Domain Adaptation

2022-11-28 更新

FLAIR #1: semantic segmentation and domain adaptation dataset

Authors:Anatol Garioud, Stéphane Peillet, Eva Bookjans, Sébastien Giordano, Boris Wattrelos

The French National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN) has the mission to document and measure land-cover on French territory and provides referential geographical datasets, including high-resolution aerial images and topographic maps. The monitoring of land-cover plays a crucial role in land management and planning initiatives, which can have significant socio-economic and environmental impact. Together with remote sensing technologies, artificial intelligence (IA) promises to become a powerful tool in determining land-cover and its evolution. IGN is currently exploring the potential of IA in the production of high-resolution land cover maps. Notably, deep learning methods are employed to obtain a semantic segmentation of aerial images. However, territories as large as France imply heterogeneous contexts: variations in landscapes and image acquisition make it challenging to provide uniform, reliable and accurate results across all of France. The FLAIR-one dataset presented is part of the dataset currently used at IGN to establish the French national reference land cover map “Occupation du sol `a grande \’echelle” (OCS- GE).


Data-Driven Offline Decision-Making via Invariant Representation Learning

Authors:Han Qi, Yi Su, Aviral Kumar, Sergey Levine

The goal in offline data-driven decision-making is synthesize decisions that optimize a black-box utility function, using a previously-collected static dataset, with no active interaction. These problems appear in many forms: offline reinforcement learning (RL), where we must produce actions that optimize the long-term reward, bandits from logged data, where the goal is to determine the correct arm, and offline model-based optimization (MBO) problems, where we must find the optimal design provided access to only a static dataset. A key challenge in all these settings is distributional shift: when we optimize with respect to the input into a model trained from offline data, it is easy to produce an out-of-distribution (OOD) input that appears erroneously good. In contrast to prior approaches that utilize pessimism or conservatism to tackle this problem, in this paper, we formulate offline data-driven decision-making as domain adaptation, where the goal is to make accurate predictions for the value of optimized decisions (“target domain”), when training only on the dataset (“source domain”). This perspective leads to invariant objective models (IOM), our approach for addressing distributional shift by enforcing invariance between the learned representations of the training dataset and optimized decisions. In IOM, if the optimized decisions are too different from the training dataset, the representation will be forced to lose much of the information that distinguishes good designs from bad ones, making all choices seem mediocre. Critically, when the optimizer is aware of this representational tradeoff, it should choose not to stray too far from the training distribution, leading to a natural trade-off between distributional shift and learning performance.
PDF This is an extended version of the NeurIPS 2022 conference paper titled: “Data-Driven Offline Model-Based Optimization via Invariant Representation Learning”


Emotion-guided Cross-domain Fake News Detection using Adversarial Domain Adaptation

Authors:Arjun Choudhry, Inder Khatri, Arkajyoti Chakraborty, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Mukesh Prasad

Recent works on fake news detection have shown the efficacy of using emotions as a feature or emotions-based features for improved performance. However, the impact of these emotion-guided features for fake news detection in cross-domain settings, where we face the problem of domain shift, is still largely unexplored. In this work, we evaluate the impact of emotion-guided features for cross-domain fake news detection, and further propose an emotion-guided, domain-adaptive approach using adversarial learning. We prove the efficacy of emotion-guided models in cross-domain settings for various combinations of source and target datasets from FakeNewsAMT, Celeb, Politifact and Gossipcop datasets.
PDF Accepted as a Short Paper in the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) 2022


2022-11-28 更新

Object Detection in Foggy Scenes by Embedding Depth and Reconstruction into Domain Adaptation

Authors:Xin Yang, Michael Bi Mi, Yuan Yuan, Xin Wang, Robby T. Tan

Most existing domain adaptation (DA) methods align the features based on the domain feature distributions and ignore aspects related to fog, background and target objects, rendering suboptimal performance. In our DA framework, we retain the depth and background information during the domain feature alignment. A consistency loss between the generated depth and fog transmission map is introduced to strengthen the retention of the depth information in the aligned features. To address false object features potentially generated during the DA process, we propose an encoder-decoder framework to reconstruct the fog-free background image. This reconstruction loss also reinforces the encoder, i.e., our DA backbone, to minimize false object features.Moreover, we involve our target data in training both our DA module and our detection module in a semi-supervised manner, so that our detection module is also exposed to the unlabeled target data, the type of data used in the testing stage. Using these ideas, our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method (47.6 mAP against the 44.3 mAP on the Foggy Cityscapes dataset), and obtains the best performance on multiple real-image public datasets. Code is available at:
PDF Accepted by ACCV


Local Context-Aware Active Domain Adaptation

Authors:Tao Sun, Cheng Lu, Haibin Ling

Active Domain Adaptation (ADA) queries the labels of a small number of selected target samples to help adapting a model from a source domain to a target domain. The local context of queried data is important, especially when the domain gap is large. However, this has not been fully explored by existing ADA works. In this paper, we propose a Local context-aware ADA framework, named LADA, to address this issue. To select informative target samples, we devise a novel criterion based on the local inconsistency of model predictions. Since the labeling budget is usually small, fine-tuning model on only queried data can be inefficient. We progressively augment labeled target data with the confident neighbors in a class-balanced manner. Experiments validate that the proposed criterion chooses more informative target samples than existing active selection strategies. Furthermore, our full method surpasses recent ADA arts on various benchmarks. Code is available at


Unsupervised Continual Semantic Adaptation through Neural Rendering

Authors:Zhizheng Liu, Francesco Milano, Jonas Frey, Marco Hutter, Roland Siegwart, Hermann Blum, Cesar Cadena

An increasing amount of applications rely on data-driven models that are deployed for perception tasks across a sequence of scenes. Due to the mismatch between training and deployment data, adapting the model on the new scenes is often crucial to obtain good performance. In this work, we study continual multi-scene adaptation for the task of semantic segmentation, assuming that no ground-truth labels are available during deployment and that performance on the previous scenes should be maintained. We propose training a Semantic-NeRF network for each scene by fusing the predictions of a segmentation model and then using the view-consistent rendered semantic labels as pseudo-labels to adapt the model. Through joint training with the segmentation model, the Semantic-NeRF model effectively enables 2D-3D knowledge transfer. Furthermore, due to its compact size, it can be stored in a long-term memory and subsequently used to render data from arbitrary viewpoints to reduce forgetting. We evaluate our approach on ScanNet, where we outperform both a voxel-based baseline and a state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation method.
PDF Zhizheng Liu and Francesco Milano share first authorship. Hermann Blum and Cesar Cadena share senior authorship. 18 pages, 7 figures, 10 tables


SkillS: Adaptive Skill Sequencing for Efficient Temporally-Extended Exploration

Authors:Giulia Vezzani, Dhruva Tirumala, Markus Wulfmeier, Dushyant Rao, Abbas Abdolmaleki, Ben Moran, Tuomas Haarnoja, Jan Humplik, Roland Hafner, Michael Neunert, Claudio Fantacci, Tim Hertweck, Thomas Lampe, Fereshteh Sadeghi, Nicolas Heess, Martin Riedmiller

The ability to effectively reuse prior knowledge is a key requirement when building general and flexible Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. Skill reuse is one of the most common approaches, but current methods have considerable limitations.For example, fine-tuning an existing policy frequently fails, as the policy can degrade rapidly early in training. In a similar vein, distillation of expert behavior can lead to poor results when given sub-optimal experts. We compare several common approaches for skill transfer on multiple domains including changes in task and system dynamics. We identify how existing methods can fail and introduce an alternative approach to mitigate these problems. Our approach learns to sequence existing temporally-extended skills for exploration but learns the final policy directly from the raw experience. This conceptual split enables rapid adaptation and thus efficient data collection but without constraining the final solution.It significantly outperforms many classical methods across a suite of evaluation tasks and we use a broad set of ablations to highlight the importance of differentc omponents of our method.


CAFA: Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Test-Time Adaptation

Authors:Sanghun Jung, Jungsoo Lee, Nanhee Kim, Amirreza Shaban, Byron Boots, Jaegul Choo

Despite recent advancements in deep learning, deep neural networks continue to suffer from performance degradation when applied to new data that differs from training data. Test-time adaptation (TTA) aims to address this challenge by adapting a model to unlabeled data at test time. TTA can be applied to pretrained networks without modifying their training procedures, enabling them to utilize a well-formed source distribution for adaptation. One possible approach is to align the representation space of test samples to the source distribution (\textit{i.e.,} feature alignment). However, performing feature alignment in TTA is especially challenging in that access to labeled source data is restricted during adaptation. That is, a model does not have a chance to learn test data in a class-discriminative manner, which was feasible in other adaptation tasks (\textit{e.g.,} unsupervised domain adaptation) via supervised losses on the source data. Based on this observation, we propose a simple yet effective feature alignment loss, termed as Class-Aware Feature Alignment (CAFA), which simultaneously 1) encourages a model to learn target representations in a class-discriminative manner and 2) effectively mitigates the distribution shifts at test time. Our method does not require any hyper-parameters or additional losses, which are required in previous approaches. We conduct extensive experiments on 6 different datasets and show our proposed method consistently outperforms existing baselines.


Learning with Weak Annotations for Robust Maritime Obstacle Detection

Authors:Lojze Žust, Matej Kristan

Robust maritime obstacle detection is critical for safe navigation of autonomous boats and timely collision avoidance. The current state-of-the-art is based on deep segmentation networks trained on large datasets. However, per-pixel ground truth labeling of such datasets is labor-intensive and expensive. We propose a new scaffolding learning regime (SLR) that leverages weak annotations consisting of water edges, the horizon location, and obstacle bounding boxes to train segmentation-based obstacle detection networks, thereby reducing the required ground truth labeling effort by a factor of twenty. SLR trains an initial model from weak annotations and then alternates between re-estimating the segmentation pseudo-labels and improving the network parameters. Experiments show that maritime obstacle segmentation networks trained using SLR on weak annotations not only match but outperform the same networks trained with dense ground truth labels, which is a remarkable result. In addition to the increased accuracy, SLR also increases domain generalization and can be used for domain adaptation with a low manual annotation load. The SLR code and pre-trained models are available at .
PDF Published in MDPI Sensors, 23 pages, 8 figures


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