
2022-12-01 更新

On the Transferability of Adversarial Examples between Encrypted Models

Authors:Miki Tanaka, Isao Echizen, Hitoshi Kiya

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are well known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs). In addition, AEs have adversarial transferability, namely, AEs generated for a source model fool other (target) models. In this paper, we investigate the transferability of models encrypted for adversarially robust defense for the first time. To objectively verify the property of transferability, the robustness of models is evaluated by using a benchmark attack method, called AutoAttack. In an image-classification experiment, the use of encrypted models is confirmed not only to be robust against AEs but to also reduce the influence of AEs in terms of the transferability of models.
PDF to be appear in ISPACS 2022


Generating Semantic Adversarial Examples via Feature Manipulation

Authors:Shuo Wang, Surya Nepal, Carsten Rudolph, Marthie Grobler, Shangyu Chen, Tianle Chen

The vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial attacks has been widely demonstrated (e.g., adversarial example attacks). Traditional attacks perform unstructured pixel-wise perturbation to fool the classifier. An alternative approach is to have perturbations in the latent space. However, such perturbations are hard to control due to the lack of interpretability and disentanglement. In this paper, we propose a more practical adversarial attack by designing structured perturbation with semantic meanings. Our proposed technique manipulates the semantic attributes of images via the disentangled latent codes. The intuition behind our technique is that images in similar domains have some commonly shared but theme-independent semantic attributes, e.g. thickness of lines in handwritten digits, that can be bidirectionally mapped to disentangled latent codes. We generate adversarial perturbation by manipulating a single or a combination of these latent codes and propose two unsupervised semantic manipulation approaches: vector-based disentangled representation and feature map-based disentangled representation, in terms of the complexity of the latent codes and smoothness of the reconstructed images. We conduct extensive experimental evaluations on real-world image data to demonstrate the power of our attacks for black-box classifiers. We further demonstrate the existence of a universal, image-agnostic semantic adversarial example.
PDF arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1705.09064 by other authors


Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Examples with Restructure Embedded Patches

Authors:Huipeng Zhou, Yu-an Tan, Yajie Wang, Haoran Lyu, Shangbo Wu, Yuanzhang Li

Vision transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated impressive performance in various computer vision tasks. However, the adversarial examples generated by ViTs are challenging to transfer to other networks with different structures. Recent attack methods do not consider the specificity of ViTs architecture and self-attention mechanism, which leads to poor transferability of the generated adversarial samples by ViTs. We attack the unique self-attention mechanism in ViTs by restructuring the embedded patches of the input. The restructured embedded patches enable the self-attention mechanism to obtain more diverse patches connections and help ViTs keep regions of interest on the object. Therefore, we propose an attack method against the unique self-attention mechanism in ViTs, called Self-Attention Patches Restructure (SAPR). Our method is simple to implement yet efficient and applicable to any self-attention based network and gradient transferability-based attack methods. We evaluate attack transferability on black-box models with different structures. The result show that our method generates adversarial examples on white-box ViTs with higher transferability and higher image quality. Our research advances the development of black-box transfer attacks on ViTs and demonstrates the feasibility of using white-box ViTs to attack other black-box models.


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