
2022-11-25 更新

Doubly Contrastive End-to-End Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving under Adverse Weather

Authors:Jongoh Jeong, Jong-Hwan Kim

Road scene understanding tasks have recently become crucial for self-driving vehicles. In particular, real-time semantic segmentation is indispensable for intelligent self-driving agents to recognize roadside objects in the driving area. As prior research works have primarily sought to improve the segmentation performance with computationally heavy operations, they require far significant hardware resources for both training and deployment, and thus are not suitable for real-time applications. As such, we propose a doubly contrastive approach to improve the performance of a more practical lightweight model for self-driving, specifically under adverse weather conditions such as fog, nighttime, rain and snow. Our proposed approach exploits both image- and pixel-level contrasts in an end-to-end supervised learning scheme without requiring a memory bank for global consistency or the pretraining step used in conventional contrastive methods. We validate the effectiveness of our method using SwiftNet on the ACDC dataset, where it achieves up to 1.34%p improvement in mIoU (ResNet-18 backbone) at 66.7 FPS (2048x1024 resolution) on a single RTX 3080 Mobile GPU at inference. Furthermore, we demonstrate that replacing image-level supervision with self-supervision achieves comparable performance when pre-trained with clear weather images.
PDF Accepted for publication at BMVC 2022


Supervised Contrastive Learning on Blended Images for Long-tailed Recognition

Authors:Minki Jeong, Changick Kim

Real-world data often have a long-tailed distribution, where the number of samples per class is not equal over training classes. The imbalanced data form a biased feature space, which deteriorates the performance of the recognition model. In this paper, we propose a novel long-tailed recognition method to balance the latent feature space. First, we introduce a MixUp-based data augmentation technique to reduce the bias of the long-tailed data. Furthermore, we propose a new supervised contrastive learning method, named Supervised contrastive learning on Mixed Classes (SMC), for blended images. SMC creates a set of positives based on the class labels of the original images. The combination ratio of positives weights the positives in the training loss. SMC with the class-mixture-based loss explores more diverse data space, enhancing the generalization capability of the model. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks show the effectiveness of our one-stage training method.


Improving Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning by Leveraging Exogenous Depth Information

Authors:Ahmed Ben Saad, Kristina Prokopetc, Josselin Kherroubi, Axel Davy, Adrien Courtois, Gabriele Facciolo

Self-supervised representation learning based on Contrastive Learning (CL) has been the subject of much attention in recent years. This is due to the excellent results obtained on a variety of subsequent tasks (in particular classification), without requiring a large amount of labeled samples. However, most reference CL algorithms (such as SimCLR and MoCo, but also BYOL and Barlow Twins) are not adapted to pixel-level downstream tasks. One existing solution known as PixPro proposes a pixel-level approach that is based on filtering of pairs of positive/negative image crops of the same image using the distance between the crops in the whole image. We argue that this idea can be further enhanced by incorporating semantic information provided by exogenous data as an additional selection filter, which can be used (at training time) to improve the selection of the pixel-level positive/negative samples. In this paper we will focus on the depth information, which can be obtained by using a depth estimation network or measured from available data (stereovision, parallax motion, LiDAR, etc.). Scene depth can provide meaningful cues to distinguish pixels belonging to different objects based on their depth. We show that using this exogenous information in the contrastive loss leads to improved results and that the learned representations better follow the shapes of objects. In addition, we introduce a multi-scale loss that alleviates the issue of finding the training parameters adapted to different object sizes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our ideas on the Breakout Segmentation on Borehole Images where we achieve an improvement of 1.9\% over PixPro and nearly 5\% over the supervised baseline. We further validate our technique on the indoor scene segmentation tasks with ScanNet and outdoor scenes with CityScapes ( 1.6\% and 1.1\% improvement over PixPro respectively).
PDF Accepted for WACV 2023


2022-11-25 更新

Contrastive Multi-View Textual-Visual Encoding: Towards One Hundred Thousand-Scale One-Shot Logo Identification

Authors:Nakul Sharma, Abhirama S. Penamakuri, Anand Mishra

In this paper, we study the problem of identifying logos of business brands in natural scenes in an open-set one-shot setting. This problem setup is significantly more challenging than traditionally-studied ‘closed-set’ and ‘large-scale training samples per category’ logo recognition settings. We propose a novel multi-view textual-visual encoding framework that encodes text appearing in the logos as well as the graphical design of the logos to learn robust contrastive representations. These representations are jointly learned for multiple views of logos over a batch and thereby they generalize well to unseen logos. We evaluate our proposed framework for cropped logo verification, cropped logo identification, and end-to-end logo identification in natural scene tasks; and compare it against state-of-the-art methods. Further, the literature lacks a ‘very-large-scale’ collection of reference logo images that can facilitate the study of one-hundred thousand-scale logo identification. To fill this gap in the literature, we introduce Wikidata Reference Logo Dataset (WiRLD), containing logos for 100K business brands harvested from Wikidata. Our proposed framework that achieves an area under the ROC curve of 91.3% on the QMUL-OpenLogo dataset for the verification task, outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 9.1% and 2.6% on the one-shot logo identification task on the Toplogos-10 and the FlickrLogos32 datasets, respectively. Further, we show that our method is more stable compared to other baselines even when the number of candidate logos is on a 100K scale.
PDF Accepted to ICVGIP 2022


CDDSA: Contrastive Domain Disentanglement and Style Augmentation for Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Ran Gu, Guotai Wang, Jiangshan Lu, Jingyang Zhang, Wenhui Lei, Yinan Chen, Wenjun Liao, Shichuan Zhang, Kang Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Shaoting Zhang

Generalization to previously unseen images with potential domain shifts and different styles is essential for clinically applicable medical image segmentation, and the ability to disentangle domain-specific and domain-invariant features is key for achieving Domain Generalization (DG). However, existing DG methods can hardly achieve effective disentanglement to get high generalizability. To deal with this problem, we propose an efficient Contrastive Domain Disentanglement and Style Augmentation (CDDSA) framework for generalizable medical image segmentation. First, a disentangle network is proposed to decompose an image into a domain-invariant anatomical representation and a domain-specific style code, where the former is sent to a segmentation model that is not affected by the domain shift, and the disentangle network is regularized by a decoder that combines the anatomical and style codes to reconstruct the input image. Second, to achieve better disentanglement, a contrastive loss is proposed to encourage the style codes from the same domain and different domains to be compact and divergent, respectively. Thirdly, to further improve generalizability, we propose a style augmentation method based on the disentanglement representation to synthesize images in various unseen styles with shared anatomical structures. Our method was validated on a public multi-site fundus image dataset for optic cup and disc segmentation and an in-house multi-site Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Magnetic Resonance Image (NPC-MRI) dataset for nasopharynx Gross Tumor Volume (GTVnx) segmentation. Experimental results showed that the proposed CDDSA achieved remarkable generalizability across different domains, and it outperformed several state-of-the-art methods in domain-generalizable segmentation.
PDF 14 pages, 8 figures


A Novel Center-based Deep Contrastive Metric Learning Method for the Detection of Polymicrogyria in Pediatric Brain MRI

Authors:Lingfeng Zhang, Nishard Abdeen, Jochen Lang

Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a disorder of cortical organization mainly seen in children, which can be associated with seizures, developmental delay and motor weakness. PMG is typically diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) but some cases can be challenging to detect even for experienced radiologists. In this study, we create an open pediatric MRI dataset (PPMR) with PMG and controls from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Ottawa, Canada. The differences between PMG MRIs and control MRIs are subtle and the true distribution of the features of the disease is unknown. This makes automatic detection of cases of potential PMG in MRI difficult. We propose an anomaly detection method based on a novel center-based deep contrastive metric learning loss function (cDCM) which enables the automatic detection of cases of potential PMG. Additionally, based on our proposed loss function, we customize a deep learning model structure that integrates dilated convolution, squeeze-and-excitation blocks and feature fusion for our PPMR dataset. Despite working with a small and imbalanced dataset our method achieves 92.01% recall at 55.04% precision. This will facilitate a computer aided tool for radiologists to select potential PMG MRIs. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first to apply machine learning techniques to identify PMG from MRI only.
PDF 24 pages, 13 figures


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