2022-11-14 更新

Extrapolation and Spectral Bias of Neural Nets with Hadamard Product: a Polynomial Net Study

Authors:Yongtao Wu, Zhenyu Zhu, Fanghui Liu, Grigorios G Chrysos, Volkan Cevher

Neural tangent kernel (NTK) is a powerful tool to analyze training dynamics of neural networks and their generalization bounds. The study on NTK has been devoted to typical neural network architectures, but it is incomplete for neural networks with Hadamard products (NNs-Hp), e.g., StyleGAN and polynomial neural networks (PNNs). In this work, we derive the finite-width NTK formulation for a special class of NNs-Hp, i.e., polynomial neural networks. We prove their equivalence to the kernel regression predictor with the associated NTK, which expands the application scope of NTK. Based on our results, we elucidate the separation of PNNs over standard neural networks with respect to extrapolation and spectral bias. Our two key insights are that when compared to standard neural networks, PNNs can fit more complicated functions in the extrapolation regime and admit a slower eigenvalue decay of the respective NTK, leading to a faster learning towards high-frequency functions. Besides, our theoretical results can be extended to other types of NNs-Hp, which expand the scope of our work. Our empirical results validate the separations in broader classes of NNs-Hp, which provide a good justification for a deeper understanding of neural architectures.


SizeGAN: Improving Size Representation in Clothing Catalogs

Authors:Kathleen M. Lewis, John Guttag

Online clothing catalogs lack diversity in body shape and garment size. Brands commonly display their garments on models of one or two sizes, rarely including plus-size models. In this work, we propose a new method, SizeGAN, for generating images of garments on different-sized models. To change the garment and model size while maintaining a photorealistic image, we incorporate image alignment ideas from the medical imaging literature into the StyleGAN2-ADA architecture. Our method learns deformation fields at multiple resolutions and uses a spatial transformer to modify the garment and model size. We evaluate our approach along three dimensions: realism, garment faithfulness, and size. To our knowledge, SizeGAN is the first method to focus on this size under-representation problem for modeling clothing. We provide an analysis comparing SizeGAN to other plausible approaches and additionally provide the first clothing dataset with size labels. In a user study comparing SizeGAN and two recent virtual try-on methods, we show that our method ranks first in each dimension, and was vastly preferred for realism and garment faithfulness. In comparison to most previous work, which has focused on generating photorealistic images of garments, our work shows that it is possible to generate images that are both photorealistic and cover diverse garment sizes.


Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models

Authors:Muyang Li, Ji Lin, Chenlin Meng, Stefano Ermon, Song Han, Jun-Yan Zhu

During image editing, existing deep generative models tend to re-synthesize the entire output from scratch, including the unedited regions. This leads to a significant waste of computation, especially for minor editing operations. In this work, we present Spatially Sparse Inference (SSI), a general-purpose technique that selectively performs computation for edited regions and accelerates various generative models, including both conditional GANs and diffusion models. Our key observation is that users tend to make gradual changes to the input image. This motivates us to cache and reuse the feature maps of the original image. Given an edited image, we sparsely apply the convolutional filters to the edited regions while reusing the cached features for the unedited regions. Based on our algorithm, we further propose Sparse Incremental Generative Engine (SIGE) to convert the computation reduction to latency reduction on off-the-shelf hardware. With 1.2%-area edited regions, our method reduces the computation of DDIM by 7.5$\times$ and GauGAN by 18$\times$ while preserving the visual fidelity. With SIGE, we accelerate the speed of DDIM by 3.0x on RTX 3090 and 6.6$\times$ on Apple M1 Pro CPU, and GauGAN by 4.2$\times$ on RTX 3090 and 14$\times$ on Apple M1 Pro CPU.
PDF NeurIPS 2022 Website: Code:


CTrGAN: Cycle Transformers GAN for Gait Transfer

Authors:Shahar Mahpod, Noam Gaash, Hay Hoffman, Gil Ben-Artzi

We introduce a novel approach for gait transfer from unconstrained videos in-the-wild. In contrast to motion transfer, the objective here is not to imitate the source’s motions by the target, but rather to replace the walking source with the target, while transferring the target’s typical gait. Our approach can be trained only once with multiple sources and is able to transfer the gait of the target from unseen sources, eliminating the need for retraining for each new source independently. Furthermore, we propose a novel metrics for gait transfer based on gait recognition models that enable to quantify the quality of the transferred gait, and show that existing techniques yield a discrepancy that can be easily detected. We introduce Cycle Transformers GAN (CTrGAN), that consist of a decoder and encoder, both Transformers, where the attention is on the temporal domain between complete images rather than the spatial domain between patches. Using a widely-used gait recognition dataset, we demonstrate that our approach is capable of producing over an order of magnitude more realistic personalized gaits than existing methods, even when used with sources that were not available during training. As part of our solution, we present a detector that determines whether a video is real or generated by our model.


Does an ensemble of GANs lead to better performance when training segmentation networks with synthetic images?

Authors:Måns Larsson, Muhammad Usman Akbar, Anders Eklund

Large annotated datasets are required to train segmentation networks. In medical imaging, it is often difficult, time consuming and expensive to create such datasets, and it may also be difficult to share these datasets with other researchers. Different AI models can today generate very realistic synthetic images, which can potentially be openly shared as they do not belong to specific persons. However, recent work has shown that using synthetic images for training deep networks often leads to worse performance compared to using real images. Here we demonstrate that using synthetic images and annotations from an ensemble of 10 GANs, instead of from a single GAN, increases the Dice score on real test images with 4.7 % to 14.0 % on specific classes.
PDF 5 pages, submitted to ISBI 2023


On-the-fly Object Detection using StyleGAN with CLIP Guidance

Authors:Yuzhe Lu, Shusen Liu, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Wesam Sakla, Rushil Anirudh

We present a fully automated framework for building object detectors on satellite imagery without requiring any human annotation or intervention. We achieve this by leveraging the combined power of modern generative models (e.g., StyleGAN) and recent advances in multi-modal learning (e.g., CLIP). While deep generative models effectively encode the key semantics pertinent to a data distribution, this information is not immediately accessible for downstream tasks, such as object detection. In this work, we exploit CLIP’s ability to associate image features with text descriptions to identify neurons in the generator network, which are subsequently used to build detectors on-the-fly.


ParGAN: Learning Real Parametrizable Transformations

Authors:Diego Martin Arroyo, Alessio Tonioni, Federico Tombari

Current methods for image-to-image translation produce compelling results, however, the applied transformation is difficult to control, since existing mechanisms are often limited and non-intuitive. We propose ParGAN, a generalization of the cycle-consistent GAN framework to learn image transformations with simple and intuitive controls. The proposed generator takes as input both an image and a parametrization of the transformation. We train this network to preserve the content of the input image while ensuring that the result is consistent with the given parametrization. Our approach does not require paired data and can learn transformations across several tasks and datasets. We show how, with disjoint image domains with no annotated parametrization, our framework can create smooth interpolations as well as learn multiple transformations simultaneously.


Landmark Enforcement and Style Manipulation for Generative Morphing

Authors:Samuel Price, Sobhan Soleymani, Nasser M. Nasrabadi

Morph images threaten Facial Recognition Systems (FRS) by presenting as multiple individuals, allowing an adversary to swap identities with another subject. Morph generation using generative adversarial networks (GANs) results in high-quality morphs unaffected by the spatial artifacts caused by landmark-based methods, but there is an apparent loss in identity with standard GAN-based morphing methods. In this paper, we propose a novel StyleGAN morph generation technique by introducing a landmark enforcement method to resolve this issue. Considering this method, we aim to enforce the landmarks of the morph image to represent the spatial average of the landmarks of the bona fide faces and subsequently the morph images to inherit the geometric identity of both bona fide faces. Exploration of the latent space of our model is conducted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to accentuate the effect of both the bona fide faces on the morphed latent representation and address the identity loss issue with latent domain averaging. Additionally, to improve high frequency reconstruction in the morphs, we study the train-ability of the noise input for the StyleGAN2 model.


Inside Out: Transforming Images of Lab-Grown Plants for Machine Learning Applications in Agriculture

Authors:A. E. Krosney, P. Sotoodeh, C. J. Henry, M. A. Beck, C. P. Bidinosti

Machine learning tasks often require a significant amount of training data for the resultant network to perform suitably for a given problem in any domain. In agriculture, dataset sizes are further limited by phenotypical differences between two plants of the same genotype, often as a result of differing growing conditions. Synthetically-augmented datasets have shown promise in improving existing models when real data is not available. In this paper, we employ a contrastive unpaired translation (CUT) generative adversarial network (GAN) and simple image processing techniques to translate indoor plant images to appear as field images. While we train our network to translate an image containing only a single plant, we show that our method is easily extendable to produce multiple-plant field images. Furthermore, we use our synthetic multi-plant images to train several YoloV5 nano object detection models to perform the task of plant detection and measure the accuracy of the model on real field data images. Including training data generated by the CUT-GAN leads to better plant detection performance compared to a network trained solely on real data.
PDF 35 pages, 23 figures


Atlas flow : compatible local structures on the manifold

Authors:Taejin Paik, Jaemin Park, Jung Ho Park

In this paper, we focus on the intersections of a manifold’s local structures to analyze the global structure of a manifold. We obtain local regions on data manifolds such as the latent space of StyleGAN2, using Mapper, a tool from topological data analysis. We impose gluing compatibility conditions on overlapping local regions, which guarantee that the local structures can be glued together to the global structure of a manifold. We propose a novel generative flow model called Atlas flow that uses compatibility to reattach the local regions. Our model shows that the generating processes perform well on synthetic dataset samples of well-known manifolds with noise. Furthermore, we investigate the style vector manifold of StyleGAN2 using our model.
PDF 23 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, 8 algorithms


Haven’t I Seen You Before? Assessing Identity Leakage in Synthetic Irises

Authors:Patrick Tinsley, Adam Czajka, Patrick Flynn

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have proven to be a preferred method of synthesizing fake images of objects, such as faces, animals, and automobiles. It is not surprising these models can also generate ISO-compliant, yet synthetic iris images, which can be used to augment training data for iris matchers and liveness detectors. In this work, we trained one of the most recent GAN models (StyleGAN3) to generate fake iris images with two primary goals: (i) to understand the GAN’s ability to produce “never-before-seen” irises, and (ii) to investigate the phenomenon of identity leakage as a function of the GAN’s training time. Previous work has shown that personal biometric data can inadvertently flow from training data into synthetic samples, raising a privacy concern for subjects who accidentally appear in the training dataset. This paper presents analysis for three different iris matchers at varying points in the GAN training process to diagnose where and when authentic training samples are in jeopardy of leaking through the generative process. Our results show that while most synthetic samples do not show signs of identity leakage, a handful of generated samples match authentic (training) samples nearly perfectly, with consensus across all matchers. In order to prioritize privacy, security, and trust in the machine learning model development process, the research community must strike a delicate balance between the benefits of using synthetic data and the corresponding threats against privacy from potential identity leakage.
PDF Presented at IJCB 2022 Special Session on Synthetic Data in Biometrics


Imbalanced Data Classification via Generative Adversarial Network with Application to Anomaly Detection in Additive Manufacturing Process

Authors:Jihoon Chung, Bo Shen, Zhenyu, Kong

Supervised classification methods have been widely utilized for the quality assurance of the advanced manufacturing process, such as additive manufacturing (AM) for anomaly (defects) detection. However, since abnormal states (with defects) occur much less frequently than normal ones (without defects) in the manufacturing process, the number of sensor data samples collected from a normal state outweighs that from an abnormal state. This issue causes imbalanced training data for classification models, thus deteriorating the performance of detecting abnormal states in the process. It is beneficial to generate effective artificial sample data for the abnormal states to make a more balanced training set. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes a novel data augmentation method based on a generative adversarial network (GAN) using additive manufacturing process image sensor data. The novelty of our approach is that a standard GAN and classifier are jointly optimized with techniques to stabilize the learning process of standard GAN. The diverse and high-quality generated samples provide balanced training data to the classifier. The iterative optimization between GAN and classifier provides the high-performance classifier. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by both open-source data and real-world case studies in polymer and metal AM processes.


Generative Adversarial Networks for anonymous Acneic face dataset generation

Authors:Hazem Zein, Samer Chantaf, Régis Fournier, Amine Nait-Ali

It is well known that the performance of any classification model is effective if the dataset used for the training process and the test process satisfy some specific requirements. In other words, the more the dataset size is large, balanced, and representative, the more one can trust the proposed model’s effectiveness and, consequently, the obtained results. Unfortunately, large-size anonymous datasets are generally not publicly available in biomedical applications, especially those dealing with pathological human face images. This concern makes using deep-learning-based approaches challenging to deploy and difficult to reproduce or verify some published results. In this paper, we suggest an efficient method to generate a realistic anonymous synthetic dataset of human faces with the attributes of acne disorders corresponding to three levels of severity (i.e. Mild, Moderate and Severe). Therefore, a specific hierarchy StyleGAN-based algorithm trained at distinct levels is considered. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we consider a CNN-based classification system, trained using the generated synthetic acneic face images and tested using authentic face images. Consequently, we show that an accuracy of 97,6\% is achieved using InceptionResNetv2. As a result, this work allows the scientific community to employ the generated synthetic dataset for any data processing application without restrictions on legal or ethical concerns. Moreover, this approach can also be extended to other applications requiring the generation of synthetic medical images. We can make the code and the generated dataset accessible for the scientific community.


2022-11-14 更新

Few-shot Image Generation with Diffusion Models

Authors:Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have been proven capable of synthesizing high-quality images with remarkable diversity when trained on large amounts of data. However, to our knowledge, few-shot image generation tasks have yet to be studied with DDPM-based approaches. Modern approaches are mainly built on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and adapt models pre-trained on large source domains to target domains using a few available samples. In this paper, we make the first attempt to study when do DDPMs overfit and suffer severe diversity degradation as training data become scarce. Then we fine-tune DDPMs pre-trained on large source domains on limited target data directly. Our results show that utilizing knowledge from pre-trained models can accelerate convergence and improve generation quality and diversity compared with training from scratch. However, the fine-tuned models still fail to retain some diverse features and can only achieve limited diversity. Therefore, we propose a pairwise DDPM adaptation (DDPM-PA) approach based on a pairwise similarity loss to preserve the relative distances between generated samples during domain adaptation. DDPM-PA further improves generation diversity and achieves results better than current state-of-the-art GAN-based approaches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DDPM-PA on a series of few-shot image generation tasks qualitatively and quantitatively.


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