
2022-11-25 更新

Doubly Contrastive End-to-End Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving under Adverse Weather

Authors:Jongoh Jeong, Jong-Hwan Kim

Road scene understanding tasks have recently become crucial for self-driving vehicles. In particular, real-time semantic segmentation is indispensable for intelligent self-driving agents to recognize roadside objects in the driving area. As prior research works have primarily sought to improve the segmentation performance with computationally heavy operations, they require far significant hardware resources for both training and deployment, and thus are not suitable for real-time applications. As such, we propose a doubly contrastive approach to improve the performance of a more practical lightweight model for self-driving, specifically under adverse weather conditions such as fog, nighttime, rain and snow. Our proposed approach exploits both image- and pixel-level contrasts in an end-to-end supervised learning scheme without requiring a memory bank for global consistency or the pretraining step used in conventional contrastive methods. We validate the effectiveness of our method using SwiftNet on the ACDC dataset, where it achieves up to 1.34%p improvement in mIoU (ResNet-18 backbone) at 66.7 FPS (2048x1024 resolution) on a single RTX 3080 Mobile GPU at inference. Furthermore, we demonstrate that replacing image-level supervision with self-supervision achieves comparable performance when pre-trained with clear weather images.
PDF Accepted for publication at BMVC 2022


Task-Specific Data Augmentation and Inference Processing for VIPriors Instance Segmentation Challenge

Authors:Bo Yan, Xingran Zhao, Yadong Li, Hongbin Wang

Instance segmentation is applied widely in image editing, image analysis and autonomous driving, etc. However, insufficient data is a common problem in practical applications. The Visual Inductive Priors(VIPriors) Instance Segmentation Challenge has focused on this problem. VIPriors for Data-Efficient Computer Vision Challenges ask competitors to train models from scratch in a data-deficient setting, but there are some visual inductive priors that can be used. In order to address the VIPriors instance segmentation problem, we designed a Task-Specific Data Augmentation(TS-DA) strategy and Inference Processing(TS-IP) strategy. The main purpose of task-specific data augmentation strategy is to tackle the data-deficient problem. And in order to make the most of visual inductive priors, we designed a task-specific inference processing strategy. We demonstrate the applicability of proposed method on VIPriors Instance Segmentation Challenge. The segmentation model applied is Hybrid Task Cascade based detector on the Swin-Base based CBNetV2 backbone. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed method can achieve a competitive result on the test set of 2022 VIPriors Instance Segmentation Challenge, with 0.531 AP@0.50:0.95.
PDF The first place solution for ECCV 2022 VIPriors Instance Segmentation Challenge. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.13899


Synthetic Data for Semantic Image Segmentation of Imagery of Unmanned Spacecraft

Authors:William S. Armstrong, Spencer Drakontaidis, Nicholas Lui

Images of spacecraft photographed from other spacecraft operating in outer space are difficult to come by, especially at a scale typically required for deep learning tasks. Semantic image segmentation, object detection and localization, and pose estimation are well researched areas with powerful results for many applications, and would be very useful in autonomous spacecraft operation and rendezvous. However, recent studies show that these strong results in broad and common domains may generalize poorly even to specific industrial applications on earth. To address this, we propose a method for generating synthetic image data that are labelled for semantic segmentation, generalizable to other tasks, and provide a prototype synthetic image dataset consisting of 2D monocular images of unmanned spacecraft, in order to enable further research in the area of autonomous spacecraft rendezvous. We also present a strong benchmark result (S{\o}rensen-Dice coefficient 0.8723) on these synthetic data, suggesting that it is feasible to train well-performing image segmentation models for this task, especially if the target spacecraft and its configuration are known.
PDF 7 pages, 4 figures, conditionally accepted to 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference


SeaDroneSim: Simulation of Aerial Images for Detection of Objects Above Water

Authors:Xiaomin Lin, Cheng Liu, Allen Pattillo, Miao Yu, Yiannis Aloimonous

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are known for their fast and versatile applicability. With UAVs’ growth in availability and applications, they are now of vital importance in serving as technological support in search-and-rescue(SAR) operations in marine environments. High-resolution cameras and GPUs can be equipped on the UAVs to provide effective and efficient aid to emergency rescue operations. With modern computer vision algorithms, we can detect objects for aiming such rescue missions. However, these modern computer vision algorithms are dependent on numerous amounts of training data from UAVs, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive for maritime environments. To this end, we present a new benchmark suite, SeaDroneSim, that can be used to create photo-realistic aerial image datasets with the ground truth for segmentation masks of any given object. Utilizing only the synthetic data generated from SeaDroneSim, we obtain 71 mAP on real aerial images for detecting BlueROV as a feasibility study. This result from the new simulation suit also serves as a baseline for the detection of BlueROV.


FLAIR #1: semantic segmentation and domain adaptation dataset

Authors:Anatol Garioud, Stéphane Peillet, Eva Bookjans, Sébastien Giordano, Boris Wattrelos

The French National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN) has the mission to document and measure land-cover on French territory and provides referential geographical datasets, including high-resolution aerial images and topographic maps. The monitoring of land-cover plays a crucial role in land management and planning initiatives, which can have significant socio-economic and environmental impact. Together with remote sensing technologies, artificial intelligence (IA) promises to become a powerful tool in determining land-cover and its evolution. IGN is currently exploring the potential of IA in the production of high-resolution land cover maps. Notably, deep learning methods are employed to obtain a semantic segmentation of aerial images. However, territories as large as France imply heterogeneous contexts: variations in landscapes and image acquisition make it challenging to provide uniform, reliable and accurate results across all of France. The FLAIR-one dataset presented is part of the dataset currently used at IGN to establish the French national reference land cover map “Occupation du sol `a grande \’echelle” (OCS- GE).


Out-of-Candidate Rectification for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Zesen Cheng, Pengchong Qiao, Kehan Li, Siheng Li, Pengxu Wei, Xiangyang Ji, Li Yuan, Chang Liu, Jie Chen

Weakly supervised semantic segmentation is typically inspired by class activation maps, which serve as pseudo masks with class-discriminative regions highlighted. Although tremendous efforts have been made to recall precise and complete locations for each class, existing methods still commonly suffer from the unsolicited Out-of-Candidate (OC) error predictions that not belongs to the label candidates, which could be avoidable since the contradiction with image-level class tags is easy to be detected. In this paper, we develop a group ranking-based Out-of-Candidate Rectification (OCR) mechanism in a plug-and-play fashion. Firstly, we adaptively split the semantic categories into In-Candidate (IC) and OC groups for each OC pixel according to their prior annotation correlation and posterior prediction correlation. Then, we derive a differentiable rectification loss to force OC pixels to shift to the IC group. Incorporating our OCR with seminal baselines (e.g., AffinityNet, SEAM, MCTformer), we can achieve remarkable performance gains on both Pascal VOC (+3.2%, +3.3%, +0.8% mIoU) and MS COCO (+1.0%, +1.3%, +0.5% mIoU) datasets with negligible extra training overhead, which justifies the effectiveness and generality of our OCR.


Detect Only What You Specify : Object Detection with Linguistic Target

Authors:Moyuru Yamada

Object detection is a computer vision task of predicting a set of bounding boxes and category labels for each object of interest in a given image. The category is related to a linguistic symbol such as ‘dog’ or ‘person’ and there should be relationships among them. However the object detector only learns to classify the categories and does not treat them as the linguistic symbols. Multi-modal models often use the pre-trained object detector to extract object features from the image, but the models are separated from the detector and the extracted visual features does not change with their linguistic input. We rethink the object detection as a vision-and-language reasoning task. We then propose targeted detection task, where detection targets are given by a natural language and the goal of the task is to detect only all the target objects in a given image. There are no detection if the target is not given. Commonly used modern object detectors have many hand-designed components like anchor and it is difficult to fuse the textual inputs into the complex pipeline. We thus propose Language-Targeted Detector (LTD) for the targeted detection based on a recently proposed Transformer-based detector. LTD is a encoder-decoder architecture and our conditional decoder allows the model to reason about the encoded image with the textual input as the linguistic context. We evaluate detection performances of LTD on COCO object detection dataset and also show that our model improves the detection results with the textual input grounding to the visual object.


Semantic Segmentation for Fully Automated Macrofouling Analysis on Coatings after Field Exposure

Authors:Lutz M. K. Krause, Emily Manderfeld, Patricia Gnutt, Louisa Vogler, Ann Wassick, Kailey Richard, Marco Rudolph, Kelli Z. Hunsucker, Geoffrey W. Swain, Bodo Rosenhahn, Axel Rosenhahn

Biofouling is a major challenge for sustainable shipping, filter membranes, heat exchangers, and medical devices. The development of fouling-resistant coatings requires the evaluation of their effectiveness. Such an evaluation is usually based on the assessment of fouling progression after different exposure times to the target medium (e.g., salt water). The manual assessment of macrofouling requires expert knowledge about local fouling communities due to high variances in phenotypical appearance, has single-image sampling inaccuracies for certain species, and lacks spatial information. Here we present an approach for automatic image-based macrofouling analysis. We created a dataset with dense labels prepared from field panel images and propose a convolutional network (adapted U-Net) for the semantic segmentation of different macrofouling classes. The establishment of macrofouling localization allows for the generation of a successional model which enables the determination of direct surface attachment and in-depth epibiotic studies.
PDF 33 pages, 10 figures


2022-11-25 更新

LoopDA: Constructing Self-loops to Adapt Nighttime Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Fengyi Shen, Zador Pataki, Akhil Gurram, Ziyuan Liu, He Wang, Alois Knoll

Due to the lack of training labels and the difficulty of annotating, dealing with adverse driving conditions such as nighttime has posed a huge challenge to the perception system of autonomous vehicles. Therefore, adapting knowledge from a labelled daytime domain to an unlabelled nighttime domain has been widely researched. In addition to labelled daytime datasets, existing nighttime datasets usually provide nighttime images with corresponding daytime reference images captured at nearby locations for reference. The key challenge is to minimize the performance gap between the two domains. In this paper, we propose LoopDA for domain adaptive nighttime semantic segmentation. It consists of self-loops that result in reconstructing the input data using predicted semantic maps, by rendering them into the encoded features. In a warm-up training stage, the self-loops comprise of an inner-loop and an outer-loop, which are responsible for intra-domain refinement and inter-domain alignment, respectively. To reduce the impact of day-night pose shifts, in the later self-training stage, we propose a co-teaching pipeline that involves an offline pseudo-supervision signal and an online reference-guided signal `DNA’ (Day-Night Agreement), bringing substantial benefits to enhance nighttime segmentation. Our model outperforms prior methods on Dark Zurich and Nighttime Driving datasets for semantic segmentation. Code and pretrained models are available at https://github.com/fy-vision/LoopDA.
PDF Accepted to WACV2023


Transformer-based assignment decision network for multiple object tracking

Authors:Athena Psalta, Vasileios Tsironis, Konstantinos Karantzalos

Data association is a crucial component for any multiple object tracking (MOT) method that follows the tracking-by-detection paradigm. To generate complete trajectories such methods employ a data association process to establish assignments between detections and existing targets during each timestep. Recent data association approaches try to solve a multi-dimensional linear assignment task or a network flow minimization problem or either tackle it via multiple hypotheses tracking. However, during inference an optimization step that computes optimal assignments is required for every sequence frame adding significant computational complexity in any given solution. To this end, in the context of this work we introduce Transformer-based Assignment Decision Network (TADN) that tackles data association without the need of any explicit optimization during inference. In particular, TADN can directly infer assignment pairs between detections and active targets in a single forward pass of the network. We have integrated TADN in a rather simple MOT framework, we designed a novel training strategy for efficient end-to-end training and demonstrate the high potential of our approach for online visual tracking-by-detection MOT on two popular benchmarks, i.e. MOT17 and UA-DETRAC. Our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in most evaluation metrics despite its simple nature as a tracker which lacks significant auxiliary components such as occlusion handling or re-identification. The implementation of our method is publicly available at https://github.com/psaltaath/tadn-mot.
PDF Preprint version. Under consideration at Computer Vision and Image Understanding


VBLC: Visibility Boosting and Logit-Constraint Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation under Adverse Conditions

Authors:Mingjia Li, Binhui Xie, Shuang Li, Chi Harold Liu, Xinjing Cheng

Generalizing models trained on normal visual conditions to target domains under adverse conditions is demanding in the practical systems. One prevalent solution is to bridge the domain gap between clear- and adverse-condition images to make satisfactory prediction on the target. However, previous methods often reckon on additional reference images of the same scenes taken from normal conditions, which are quite tough to collect in reality. Furthermore, most of them mainly focus on individual adverse condition such as nighttime or foggy, weakening the model versatility when encountering other adverse weathers. To overcome the above limitations, we propose a novel framework, Visibility Boosting and Logit-Constraint learning (VBLC), tailored for superior normal-to-adverse adaptation. VBLC explores the potential of getting rid of reference images and resolving the mixture of adverse conditions simultaneously. In detail, we first propose the visibility boost module to dynamically improve target images via certain priors in the image level. Then, we figure out the overconfident drawback in the conventional cross-entropy loss for self-training method and devise the logit-constraint learning, which enforces a constraint on logit outputs during training to mitigate this pain point. To the best of our knowledge, this is a new perspective for tackling such a challenging task. Extensive experiments on two normal-to-adverse domain adaptation benchmarks, i.e., Cityscapes -> ACDC and Cityscapes -> FoggyCityscapes + RainCityscapes, verify the effectiveness of VBLC, where it establishes the new state of the art. Code is available at https://github.com/BIT-DA/VBLC.
PDF Camera ready for AAAI 2023. Code is available at https://github.com/BIT-DA/VBLC


Progressive Learning with Cross-Window Consistency for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Bo Dang, Yansheng Li

Semi-supervised semantic segmentation focuses on the exploration of a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data, which is more in line with the demands of real-world image understanding applications. However, it is still hindered by the inability to fully and effectively leverage unlabeled images. In this paper, we reveal that cross-window consistency (CWC) is helpful in comprehensively extracting auxiliary supervision from unlabeled data. Additionally, we propose a novel CWC-driven progressive learning framework to optimize the deep network by mining weak-to-strong constraints from massive unlabeled data. More specifically, this paper presents a biased cross-window consistency (BCC) loss with an importance factor, which helps the deep network explicitly constrain confidence maps from overlapping regions in different windows to maintain semantic consistency with larger contexts. In addition, we propose a dynamic pseudo-label memory bank (DPM) to provide high-consistency and high-reliability pseudo-labels to further optimize the network. Extensive experiments on three representative datasets of urban views, medical scenarios, and satellite scenes demonstrate our framework consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with a large margin. Code will be available publicly.


AeDet: Azimuth-invariant Multi-view 3D Object Detection

Authors:Chengjian Feng, Zequn Jie, Yujie Zhong, Xiangxiang Chu, Lin Ma

Recent LSS-based multi-view 3D object detection has made tremendous progress, by processing the features in Brid-Eye-View (BEV) via the convolutional detector. However, the typical convolution ignores the radial symmetry of the BEV features and increases the difficulty of the detector optimization. To preserve the inherent property of the BEV features and ease the optimization, we propose an azimuth-equivariant convolution (AeConv) and an azimuth-equivariant anchor. The sampling grid of AeConv is always in the radial direction, thus it can learn azimuth-invariant BEV features. The proposed anchor enables the detection head to learn predicting azimuth-irrelevant targets. In addition, we introduce a camera-decoupled virtual depth to unify the depth prediction for the images with different camera intrinsic parameters. The resultant detector is dubbed Azimuth-equivariant Detector (AeDet). Extensive experiments are conducted on nuScenes, and AeDet achieves a 62.0% NDS, surpassing the recent multi-view 3D object detectors such as PETRv2 (58.2% NDS) and BEVDepth (60.0% NDS) by a large margin. Project page: https://fcjian.github.io/aedet.
PDF Tech report


GPS-GLASS: Learning Nighttime Semantic Segmentation Using Daytime Video and GPS data

Authors:Hongjae Lee, Changwoo Han, Jun-Sang Yoo, Seung-Won Jung

Semantic segmentation for autonomous driving should be robust against various in-the-wild environments. Nighttime semantic segmentation is especially challenging due to a lack of annotated nighttime images and a large domain gap from daytime images with sufficient annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel GPS-based training framework for nighttime semantic segmentation. Given GPS-aligned pairs of daytime and nighttime images, we perform cross-domain correspondence matching to obtain pixel-level pseudo supervision. Moreover, we conduct flow estimation between daytime video frames and apply GPS-based scaling to acquire another pixel-level pseudo supervision. Using these pseudo supervisions with a confidence map, we train a nighttime semantic segmentation network without any annotation from nighttime images. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on several nighttime semantic segmentation datasets. Our source code is available at https://github.com/jimmy9704/GPS-GLASS.


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