2022-11-14 更新

Mip-NeRF RGB-D: Depth Assisted Fast Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Arnab Dey, Yassine Ahmine, Andrew I. Comport

Neural scene representations, such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), are based on training a multilayer perceptron (MLP) using a set of color images with known poses. An increasing number of devices now produce RGB-D(color + depth) information, which has been shown to be very important for a wide range of tasks. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate what improvements can be made to these promising implicit representations by incorporating depth information with the color images. In particular, the recently proposed Mip-NeRF approach, which uses conical frustums instead of rays for volume rendering, allows one to account for the varying area of a pixel with distance from the camera center. The proposed method additionally models depth uncertainty. This allows to address major limitations of NeRF-based approaches including improving the accuracy of geometry, reduced artifacts, faster training time, and shortened prediction time. Experiments are performed on well-known benchmark scenes, and comparisons show improved accuracy in scene geometry and photometric reconstruction, while reducing the training time by 3 - 5 times.


RGB-D Neural Radiance Fields: Local Sampling for Faster Training

Authors:Arnab Dey, Andrew I. Comport

Learning a 3D representation of a scene has been a challenging problem for decades in computer vision. Recent advances in implicit neural representation from images using neural radiance fields(NeRF) have shown promising results. Some of the limitations of previous NeRF based methods include longer training time, and inaccurate underlying geometry. The proposed method takes advantage of RGB-D data to reduce training time by leveraging depth sensing to improve local sampling. This paper proposes a depth-guided local sampling strategy and a smaller neural network architecture to achieve faster training time without compromising quality.


NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, A Comprehensive Review

Authors:Kyle Gao, Yina Gao, Hongjie He, Denning Lu, Linlin Xu, Jonathan Li

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), a new novel view synthesis with implicit scene representation has taken the field of Computer Vision by storm. As a novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction method, NeRF models find applications in robotics, urban mapping, autonomous navigation, virtual reality/augmented reality, and more. Since the original paper by Mildenhall et al., more than 250 preprints were published, with more than 100 eventually being accepted in tier one Computer Vision Conferences. Given NeRF popularity and the current interest in this research area, we believe it necessary to compile a comprehensive survey of NeRF papers from the past two years, which we organized into both architecture, and application based taxonomies. We also provide an introduction to the theory of NeRF based novel view synthesis, and a benchmark comparison of the performance and speed of key NeRF models. By creating this survey, we hope to introduce new researchers to NeRF, provide a helpful reference for influential works in this field, as well as motivate future research directions with our discussion section.


QRF: Implicit Neural Representations with Quantum Radiance Fields

Authors:YuanFu Yang, Min Sun

Photorealistic rendering of real-world scenes is a tremendous challenge with a wide range of applications, including MR (Mixed Reality), and VR (Mixed Reality). Neural networks, which have long been investigated in the context of solving differential equations, have previously been introduced as implicit representations for Photorealistic rendering. However, realistic rendering using classic computing is challenging because it requires time-consuming optical ray marching, and suffer computational bottlenecks due to the curse of dimensionality. In this paper, we propose Quantum Radiance Fields (QRF), which integrate the quantum circuit, quantum activation function, and quantum volume rendering for implicit scene representation. The results indicate that QRF not only takes advantage of the merits of quantum computing technology such as high speed, fast convergence, and high parallelism, but also ensure high quality of volume rendering.


ParticleNeRF: A Particle-Based Encoding for Online Neural Radiance Fields in Dynamic Scenes

Authors:Jad Abou-Chakra, Feras Dayoub, Niko Sünderhauf

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) learn implicit representations of - typically static - environments from images. Our paper extends NeRFs to handle dynamic scenes in an online fashion. We propose ParticleNeRF that adapts to changes in the geometry of the environment as they occur, learning a new up-to-date representation every 350 ms. ParticleNeRF can represent the current state of dynamic environments with much higher fidelity as other NeRF frameworks. To achieve this, we introduce a new particle-based parametric encoding, which allows the intermediate NeRF features - now coupled to particles in space - to move with the dynamic geometry. This is possible by backpropagating the photometric reconstruction loss into the position of the particles. The position gradients are interpreted as particle velocities and integrated into positions using a position-based dynamics (PBS) physics system. Introducing PBS into the NeRF formulation allows us to add collision constraints to the particle motion and creates future opportunities to add other movement priors into the system, such as rigid and deformable body


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