
2022-11-22 更新

Person Text-Image Matching via Text-Feature Interpretability Embedding and External Attack Node Implantation

Authors:Fan Li, Hang Zhou, Huafeng Li, Yafei Zhang, Zhengtao Yu

Person text-image matching, also known as text based person search, aims to retrieve images of specific pedestrians using text descriptions. Although person text-image matching has made great research progress, existing methods still face two challenges. First, the lack of interpretability of text features makes it challenging to effectively align them with their corresponding image features. Second, the same pedestrian image often corresponds to multiple different text descriptions, and a single text description can correspond to multiple different images of the same identity. The diversity of text descriptions and images makes it difficult for a network to extract robust features that match the two modalities. To address these problems, we propose a person text-image matching method by embedding text-feature interpretability and an external attack node. Specifically, we improve the interpretability of text features by providing them with consistent semantic information with image features to achieve the alignment of text and describe image region features.To address the challenges posed by the diversity of text and the corresponding person images, we treat the variation caused by diversity to features as caused by perturbation information and propose a novel adversarial attack and defense method to solve it. In the model design, graph convolution is used as the basic framework for feature representation and the adversarial attacks caused by text and image diversity on feature extraction is simulated by implanting an additional attack node in the graph convolution layer to improve the robustness of the model against text and image diversity. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of text-pedestrian image matching over existing methods. The source code of the method is published at


Scale-free and Task-agnostic Attack: Generating Photo-realistic Adversarial Patterns with Patch Quilting Generator

Authors:Xiangbo Gao, Cheng Luo, Qinliang Lin, Weicheng Xie, Minmin Liu, Linlin Shen, Keerthy Kusumam, Siyang Song

\noindent Traditional L_p norm-restricted image attack algorithms suffer from poor transferability to black box scenarios and poor robustness to defense algorithms. Recent CNN generator-based attack approaches can synthesize unrestricted and semantically meaningful entities to the image, which is shown to be transferable and robust. However, such methods attack images by either synthesizing local adversarial entities, which are only suitable for attacking specific contents or performing global attacks, which are only applicable to a specific image scale. In this paper, we propose a novel Patch Quilting Generative Adversarial Networks (PQ-GAN) to learn the first scale-free CNN generator that can be applied to attack images with arbitrary scales for various computer vision tasks. The principal investigation on transferability of the generated adversarial examples, robustness to defense frameworks, and visual quality assessment show that the proposed PQG-based attack framework outperforms the other nine state-of-the-art adversarial attack approaches when attacking the neural networks trained on two standard evaluation datasets (i.e., ImageNet and CityScapes).


Deep Composite Face Image Attacks: Generation, Vulnerability and Detection

Authors:Jag Mohan Singh, Raghavendra Ramachandra

Face manipulation attacks have drawn the attention of biometric researchers because of their vulnerability to Face Recognition Systems (FRS). This paper proposes a novel scheme to generate Composite Face Image Attacks (CFIA) based on the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Given the face images from contributory data subjects, the proposed CFIA method will independently generate the segmented facial attributes, then blend them using transparent masks to generate the CFIA samples. { The primary motivation for CFIA is to utilize deep learning to generate facial attribute-based composite attacks, which has been explored relatively less in the current literature.} We generate $14$ different combinations of facial attributes resulting in $14$ unique CFIA samples for each pair of contributory data subjects. Extensive experiments are carried out on our newly generated CFIA dataset consisting of 1000 unique identities with 2000 bona fide samples and 14000 CFIA samples, thus resulting in an overall 16000 face image samples. We perform a sequence of experiments to benchmark the vulnerability of CFIA to automatic FRS (based on both deep-learning and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS). We introduced a new metric named Generalized Morphing Attack Potential (GMAP) to benchmark the vulnerability effectively. Additional experiments are performed to compute the perceptual quality of the generated CFIA samples. Finally, the CFIA detection performance is presented using three different Face Morphing Attack Detection (MAD) algorithms. The proposed CFIA method indicates good perceptual quality based on the obtained results. Further, { FRS is vulnerable to CFIA} (much higher than SOTA), making it difficult to detect by human observers and automatic detection algorithms. Lastly, we performed experiments to detect the CFIA samples using three different detection techniques automatically.


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