
2022-11-15 更新

GPS-GLASS: Learning Nighttime Semantic Segmentation Using Daytime Video and GPS data

Authors:Hongjae Lee, Changwoo Han, Seung-Won Jung

Semantic segmentation for autonomous driving should be robust against various in-the-wild environments. Nighttime semantic segmentation is especially challenging due to a lack of annotated nighttime images and a large domain gap from daytime images with sufficient annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel GPS-based training framework for nighttime semantic segmentation. Given GPS-aligned pairs of daytime and nighttime images, we perform cross-domain correspondence matching to obtain pixel-level pseudo supervision. Moreover, we conduct flow estimation between daytime video frames and apply GPS-based scaling to acquire another pixel-level pseudo supervision. Using these pseudo supervisions with a confidence map, we train a nighttime semantic segmentation network without any annotation from nighttime images. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on several nighttime semantic segmentation datasets. Our source code is available at https://github.com/jimmy9704/GPS-GLASS.


Cross-Modality Knowledge Distillation Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yu Hong, Hang Dai, Yong Ding

Leveraging LiDAR-based detectors or real LiDAR point data to guide monocular 3D detection has brought significant improvement, e.g., Pseudo-LiDAR methods. However, the existing methods usually apply non-end-to-end training strategies and insufficiently leverage the LiDAR information, where the rich potential of the LiDAR data has not been well exploited. In this paper, we propose the Cross-Modality Knowledge Distillation (CMKD) network for monocular 3D detection to efficiently and directly transfer the knowledge from LiDAR modality to image modality on both features and responses. Moreover, we further extend CMKD as a semi-supervised training framework by distilling knowledge from large-scale unlabeled data and significantly boost the performance. Until submission, CMKD ranks $1^{st}$ among the monocular 3D detectors with publications on both KITTI $test$ set and Waymo $val$ set with significant performance gains compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted by ECCV 2022 as Oral Presentation


Butterfly Effect Attack: Tiny and Seemingly Unrelated Perturbations for Object Detection

Authors:Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Arda Yüksel, Chih-Hong Cheng

This work aims to explore and identify tiny and seemingly unrelated perturbations of images in object detection that will lead to performance degradation. While tininess can naturally be defined using $L_p$ norms, we characterize the degree of “unrelatedness” of an object by the pixel distance between the occurred perturbation and the object. Triggering errors in prediction while satisfying two objectives can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem where we utilize genetic algorithms to guide the search. The result successfully demonstrates that (invisible) perturbations on the right part of the image can drastically change the outcome of object detection on the left. An extensive evaluation reaffirms our conjecture that transformer-based object detection networks are more susceptible to butterfly effects in comparison to single-stage object detection networks such as YOLOv5.


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