
2022-11-14 更新

A Benchmark for Out of Distribution Detection in Point Cloud 3D Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Lokesh Veeramacheneni, Matias Valdenegro-Toro

Safety-critical applications like autonomous driving use Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for object detection and segmentation. The DNNs fail to predict when they observe an Out-of-Distribution (OOD) input leading to catastrophic consequences. Existing OOD detection methods were extensively studied for image inputs but have not been explored much for LiDAR inputs. So in this study, we proposed two datasets for benchmarking OOD detection in 3D semantic segmentation. We used Maximum Softmax Probability and Entropy scores generated using Deep Ensembles and Flipout versions of RandLA-Net as OOD scores. We observed that Deep Ensembles out perform Flipout model in OOD detection with greater AUROC scores for both datasets.
PDF 4 pages, Robot Learning Workshop @ NeurIPS 2022


Bounding Box Disparity: 3D Metrics for Object Detection With Full Degree of Freedom

Authors:Michael G. Adam, Martin Piccolrovazzi, Sebastian Eger, Eckehard Steinbach

The most popular evaluation metric for object detection in 2D images is Intersection over Union (IoU). Existing implementations of the IoU metric for 3D object detection usually neglect one or more degrees of freedom. In this paper, we first derive the analytic solution for three dimensional bounding boxes. As a second contribution, a closed-form solution of the volume-to-volume distance is derived. Finally, the Bounding Box Disparity is proposed as a combined positive continuous metric. We provide open source implementations of the three metrics as standalone python functions, as well as extensions to the Open3D library and as ROS nodes.
PDF 4 pages+1 Page references, 4 Figures, Best Paper Award First Runner-Up @ ICIP2022


On-the-fly Object Detection using StyleGAN with CLIP Guidance

Authors:Yuzhe Lu, Shusen Liu, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Wesam Sakla, Rushil Anirudh

We present a fully automated framework for building object detectors on satellite imagery without requiring any human annotation or intervention. We achieve this by leveraging the combined power of modern generative models (e.g., StyleGAN) and recent advances in multi-modal learning (e.g., CLIP). While deep generative models effectively encode the key semantics pertinent to a data distribution, this information is not immediately accessible for downstream tasks, such as object detection. In this work, we exploit CLIP’s ability to associate image features with text descriptions to identify neurons in the generator network, which are subsequently used to build detectors on-the-fly.


2022-11-14 更新

Interactive Context-Aware Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection

Authors:Yuxuan Wang, Feng Dong, Jinchao Zhu

Salient object detection (SOD) focuses on distinguishing the most conspicuous objects in the scene. However, most related works are based on RGB images, which lose massive useful information. Accordingly, with the maturity of thermal technology, RGB-T (RGB-Thermal) multi-modality tasks attain more and more attention. Thermal infrared images carry important information which can be used to improve the accuracy of SOD prediction. To accomplish it, the methods to integrate multi-modal information and suppress noises are critical. In this paper, we propose a novel network called Interactive Context-Aware Network (ICANet). It contains three modules that can effectively perform the cross-modal and cross-scale fusions. We design a Hybrid Feature Fusion (HFF) module to integrate the features of two modalities, which utilizes two types of feature extraction. The Multi-Scale Attention Reinforcement (MSAR) and Upper Fusion (UF) blocks are responsible for the cross-scale fusion that converges different levels of features and generate the prediction maps. We also raise a novel Context-Aware Multi-Supervised Network (CAMSNet) to calculate the content loss between the prediction and the ground truth (GT). Experiments prove that our network performs favorably against the state-of-the-art RGB-T SOD methods.
PDF 17 pages, 7 figures


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