
2022-11-25 更新

Invisible Backdoor Attack with Dynamic Triggers against Person Re-identification

Authors:Wenli Sun, Xinyang Jiang, Shuguang Dou, Dongsheng Li, Duoqian Miao, Cheng Deng, Cairong Zhao

In recent years, person Re-identification (ReID) has rapidly progressed with wide real-world applications, but also poses significant risks of adversarial attacks. In this paper, we focus on the backdoor attack on deep ReID models. Existing backdoor attack methods follow an all-to-one/all attack scenario, where all the target classes in the test set have already been seen in the training set. However, ReID is a much more complex fine-grained open-set recognition problem, where the identities in the test set are not contained in the training set. Thus, previous backdoor attack methods for classification are not applicable for ReID. To ameliorate this issue, we propose a novel backdoor attack on deep ReID under a new all-to-unknown scenario, called Dynamic Triggers Invisible Backdoor Attack (DT-IBA). Instead of learning fixed triggers for the target classes from the training set, DT-IBA can dynamically generate new triggers for any unknown identities. Specifically, an identity hashing network is proposed to first extract target identity information from a reference image, which is then injected into the benign images by image steganography. We extensively validate the effectiveness and stealthiness of the proposed attack on benchmark datasets, and evaluate the effectiveness of several defense methods against our attack.


2022-11-25 更新

Diagnostics for Deep Neural Networks with Automated Copy/Paste Attacks

Authors:Stephen Casper, Kaivalya Hariharan, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful, but they can make mistakes that pose significant risks. A model performing well on a test set does not imply safety in deployment, so it is important to have additional tools to understand its flaws. Adversarial examples can help reveal weaknesses, but they are often difficult for a human to interpret or draw generalizable, actionable conclusions from. Some previous works have addressed this by studying human-interpretable attacks. We build on these with three contributions. First, we introduce a method termed Search for Natural Adversarial Features Using Embeddings (SNAFUE) which offers a fully-automated method for finding “copy/paste” attacks in which one natural image can be pasted into another in order to induce an unrelated misclassification. Second, we use this to red team an ImageNet classifier and identify hundreds of easily-describable sets of vulnerabilities. Third, we compare this approach with other interpretability tools by attempting to rediscover trojans. Our results suggest that SNAFUE can be useful for interpreting DNNs and generating adversarial data for them. Code is available at https://github.com/thestephencasper/snafue


QueryNet: Attack by Multi-Identity Surrogates

Authors:Sizhe Chen, Zhehao Huang, Qinghua Tao, Xiaolin Huang

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are acknowledged as vulnerable to adversarial attacks, while the existing black-box attacks require extensive queries on the victim DNN to achieve high success rates. For query-efficiency, surrogate models of the victim are used to generate transferable Adversarial Examples (AEs) because of their Gradient Similarity (GS), i.e., surrogates’ attack gradients are similar to the victim’s ones. However, it is generally neglected to exploit their similarity on outputs, namely the Prediction Similarity (PS), to filter out inefficient queries by surrogates without querying the victim. To jointly utilize and also optimize surrogates’ GS and PS, we develop QueryNet, a unified attack framework that can significantly reduce queries. QueryNet creatively attacks by multi-identity surrogates, i.e., crafts several AEs for one sample by different surrogates, and also uses surrogates to decide on the most promising AE for the query. After that, the victim’s query feedback is accumulated to optimize not only surrogates’ parameters but also their architectures, enhancing both the GS and the PS. Although QueryNet has no access to pre-trained surrogates’ prior, it reduces queries by averagely about an order of magnitude compared to alternatives within an acceptable time, according to our comprehensive experiments: 11 victims (including two commercial models) on MNIST/CIFAR10/ImageNet, allowing only 8-bit image queries, and no access to the victim’s training data. The code is available at https://github.com/Sizhe-Chen/QueryNet.
PDF QueryNet reduces queries by about an order of magnitude against SOTA black-box attacks


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