of a subject from live images. Our method uses an image decomposition network to extract albedo and normal. The domain gap between the real and spoof face images leads to easily identifiable differences, especially between the recovered albedo maps. We enhance this domain gap by retraining existing methods using supervised contrastive loss. We present empirical and theoretical analysis that demonstrates that contrast and lighting effects can play a significant role in PAD; these show up, particularly in the recovered albedo. Finally, we demonstrate that by combining all of these methods we achieve state-of-the-art results on both intra-dataset testing for CelebA-Spoof, OULU, CASIA-SURF datasets and inter-dataset setting on SiW, CASIA-MFSD, Replay-Attack and MSU-MFSD datasets.
PDF Conference - IJCB


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