
2022-11-12 更新

Nano: Nested Human-in-the-Loop Reward Learning for Few-shot Language Model Control

Authors:Xiang Fan, Yiwei Lyu, Paul Pu Liang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency

Pretrained language models have demonstrated extraordinary capabilities in language generation. However, real-world tasks often require controlling the distribution of generated text in order to mitigate bias, promote fairness, and achieve personalization. Existing techniques for controlling the distribution of generated text only work with quantified distributions, which require pre-defined categories, proportions of the distribution, or an existing corpus following the desired distributions. However, many important distributions, such as personal preferences, are unquantified. In this work, we tackle the problem of generating text following arbitrary distributions (quantified and unquantified) by proposing Nano, a few-shot human-in-the-loop training algorithm that continuously learns from human feedback. Nano achieves state-of-the-art results on single topic/attribute as well as quantified distribution control compared to previous works. We also show that Nano is able to learn unquantified distributions, achieves personalization, and captures differences between different individuals’ personal preferences with high sample efficiency.


Efficient Zero-shot Event Extraction with Context-Definition Alignment

Authors:Hongming Zhang, Wenlin Yao, Dong Yu

Event extraction (EE) is the task of identifying interested event mentions from text. Conventional efforts mainly focus on the supervised setting. However, these supervised models cannot generalize to event types out of the pre-defined ontology. To fill this gap, many efforts have been devoted to the zero-shot EE problem. This paper follows the trend of modeling event-type semantics but moves one step further. We argue that using the static embedding of the event type name might not be enough because a single word could be ambiguous, and we need a sentence to define the type semantics accurately. To model the definition semantics, we use two separate transformer models to project the contextualized event mentions and corresponding definitions into the same embedding space and then minimize their embedding distance via contrastive learning. On top of that, we also propose a warming phase to help the model learn the minor difference between similar definitions. We name our approach Zero-shot Event extraction with Definition (ZED). Experiments on the MAVEN dataset show that our model significantly outperforms all previous zero-shot EE methods with fast inference speed due to the disjoint design. Further experiments also show that ZED can be easily applied to the few-shot setting when the annotation is available and consistently outperforms baseline supervised methods.
PDF Accepted by EMNLP 2022 findings


Few-shot Learning with Multilingual Language Models

Authors:Xi Victoria Lin, Todor Mihaylov, Mikel Artetxe, Tianlu Wang, Shuohui Chen, Daniel Simig, Myle Ott, Naman Goyal, Shruti Bhosale, Jingfei Du, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Sam Shleifer, Punit Singh Koura, Vishrav Chaudhary, Brian O’Horo, Jeff Wang, Luke Zettlemoyer, Zornitsa Kozareva, Mona Diab, Veselin Stoyanov, Xian Li

Large-scale generative language models such as GPT-3 are competitive few-shot learners. While these models are known to be able to jointly represent many different languages, their training data is dominated by English, potentially limiting their cross-lingual generalization. In this work, we train multilingual generative language models on a corpus covering a diverse set of languages, and study their few- and zero-shot learning capabilities in a wide range of tasks. Our largest model with 7.5 billion parameters sets new state of the art in few-shot learning in more than 20 representative languages, outperforming GPT-3 of comparable size in multilingual commonsense reasoning (with +7.4% absolute accuracy improvement in 0-shot settings and +9.4% in 4-shot settings) and natural language inference (+5.4% in each of 0-shot and 4-shot settings). On the FLORES-101 machine translation benchmark, our model outperforms GPT-3 on 171 out of 182 directions with 32 training examples, while surpassing the official supervised baseline in 45 directions. We conduct an in-depth analysis of different multilingual prompting approaches, showing in particular that strong few-shot learning performance across languages can be achieved via cross-lingual transfer through both templates and demonstration examples. Finally, we evaluate our models in social value tasks such as hate speech detection in five languages and find it has limitations similar to comparable sized GPT-3 models.
PDF Accepted to EMNLP 2022; 34 pages


Meta-learning Pathologies from Radiology Reports using Variance Aware Prototypical Networks

Authors:Arijit Sehanobish, Kawshik Kannan, Nabila Abraham, Anasuya Das, Benjamin Odry

Large pretrained Transformer-based language models like BERT and GPT have changed the landscape of Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, fine tuning such models still requires a large number of training examples for each target task, thus annotating multiple datasets and training these models on various downstream tasks becomes time consuming and expensive. In this work, we propose a simple extension of the Prototypical Networks for few-shot text classification. Our main idea is to replace the class prototypes by Gaussians and introduce a regularization term that encourages the examples to be clustered near the appropriate class centroids. Experimental results show that our method outperforms various strong baselines on 13 public and 4 internal datasets. Furthermore, we use the class distributions as a tool for detecting potential out-of-distribution (OOD) data points during deployment.
PDF EMNLP’22 Industry Track. Extended Abstract presented at Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) symposium 2022, November 28th, 2022, New Orleans, United States & Virtual, http://www.ml4h.cc, 16 pages


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