
2022-11-28 更新

Aggregated Text Transformer for Scene Text Detection

Authors:Zhao Zhou, Xiangcheng Du, Yingbin Zheng, Cheng Jin

This paper explores the multi-scale aggregation strategy for scene text detection in natural images. We present the Aggregated Text TRansformer(ATTR), which is designed to represent texts in scene images with a multi-scale self-attention mechanism. Starting from the image pyramid with multiple resolutions, the features are first extracted at different scales with shared weight and then fed into an encoder-decoder architecture of Transformer. The multi-scale image representations are robust and contain rich information on text contents of various sizes. The text Transformer aggregates these features to learn the interaction across different scales and improve text representation. The proposed method detects scene texts by representing each text instance as an individual binary mask, which is tolerant of curve texts and regions with dense instances. Extensive experiments on public scene text detection datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


2022-11-28 更新

PreSTU: Pre-Training for Scene-Text Understanding

Authors:Jihyung Kil, Soravit Changpinyo, Xi Chen, Hexiang Hu, Sebastian Goodman, Wei-Lun Chao, Radu Soricut

The ability to recognize and reason about text embedded in visual inputs is often lacking in vision-and-language (V&L) models, perhaps because V&L pre-training methods have often failed to include such an ability as their training objective. In this paper, we propose PreSTU, a novel pre-training recipe dedicated to scene-text understanding (STU). PreSTU introduces OCR-aware pre-training objectives that encourage the model to recognize text from an image and to connect what is recognized to the rest of the image content. We implement PreSTU using a simple transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture, combined with large-scale image-text datasets with scene text obtained from an off-the-shelf OCR system. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of this pre-training approach on four visual question answering and two image captioning benchmarks.


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