Domain Adaptation

2022-11-30 更新

A Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration

Authors:Anindya Sarkar, Michael Lanier, Scott Alfeld, Roman Garnett, Nathan Jacobs, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

Many problems can be viewed as forms of geospatial search aided by aerial imagery, with examples ranging from detecting poaching activity to human trafficking. We model this class of problems in a visual active search (VAS) framework, which takes as input an image of a broad area, and aims to identify as many examples of a target object as possible. It does this through a limited sequence of queries, each of which verifies whether an example is present in a given region. We propose a reinforcement learning approach for VAS that leverages a collection of fully annotated search tasks as training data to learn a search policy, and combines features of the input image with a natural representation of active search state. Additionally, we propose domain adaptation techniques to improve the policy at decision time when training data is not fully reflective of the test-time distribution of VAS tasks. Through extensive experiments on several satellite imagery datasets, we show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms several strong baselines. Code and data will be made public.
PDF 17 pages, 12 figures, Code at this https URL:


Be Careful with Rotation: A Uniform Backdoor Pattern for 3D Shape

Authors:Linkun Fan, Fazhi He, Qing Guo, Wei Tang, Xiaolin Hong, Bing Li

For saving cost, many deep neural networks (DNNs) are trained on third-party datasets downloaded from internet, which enables attacker to implant backdoor into DNNs. In 2D domain, inherent structures of different image formats are similar. Hence, backdoor attack designed for one image format will suite for others. However, when it comes to 3D world, there is a huge disparity among different 3D data structures. As a result, backdoor pattern designed for one certain 3D data structure will be disable for other data structures of the same 3D scene. Therefore, this paper designs a uniform backdoor pattern: NRBdoor (Noisy Rotation Backdoor) which is able to adapt for heterogeneous 3D data structures. Specifically, we start from the unit rotation and then search for the optimal pattern by noise generation and selection process. The proposed NRBdoor is natural and imperceptible, since rotation is a common operation which usually contains noise due to both the miss match between a pair of points and the sensor calibration error for real-world 3D scene. Extensive experiments on 3D mesh and point cloud show that the proposed NRBdoor achieves state-of-the-art performance, with negligible shape variation.


PyTorch Adapt

Authors:Kevin Musgrave, Serge Belongie, Ser-Nam Lim

PyTorch Adapt is a library for domain adaptation, a type of machine learning algorithm that re-purposes existing models to work in new domains. It is a fully-featured toolkit, allowing users to create a complete train/test pipeline in a few lines of code. It is also modular, so users can import just the parts they need, and not worry about being locked into a framework. One defining feature of this library is its customizability. In particular, complex training algorithms can be easily modified and combined, thanks to a system of composable, lazily-evaluated hooks. In this technical report, we explain in detail these features and the overall design of the library. Code is available at


DATID-3D: Diversity-Preserved Domain Adaptation Using Text-to-Image Diffusion for 3D Generative Model

Authors:Gwanghyun Kim, Se Young Chun

Recent 3D generative models have achieved remarkable performance in synthesizing high resolution photorealistic images with view consistency and detailed 3D shapes, but training them for diverse domains is challenging since it requires massive training images and their camera distribution information. Text-guided domain adaptation methods have shown impressive performance on converting the 2D generative model on one domain into the models on other domains with different styles by leveraging the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), rather than collecting massive datasets for those domains. However, one drawback of them is that the sample diversity in the original generative model is not well-preserved in the domain-adapted generative models due to the deterministic nature of the CLIP text encoder. Text-guided domain adaptation will be even more challenging for 3D generative models not only because of catastrophic diversity loss, but also because of inferior text-image correspondence and poor image quality. Here we propose DATID-3D, a domain adaptation method tailored for 3D generative models using text-to-image diffusion models that can synthesize diverse images per text prompt without collecting additional images and camera information for the target domain. Unlike 3D extensions of prior text-guided domain adaptation methods, our novel pipeline was able to fine-tune the state-of-the-art 3D generator of the source domain to synthesize high resolution, multi-view consistent images in text-guided targeted domains without additional data, outperforming the existing text-guided domain adaptation methods in diversity and text-image correspondence. Furthermore, we propose and demonstrate diverse 3D image manipulations such as one-shot instance-selected adaptation and single-view manipulated 3D reconstruction to fully enjoy diversity in text.
PDF Project page:


Provably Efficient Model-free RL in Leader-Follower MDP with Linear Function Approximation

Authors:Arnob Ghosh

We consider a multi-agent episodic MDP setup where an agent (leader) takes action at each step of the episode followed by another agent (follower). The state evolution and rewards depend on the joint action pair of the leader and the follower. Such type of interactions can find applications in many domains such as smart grids, mechanism design, security, and policymaking. We are interested in how to learn policies for both the players with provable performance guarantee under a bandit feedback setting. We focus on a setup where both the leader and followers are {\em non-myopic}, i.e., they both seek to maximize their rewards over the entire episode and consider a linear MDP which can model continuous state-space which is very common in many RL applications. We propose a {\em model-free} RL algorithm and show that $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{d^3H^3T})$ regret bounds can be achieved for both the leader and the follower, where $d$ is the dimension of the feature mapping, $H$ is the length of the episode, and $T$ is the total number of steps under the bandit feedback information setup. Thus, our result holds even when the number of states becomes infinite. The algorithm relies on {\em novel} adaptation of the LSVI-UCB algorithm. Specifically, we replace the standard greedy policy (as the best response) with the soft-max policy for both the leader and the follower. This turns out to be key in establishing uniform concentration bound for the value functions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first sub-linear regret bound guarantee for the Markov games with non-myopic followers with function approximation.


Exploring Consistency in Cross-Domain Transformer for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Kaihong Wang, Donghyun Kim, Rogerio Feris, Kate Saenko, Margrit Betke

While transformers have greatly boosted performance in semantic segmentation, domain adaptive transformers are not yet well explored. We identify that the domain gap can cause discrepancies in self-attention. Due to this gap, the transformer attends to spurious regions or pixels, which deteriorates accuracy on the target domain. We propose to perform adaptation on attention maps with cross-domain attention layers that share features between the source and the target domains. Specifically, we impose consistency between predictions from cross-domain attention and self-attention modules to encourage similar distribution in the attention and output of the model across domains, i.e., attention-level and output-level alignment. We also enforce consistency in attention maps between different augmented views to further strengthen the attention-based alignment. Combining these two components, our method mitigates the discrepancy in attention maps across domains and further boosts the performance of the transformer under unsupervised domain adaptation settings. Our model outperforms the existing state-of-the-art baseline model on three widely used benchmarks, including GTAV-to-Cityscapes by 1.3 percent point (pp), Synthia-to-Cityscapes by 0.6 pp, and Cityscapes-to-ACDC by 1.1 pp, on average. Additionally, we verify the effectiveness and generalizability of our method through extensive experiments. Our code will be publicly available.


If your data distribution shifts, use self-learning

Authors:Evgenia Rusak, Steffen Schneider, George Pachitariu, Luisa Eck, Peter Gehler, Oliver Bringmann, Wieland Brendel, Matthias Bethge

We demonstrate that self-learning techniques like entropy minimization and pseudo-labeling are simple and effective at improving performance of a deployed computer vision model under systematic domain shifts. We conduct a wide range of large-scale experiments and show consistent improvements irrespective of the model architecture, the pre-training technique or the type of distribution shift. At the same time, self-learning is simple to use in practice because it does not require knowledge or access to the original training data or scheme, is robust to hyperparameter choices, is straight-forward to implement and requires only a few adaptation epochs. This makes self-learning techniques highly attractive for any practitioner who applies machine learning algorithms in the real world. We present state-of-the-art adaptation results on CIFAR10-C (8.5% error), ImageNet-C (22.0% mCE), ImageNet-R (17.4% error) and ImageNet-A (14.8% error), theoretically study the dynamics of self-supervised adaptation methods and propose a new classification dataset (ImageNet-D) which is challenging even with adaptation.
PDF Web:


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