Domain Adaptation

2022-12-02 更新

Provably Uncertainty-Guided Universal Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yifan Wang, Lin Zhang, Ran Song, Lin Ma, Wei Zhang

Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to transfer the knowledge of common classes from source domain to target domain without any prior knowledge on the label set, which requires to distinguish the unknown samples from the known ones in the target domain. Like the traditional unsupervised domain adaptation problem, the misalignment between two domains exists due to the biased and less-discriminative embedding in target domain. Recent methods proposed to complete the domain misalignment by clustering target samples with the nearest neighbors or nearest prototypes. However, it is dangerous to do so because both known and unknown samples may distribute on the edges of source clusters. Meanwhile, other existing classifier-based methods could easily produce overconfident predictions for unknown samples because the supervised objectives in source domain leads the whole model to be biased towards the common classes. Therefore, to deal with the first issue, we propose to exploit the distribution of target samples and introduce an empirical estimation of the probability of a target sample belong to the unknown class. Then, based on the estimation, we propose a novel unknown samples discovering method in the linear subspace with a $\delta$-filter to estimate the uncertainty of each target sample, which can fully exploit the relationship between the target sample and its neighbors. Moreover, for the second issue, this paper well balances the confidence values of both known and unknown samples through an uncertainty-guided margin loss. It enforces a margin to source samples to encourage a similar intra-class variance of source samples to that of unknown samples.
PDF 13 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.09280


FLAIR #1: semantic segmentation and domain adaptation dataset

Authors:Anatol Garioud, Stéphane Peillet, Eva Bookjans, Sébastien Giordano, Boris Wattrelos

The French National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN) has the mission to document and measure land-cover on French territory and provides referential geographical datasets, including high-resolution aerial images and topographic maps. The monitoring of land-cover plays a crucial role in land management and planning initiatives, which can have significant socio-economic and environmental impact. Together with remote sensing technologies, artificial intelligence (IA) promises to become a powerful tool in determining land-cover and its evolution. IGN is currently exploring the potential of IA in the production of high-resolution land cover maps. Notably, deep learning methods are employed to obtain a semantic segmentation of aerial images. However, territories as large as France imply heterogeneous contexts: variations in landscapes and image acquisition make it challenging to provide uniform, reliable and accurate results across all of France. The FLAIR-one dataset presented is part of the dataset currently used at IGN to establish the French national reference land cover map “Occupation du sol `a grande \’echelle” (OCS- GE).


CREPE: Open-Domain Question Answering with False Presuppositions

Authors:Xinyan Velocity Yu, Sewon Min, Luke Zettlemoyer, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Information seeking users often pose questions with false presuppositions, especially when asking about unfamiliar topics. Most existing question answering (QA) datasets, in contrast, assume all questions have well defined answers. We introduce CREPE, a QA dataset containing a natural distribution of presupposition failures from online information-seeking forums. We find that 25% of questions contain false presuppositions, and provide annotations for these presuppositions and their corrections. Through extensive baseline experiments, we show that adaptations of existing open-domain QA models can find presuppositions moderately well, but struggle when predicting whether a presupposition is factually correct. This is in large part due to difficulty in retrieving relevant evidence passages from a large text corpus. CREPE provides a benchmark to study question answering in the wild, and our analyses provide avenues for future work in better modeling and further studying the task.


Five Properties of Specific Curiosity You Didn’t Know Curious Machines Should Have

Authors:Nadia M. Ady, Roshan Shariff, Johannes Günther, Patrick M. Pilarski

Curiosity for machine agents has been a focus of lively research activity. The study of human and animal curiosity, particularly specific curiosity, has unearthed several properties that would offer important benefits for machine learners, but that have not yet been well-explored in machine intelligence. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive, multidisciplinary survey of the field of animal and machine curiosity. As a principal contribution of this work, we use this survey as a foundation to introduce and define what we consider to be five of the most important properties of specific curiosity: 1) directedness towards inostensible referents, 2) cessation when satisfied, 3) voluntary exposure, 4) transience, and 5) coherent long-term learning. As a second main contribution of this work, we show how these properties may be implemented together in a proof-of-concept reinforcement learning agent: we demonstrate how the properties manifest in the behaviour of this agent in a simple non-episodic grid-world environment that includes curiosity-inducing locations and induced targets of curiosity. As we would hope, our example of a computational specific curiosity agent exhibits short-term directed behaviour while updating long-term preferences to adaptively seek out curiosity-inducing situations. This work, therefore, presents a landmark synthesis and translation of specific curiosity to the domain of machine learning and reinforcement learning and provides a novel view into how specific curiosity operates and in the future might be integrated into the behaviour of goal-seeking, decision-making computational agents in complex environments.
PDF Submitted to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)


DynaGAN: Dynamic Few-shot Adaptation of GANs to Multiple Domains

Authors:Seongtae Kim, Kyoungkook Kang, Geonung Kim, Seung-Hwan Baek, Sunghyun Cho

Few-shot domain adaptation to multiple domains aims to learn a complex image distribution across multiple domains from a few training images. A na\”ive solution here is to train a separate model for each domain using few-shot domain adaptation methods. Unfortunately, this approach mandates linearly-scaled computational resources both in memory and computation time and, more importantly, such separate models cannot exploit the shared knowledge between target domains. In this paper, we propose DynaGAN, a novel few-shot domain-adaptation method for multiple target domains. DynaGAN has an adaptation module, which is a hyper-network that dynamically adapts a pretrained GAN model into the multiple target domains. Hence, we can fully exploit the shared knowledge across target domains and avoid the linearly-scaled computational requirements. As it is still computationally challenging to adapt a large-size GAN model, we design our adaptation module light-weight using the rank-1 tensor decomposition. Lastly, we propose a contrastive-adaptation loss suitable for multi-domain few-shot adaptation. We validate the effectiveness of our method through extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations.
PDF Accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2022. For supplementary material, see


CONDA: Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Learning in Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars

Authors:Thanh-Dat Truong, Pierce Helton, Ahmed Moustafa, Jackson David Cothren, Khoa Luu

Although unsupervised domain adaptation methods have achieved remarkable performance in semantic scene segmentation in visual perception for self-driving cars, these approaches remain impractical in real-world use cases. In practice, the segmentation models may encounter new data that have not been seen yet. Also, the previous data training of segmentation models may be inaccessible due to privacy problems. Therefore, to address these problems, in this work, we propose a Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (CONDA) approach that allows the model to continuously learn and adapt with respect to the presence of the new data. Moreover, our proposed approach is designed without the requirement of accessing previous training data. To avoid the catastrophic forgetting problem and maintain the performance of the segmentation models, we present a novel Bijective Maximum Likelihood loss to impose the constraint of predicted segmentation distribution shifts. The experimental results on the benchmark of continual unsupervised domain adaptation have shown the advanced performance of the proposed CONDA method.


Domain Adaptive Scene Text Detection via Subcategorization

Authors:Zichen Tian, Chuhui Xue, Jingyi Zhang, Shijian Lu

Most existing scene text detectors require large-scale training data which cannot scale well due to two major factors: 1) scene text images often have domain-specific distributions; 2) collecting large-scale annotated scene text images is laborious. We study domain adaptive scene text detection, a largely neglected yet very meaningful task that aims for optimal transfer of labelled scene text images while handling unlabelled images in various new domains. Specifically, we design SCAST, a subcategory-aware self-training technique that mitigates the network overfitting and noisy pseudo labels in domain adaptive scene text detection effectively. SCAST consists of two novel designs. For labelled source data, it introduces pseudo subcategories for both foreground texts and background stuff which helps train more generalizable source models with multi-class detection objectives. For unlabelled target data, it mitigates the network overfitting by co-regularizing the binary and subcategory classifiers trained in the source domain. Extensive experiments show that SCAST achieves superior detection performance consistently across multiple public benchmarks, and it also generalizes well to other domain adaptive detection tasks such as vehicle detection.
PDF 8 pages, 5 figures


Multi-Source Survival Domain Adaptation

Authors:Ammar Shaker, Carolin Lawrence

Survival analysis is the branch of statistics that studies the relation between the characteristics of living entities and their respective survival times, taking into account the partial information held by censored cases. A good analysis can, for example, determine whether one medical treatment for a group of patients is better than another. With the rise of machine learning, survival analysis can be modeled as learning a function that maps studied patients to their survival times. To succeed with that, there are three crucial issues to be tackled. First, some patient data is censored: we do not know the true survival times for all patients. Second, data is scarce, which led past research to treat different illness types as domains in a multi-task setup. Third, there is the need for adaptation to new or extremely rare illness types, where little or no labels are available. In contrast to previous multi-task setups, we want to investigate how to efficiently adapt to a new survival target domain from multiple survival source domains. For this, we introduce a new survival metric and the corresponding discrepancy measure between survival distributions. These allow us to define domain adaptation for survival analysis while incorporating censored data, which would otherwise have to be dropped. Our experiments on two cancer data sets reveal a superb performance on target domains, a better treatment recommendation, and a weight matrix with a plausible explanation.
PDF 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023. Includes Appendix


Launchpad: Learning to Schedule Using Offline and Online RL Methods

Authors:Vanamala Venkataswamy, Jake Grigsby, Andrew Grimshaw, Yanjun Qi

Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have succeeded in several challenging domains. Classic Online RL job schedulers can learn efficient scheduling strategies but often takes thousands of timesteps to explore the environment and adapt from a randomly initialized DNN policy. Existing RL schedulers overlook the importance of learning from historical data and improving upon custom heuristic policies. Offline reinforcement learning presents the prospect of policy optimization from pre-recorded datasets without online environment interaction. Following the recent success of data-driven learning, we explore two RL methods: 1) Behaviour Cloning and 2) Offline RL, which aim to learn policies from logged data without interacting with the environment. These methods address the challenges concerning the cost of data collection and safety, particularly pertinent to real-world applications of RL. Although the data-driven RL methods generate good results, we show that the performance is highly dependent on the quality of the historical datasets. Finally, we demonstrate that by effectively incorporating prior expert demonstrations to pre-train the agent, we short-circuit the random exploration phase to learn a reasonable policy with online training. We utilize Offline RL as a \textbf{launchpad} to learn effective scheduling policies from prior experience collected using Oracle or heuristic policies. Such a framework is effective for pre-training from historical datasets and well suited to continuous improvement with online data collection.


2022-12-02 更新

CL3D: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cross-LiDAR 3D Detection

Authors:Xidong Peng, Xinge Zhu, Yuexin Ma

Domain adaptation for Cross-LiDAR 3D detection is challenging due to the large gap on the raw data representation with disparate point densities and point arrangements. By exploring domain-invariant 3D geometric characteristics and motion patterns, we present an unsupervised domain adaptation method that overcomes above difficulties. First, we propose the Spatial Geometry Alignment module to extract similar 3D shape geometric features of the same object class to align two domains, while eliminating the effect of distinct point distributions. Second, we present Temporal Motion Alignment module to utilize motion features in sequential frames of data to match two domains. Prototypes generated from two modules are incorporated into the pseudo-label reweighting procedure and contribute to our effective self-training framework for the target domain. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on cross-device datasets, especially for the datasets with large gaps captured by mechanical scanning LiDARs and solid-state LiDARs in various scenes. Project homepage is at
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2023


FakeOut: Leveraging Out-of-domain Self-supervision for Multi-modal Video Deepfake Detection

Authors:Gil Knafo, Ohad Fried

Video synthesis methods rapidly improved in recent years, allowing easy creation of synthetic humans. This poses a problem, especially in the era of social media, as synthetic videos of speaking humans can be used to spread misinformation in a convincing manner. Thus, there is a pressing need for accurate and robust deepfake detection methods, that can detect forgery techniques not seen during training. In this work, we explore whether this can be done by leveraging a multi-modal, out-of-domain backbone trained in a self-supervised manner, adapted to the video deepfake domain. We propose FakeOut; a novel approach that relies on multi-modal data throughout both the pre-training phase and the adaption phase. We demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of FakeOut in detecting various types of deepfakes, especially manipulations which were not seen during training. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results in cross-manipulation and cross-dataset generalization. This study shows that, perhaps surprisingly, training on out-of-domain videos (i.e., videos with no speaking humans), can lead to better deepfake detection systems. Code is available on GitHub.


Visual Prompt Tuning for Test-time Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yunhe Gao, Xingjian Shi, Yi Zhu, Hao Wang, Zhiqiang Tang, Xiong Zhou, Mu Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas

Models should be able to adapt to unseen data during test-time to avoid performance drops caused by inevitable distribution shifts in real-world deployment scenarios. In this work, we tackle the practical yet challenging test-time adaptation (TTA) problem, where a model adapts to the target domain without accessing the source data. We propose a simple recipe called \textit{Data-efficient Prompt Tuning} (DePT) with two key ingredients. First, DePT plugs visual prompts into the vision Transformer and only tunes these source-initialized prompts during adaptation. We find such parameter-efficient finetuning can efficiently adapt the model representation to the target domain without overfitting to the noise in the learning objective. Second, DePT bootstraps the source representation to the target domain by memory bank-based online pseudo-labeling. A hierarchical self-supervised regularization specially designed for prompts is jointly optimized to alleviate error accumulation during self-training. With much fewer tunable parameters, DePT demonstrates not only state-of-the-art performance on major adaptation benchmarks VisDA-C, ImageNet-C, and DomainNet-126, but also superior data efficiency, i.e., adaptation with only 1\% or 10\% data without much performance degradation compared to 100\% data. In addition, DePT is also versatile to be extended to online or multi-source TTA settings.


Single Slice Thigh CT Muscle Group Segmentation with Domain Adaptation and Self-Training

Authors:Qi Yang, Xin Yu, Ho Hin Lee, Leon Y. Cai, Kaiwen Xu, Shunxing Bao, Yuankai Huo, Ann Zenobia Moore, Sokratis Makrogiannis, Luigi Ferrucci, Bennett A. Landman

Objective: Thigh muscle group segmentation is important for assessment of muscle anatomy, metabolic disease and aging. Many efforts have been put into quantifying muscle tissues with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging including manual annotation of individual muscles. However, leveraging publicly available annotations in MR images to achieve muscle group segmentation on single slice computed tomography (CT) thigh images is challenging. Method: We propose an unsupervised domain adaptation pipeline with self-training to transfer labels from 3D MR to single CT slice. First, we transform the image appearance from MR to CT with CycleGAN and feed the synthesized CT images to a segmenter simultaneously. Single CT slices are divided into hard and easy cohorts based on the entropy of pseudo labels inferenced by the segmenter. After refining easy cohort pseudo labels based on anatomical assumption, self-training with easy and hard splits is applied to fine tune the segmenter. Results: On 152 withheld single CT thigh images, the proposed pipeline achieved a mean Dice of 0.888(0.041) across all muscle groups including sartorius, hamstrings, quadriceps femoris and gracilis. muscles Conclusion: To our best knowledge, this is the first pipeline to achieve thigh imaging domain adaptation from MR to CT. The proposed pipeline is effective and robust in extracting muscle groups on 2D single slice CT thigh images.The container is available for public use at


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