Vision Transformer

2022-11-25 更新

ClipCrop: Conditioned Cropping Driven by Vision-Language Model

Authors:Zhihang Zhong, Mingxi Cheng, Zhirong Wu, Yuhui Yuan, Yinqiang Zheng, Ji Li, Han Hu, Stephen Lin, Yoichi Sato, Imari Sato

Image cropping has progressed tremendously under the data-driven paradigm. However, current approaches do not account for the intentions of the user, which is an issue especially when the composition of the input image is complex. Moreover, labeling of cropping data is costly and hence the amount of data is limited, leading to poor generalization performance of current algorithms in the wild. In this work, we take advantage of vision-language models as a foundation for creating robust and user-intentional cropping algorithms. By adapting a transformer decoder with a pre-trained CLIP-based detection model, OWL-ViT, we develop a method to perform cropping with a text or image query that reflects the user’s intention as guidance. In addition, our pipeline design allows the model to learn text-conditioned aesthetic cropping with a small cropping dataset, while inheriting the open-vocabulary ability acquired from millions of text-image pairs. We validate our model through extensive experiments on existing datasets as well as a new cropping test set we compiled that is characterized by content ambiguity.


CF-ViT: A General Coarse-to-Fine Method for Vision Transformer

Authors:Mengzhao Chen, Mingbao Lin, Ke Li, Yunhang Shen, Yongjian Wu, Fei Chao, Rongrong Ji

Vision Transformers (ViT) have made many breakthroughs in computer vision tasks. However, considerable redundancy arises in the spatial dimension of an input image, leading to massive computational costs. Therefore, We propose a coarse-to-fine vision transformer (CF-ViT) to relieve computational burden while retaining performance in this paper. Our proposed CF-ViT is motivated by two important observations in modern ViT models: (1) The coarse-grained patch splitting can locate informative regions of an input image. (2) Most images can be well recognized by a ViT model in a small-length token sequence. Therefore, our CF-ViT implements network inference in a two-stage manner. At coarse inference stage, an input image is split into a small-length patch sequence for a computationally economical classification. If not well recognized, the informative patches are identified and further re-split in a fine-grained granularity. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our CF-ViT. For example, without any compromise on performance, CF-ViT reduces 53% FLOPs of LV-ViT, and also achieves 2.01x throughput.
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2023


TranViT: An Integrated Vision Transformer Framework for Discrete Transit Travel Time Range Prediction

Authors:Awad Abdelhalim, Jinhua Zhao

Accurate travel time estimation is paramount for providing transit users with reliable schedules and dependable real-time information. This paper proposes and evaluates a novel end-to-end framework for transit and roadside image data acquisition, labeling, and model training to predict transit travel times across a segment of interest. General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) real-time data is used as an activation mechanism for a roadside camera unit monitoring a segment of Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge, MA. Ground truth labels are generated for the acquired images dataset based on transit travel time across the monitored segment acquired from Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) data. The generated labeled image dataset is then used to train and evaluate a Vision Transformer (ViT) model to predict a discrete transit travel time range (band) based on the observed travel time percentiles. The results of this exploratory study illustrate that the ViT model is able to learn image features and contents that best help it deduce the expected travel time range with an average validation accuracy ranging between 80%-85%. We also demonstrate how this discrete travel time band prediction can subsequently be utilized to improve continuous transit travel time estimation. The workflow and results presented in this study provide an end-to-end, scalable, automated, and highly efficient approach for integrating traditional transit data sources and roadside imagery to estimate traffic states and predict transit travel duration, which can have major implications for improving operations and passenger real-time information.


Overfreezing Meets Overparameterization: A Double Descent Perspective on Transfer Learning of Deep Neural Networks

Authors:Yehuda Dar, Lorenzo Luzi, Richard G. Baraniuk

We study the generalization behavior of transfer learning of deep neural networks (DNNs). We adopt the overparameterization perspective — featuring interpolation of the training data (i.e., approximately zero train error) and the double descent phenomenon — to explain the delicate effect of the transfer learning setting on generalization performance. We study how the generalization behavior of transfer learning is affected by the dataset size in the source and target tasks, the number of transferred layers that are kept frozen in the target DNN training, and the similarity between the source and target tasks. We show that the test error evolution during the target DNN training has a more significant double descent effect when the target training dataset is sufficiently large with some label noise. In addition, a larger source training dataset can delay the arrival to interpolation and double descent peak in the target DNN training. Moreover, we demonstrate that the number of frozen layers can determine whether the transfer learning is effectively underparameterized or overparameterized and, in turn, this may affect the relative success or failure of learning. Specifically, we show that too many frozen layers may make a transfer from a less related source task better or on par with a transfer from a more related source task; we call this case overfreezing. We establish our results using image classification experiments with the residual network (ResNet) and vision transformer (ViT) architectures.


Data Augmentation Vision Transformer for Fine-grained Image Classification

Authors:Chao Hu, Liqiang Zhu, Weibin Qiu, Weijie Wu

Recently, the vision transformer (ViT) has made breakthroughs in image recognition. Its self-attention mechanism (MSA) can extract discriminative labeling information of different pixel blocks to improve image classification accuracy. However, the classification marks in their deep layers tend to ignore local features between layers. In addition, the embedding layer will be fixed-size pixel blocks. Input network Inevitably introduces additional image noise. To this end, this paper studies a data augmentation vision transformer (DAVT) based on data augmentation and proposes a data augmentation method for attention cropping, which uses attention weights as the guide to crop images and improve the ability of the network to learn critical features. Secondly, this paper also proposes a hierarchical attention selection (HAS) method, which improves the ability of discriminative markers between levels of learning by filtering and fusing labels between levels. Experimental results show that the accuracy of this method on the two general datasets, CUB-200-2011, and Stanford Dogs, is better than the existing mainstream methods, and its accuracy is 1.4\% and 1.6\% higher than the original ViT, respectively.


2022-11-25 更新

Texts as Images in Prompt Tuning for Multi-Label Image Recognition

Authors:Zixian Guo, Bowen Dong, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Yiwen Guo, Wangmeng Zuo

Prompt tuning has been employed as an efficient way to adapt large vision-language pre-trained models (e.g. CLIP) to various downstream tasks in data-limited or label-limited settings. Nonetheless, visual data (e.g., images) is by default prerequisite for learning prompts in existing methods. In this work, we advocate that the effectiveness of image-text contrastive learning in aligning the two modalities (for training CLIP) further makes it feasible to treat texts as images for prompt tuning and introduce TaI prompting. In contrast to the visual data, text descriptions are easy to collect, and their class labels can be directly derived. Particularly, we apply TaI prompting to multi-label image recognition, where sentences in the wild serve as alternatives to images for prompt tuning. Moreover, with TaI, double-grained prompt tuning (TaI-DPT) is further presented to extract both coarse-grained and fine-grained embeddings for enhancing the multi-label recognition performance. Experimental results show that our proposed TaI-DPT outperforms zero-shot CLIP by a large margin on multiple benchmarks, e.g., MS-COCO, VOC2007, and NUS-WIDE, while it can be combined with existing methods of prompting from images to improve recognition performance further. Code is released at


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