2022-11-28 更新
Sketch-Guided Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Authors:Andrey Voynov, Kfir Aberman, Daniel Cohen-Or
Text-to-Image models have introduced a remarkable leap in the evolution of machine learning, demonstrating high-quality synthesis of images from a given text-prompt. However, these powerful pretrained models still lack control handles that can guide spatial properties of the synthesized images. In this work, we introduce a universal approach to guide a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model, with a spatial map from another domain (e.g., sketch) during inference time. Unlike previous works, our method does not require to train a dedicated model or a specialized encoder for the task. Our key idea is to train a Latent Guidance Predictor (LGP) - a small, per-pixel, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) that maps latent features of noisy images to spatial maps, where the deep features are extracted from the core Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) network. The LGP is trained only on a few thousand images and constitutes a differential guiding map predictor, over which the loss is computed and propagated back to push the intermediate images to agree with the spatial map. The per-pixel training offers flexibility and locality which allows the technique to perform well on out-of-domain sketches, including free-hand style drawings. We take a particular focus on the sketch-to-image translation task, revealing a robust and expressive way to generate images that follow the guidance of a sketch of arbitrary style or domain. Project page: sketch-guided-diffusion.github.io
Invariance-Aware Randomized Smoothing Certificates
Authors:Jan Schuchardt, Stephan Günnemann
Building models that comply with the invariances inherent to different domains, such as invariance under translation or rotation, is a key aspect of applying machine learning to real world problems like molecular property prediction, medical imaging, protein folding or LiDAR classification. For the first time, we study how the invariances of a model can be leveraged to provably guarantee the robustness of its predictions. We propose a gray-box approach, enhancing the powerful black-box randomized smoothing technique with white-box knowledge about invariances. First, we develop gray-box certificates based on group orbits, which can be applied to arbitrary models with invariance under permutation and Euclidean isometries. Then, we derive provably tight gray-box certificates. We experimentally demonstrate that the provably tight certificates can offer much stronger guarantees, but that in practical scenarios the orbit-based method is a good approximation.
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2022
2022-11-28 更新
Dynamic Neural Portraits
Authors:Michail Christos Doukas, Stylianos Ploumpis, Stefanos Zafeiriou
We present Dynamic Neural Portraits, a novel approach to the problem of full-head reenactment. Our method generates photo-realistic video portraits by explicitly controlling head pose, facial expressions and eye gaze. Our proposed architecture is different from existing methods that rely on GAN-based image-to-image translation networks for transforming renderings of 3D faces into photo-realistic images. Instead, we build our system upon a 2D coordinate-based MLP with controllable dynamics. Our intuition to adopt a 2D-based representation, as opposed to recent 3D NeRF-like systems, stems from the fact that video portraits are captured by monocular stationary cameras, therefore, only a single viewpoint of the scene is available. Primarily, we condition our generative model on expression blendshapes, nonetheless, we show that our system can be successfully driven by audio features as well. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is 270 times faster than recent NeRF-based reenactment methods, with our networks achieving speeds of 24 fps for resolutions up to 1024 x 1024, while outperforming prior works in terms of visual quality.
PDF In IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023
PoET: Pose Estimation Transformer for Single-View, Multi-Object 6D Pose Estimation
Authors:Thomas Jantos, Mohamed Amin Hamdad, Wolfgang Granig, Stephan Weiss, Jan Steinbrener
Accurate 6D object pose estimation is an important task for a variety of robotic applications such as grasping or localization. It is a challenging task due to object symmetries, clutter and occlusion, but it becomes more challenging when additional information, such as depth and 3D models, is not provided. We present a transformer-based approach that takes an RGB image as input and predicts a 6D pose for each object in the image. Besides the image, our network does not require any additional information such as depth maps or 3D object models. First, the image is passed through an object detector to generate feature maps and to detect objects. Then, the feature maps are fed into a transformer with the detected bounding boxes as additional information. Afterwards, the output object queries are processed by a separate translation and rotation head. We achieve state-of-the-art results for RGB-only approaches on the challenging YCB-V dataset. We illustrate the suitability of the resulting model as pose sensor for a 6-DoF state estimation task. Code is available at https://github.com/aau-cns/poet.
PDF Supplementary material available: https://www.aau.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/jantos_poet.pdf , Code available: https://github.com/aau-cns/poet
Spatial Mixture-of-Experts
Authors:Nikoli Dryden, Torsten Hoefler
Many data have an underlying dependence on spatial location; it may be weather on the Earth, a simulation on a mesh, or a registered image. Yet this feature is rarely taken advantage of, and violates common assumptions made by many neural network layers, such as translation equivariance. Further, many works that do incorporate locality fail to capture fine-grained structure. To address this, we introduce the Spatial Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) layer, a sparsely-gated layer that learns spatial structure in the input domain and routes experts at a fine-grained level to utilize it. We also develop new techniques to train SMoEs, including a self-supervised routing loss and damping expert errors. Finally, we show strong results for SMoEs on numerous tasks, and set new state-of-the-art results for medium-range weather prediction and post-processing ensemble weather forecasts.
PDF 20 pages, 3 figures; NeurIPS 2022
Cross Aggregation Transformer for Image Restoration
Authors:Chen Zheng, Yulun Zhang, Jinjin Gu, Yongbing Zhang, Linghe Kong, Xin Yuan
Recently, Transformer architecture has been introduced into image restoration to replace convolution neural network (CNN) with surprising results. Considering the high computational complexity of Transformer with global attention, some methods use the local square window to limit the scope of self-attention. However, these methods lack direct interaction among different windows, which limits the establishment of long-range dependencies. To address the above issue, we propose a new image restoration model, Cross Aggregation Transformer (CAT). The core of our CAT is the Rectangle-Window Self-Attention (Rwin-SA), which utilizes horizontal and vertical rectangle window attention in different heads parallelly to expand the attention area and aggregate the features cross different windows. We also introduce the Axial-Shift operation for different window interactions. Furthermore, we propose the Locality Complementary Module to complement the self-attention mechanism, which incorporates the inductive bias of CNN (e.g., translation invariance and locality) into Transformer, enabling global-local coupling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our CAT outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods on several image restoration applications. The code and models are available at https://github.com/zhengchen1999/CAT.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022. Code is available at https://github.com/zhengchen1999/CAT
Learning Symmetric Rules with SATNet
Authors:Sangho Lim, Eun-Gyeol Oh, Hongseok Yang
SATNet is a differentiable constraint solver with a custom backpropagation algorithm, which can be used as a layer in a deep-learning system. It is a promising proposal for bridging deep learning and logical reasoning. In fact, SATNet has been successfully applied to learn, among others, the rules of a complex logical puzzle, such as Sudoku, just from input and output pairs where inputs are given as images. In this paper, we show how to improve the learning of SATNet by exploiting symmetries in the target rules of a given but unknown logical puzzle or more generally a logical formula. We present SymSATNet, a variant of SATNet that translates the given symmetries of the target rules to a condition on the parameters of SATNet and requires that the parameters should have a particular parametric form that guarantees the condition. The requirement dramatically reduces the number of parameters to learn for the rules with enough symmetries, and makes the parameter learning of SymSATNet much easier than that of SATNet. We also describe a technique for automatically discovering symmetries of the target rules from examples. Our experiments with Sudoku and Rubik’s cube show the substantial improvement of SymSATNet over the baseline SATNet.
PDF 27 pages, 10 figures, the first two authors contributed equally to this work, accepted at NeurIPS’22