
2022-11-18 更新

Unsupervised Feature Clustering Improves Contrastive Representation Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Yejia Zhang, Xinrong Hu, Nishchal Sapkota, Yiyu Shi, Danny Z. Chen

Self-supervised instance discrimination is an effective contrastive pretext task to learn feature representations and address limited medical image annotations. The idea is to make features of transformed versions of the same images similar while forcing all other augmented images’ representations to contrast. However, this instance-based contrastive learning leaves performance on the table by failing to maximize feature affinity between images with similar content while counter-productively pushing their representations apart. Recent improvements on this paradigm (e.g., leveraging multi-modal data, different images in longitudinal studies, spatial correspondences) either relied on additional views or made stringent assumptions about data properties, which can sacrifice generalizability and applicability. To address this challenge, we propose a new self-supervised contrastive learning method that uses unsupervised feature clustering to better select positive and negative image samples. More specifically, we produce pseudo-classes by hierarchically clustering features obtained by an auto-encoder in an unsupervised manner, and prevent destructive interference during contrastive learning by avoiding the selection of negatives from the same pseudo-class. Experiments on 2D skin dermoscopic image segmentation and 3D multi-class whole heart CT segmentation demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art self-supervised contrastive techniques on these tasks.
PDF Accepted to 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM’22) proceedings


Fair contrastive pre-training for geographic images

Authors:Miao Zhang, Rumi Chunara

Contrastive representation learning is widely employed in visual recognition for geographic image data (remote-sensing such as satellite imagery or proximal sensing such as street-view imagery), but because of landscape heterogeneity, models can show disparate performance across spatial units. In this work, we consider fairness risks in land-cover semantic segmentation which uses pre-trained representation in contrastive self-supervised learning. We assess class distribution shifts and model prediction disparities across selected sensitive groups: urban and rural scenes for satellite image datasets and city GDP level for a street view image dataset. We propose a mutual information training objective for multi-level latent space. The objective improves feature identification by removing spurious representations of dense local features which are disparately distributed across groups. The method achieves improved fairness results and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision-fairness trade-off. In addition, we validate that representations learnt with the proposed method include lowest sensitive information using a linear separation evaluation. This work highlights the need for specific fairness analyses in geographic images, and provides a solution that can be generalized to different self-supervised learning methods or image data. Our code is available at: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/FairDCL-1283


Masked Reconstruction Contrastive Learning with Information Bottleneck Principle

Authors:Ziwen Liu, Bonan Li, Congying Han, Tiande Guo, Xuecheng Nie

Contrastive learning (CL) has shown great power in self-supervised learning due to its ability to capture insight correlations among large-scale data. Current CL models are biased to learn only the ability to discriminate positive and negative pairs due to the discriminative task setting. However, this bias would lead to ignoring its sufficiency for other downstream tasks, which we call the discriminative information overfitting problem. In this paper, we propose to tackle the above problems from the aspect of the Information Bottleneck (IB) principle, further pushing forward the frontier of CL. Specifically, we present a new perspective that CL is an instantiation of the IB principle, including information compression and expression. We theoretically analyze the optimal information situation and demonstrate that minimum sufficient augmentation and information-generalized representation are the optimal requirements for achieving maximum compression and generalizability to downstream tasks. Therefore, we propose the Masked Reconstruction Contrastive Learning~(MRCL) model to improve CL models. For implementation in practice, MRCL utilizes the masking operation for stronger augmentation, further eliminating redundant and noisy information. In order to alleviate the discriminative information overfitting problem effectively, we employ the reconstruction task to regularize the discriminative task. We conduct comprehensive experiments and show the superiority of the proposed model on multiple tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation and objective detection.


Keep Your Friends Close & Enemies Farther: Debiasing Contrastive Learning with Spatial Priors in 3D Radiology Images

Authors:Yejia Zhang, Nishchal Sapkota, Pengfei Gu, Yaopeng Peng, Hao Zheng, Danny Z. Chen

Understanding of spatial attributes is central to effective 3D radiology image analysis where crop-based learning is the de facto standard. Given an image patch, its core spatial properties (e.g., position & orientation) provide helpful priors on expected object sizes, appearances, and structures through inherent anatomical consistencies. Spatial correspondences, in particular, can effectively gauge semantic similarities between inter-image regions, while their approximate extraction requires no annotations or overbearing computational costs. However, recent 3D contrastive learning approaches either neglect correspondences or fail to maximally capitalize on them. To this end, we propose an extensible 3D contrastive framework (Spade, for Spatial Debiasing) that leverages extracted correspondences to select more effective positive & negative samples for representation learning. Our method learns both globally invariant and locally equivariant representations with downstream segmentation in mind. We also propose separate selection strategies for global & local scopes that tailor to their respective representational requirements. Compared to recent state-of-the-art approaches, Spade shows notable improvements on three downstream segmentation tasks (CT Abdominal Organ, CT Heart, MR Heart).
PDF Accepted to 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM’22)


DeepRGVP: A Novel Microstructure-Informed Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Automated Identification Of The Retinogeniculate Pathway Using dMRI Tractography

Authors:Sipei Li, Jianzhong He, Tengfei Xue, Guoqiang Xie, Shun Yao, Yuqian Chen, Erickson F. Torio, Yuanjing Feng, Dhiego CA Bastos, Yogesh Rathi, Nikos Makris, Ron Kikinis, Wenya Linda Bi, Alexandra J Golby, Lauren J O’Donnell, Fan Zhang

The retinogeniculate pathway (RGVP) is responsible for carrying visual information from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus. Identification and visualization of the RGVP are important in studying the anatomy of the visual system and can inform treatment of related brain diseases. Diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography is an advanced imaging method that uniquely enables in vivo mapping of the 3D trajectory of the RGVP. Currently, identification of the RGVP from tractography data relies on expert (manual) selection of tractography streamlines, which is time-consuming, has high clinical and expert labor costs, and affected by inter-observer variability. In this paper, we present what we believe is the first deep learning framework, namely DeepRGVP, to enable fast and accurate identification of the RGVP from dMRI tractography data. We design a novel microstructure-informed supervised contrastive learning method that leverages both streamline label and tissue microstructure information to determine positive and negative pairs. We propose a simple and successful streamline-level data augmentation method to address highly imbalanced training data, where the number of RGVP streamlines is much lower than that of non-RGVP streamlines. We perform comparisons with several state-of-the-art deep learning methods that were designed for tractography parcellation, and we show superior RGVP identification results using DeepRGVP.
PDF 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables


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