I2I Translation

2022-11-10 更新

Neighborhood Attention Transformer

Authors:Ali Hassani, Steven Walton, Jiachen Li, Shen Li, Humphrey Shi

We present Neighborhood Attention (NA), the first efficient and scalable sliding-window attention mechanism for vision. NA is a pixel-wise operation, localizing self attention (SA) to the nearest neighboring pixels, and therefore enjoys a linear time and space complexity compared to the quadratic complexity of SA. The sliding-window pattern allows NA’s receptive field to grow without needing extra pixel shifts, and preserves translational equivariance, unlike Swin Transformer’s Window Self Attention (WSA). We develop NATTEN (Neighborhood Attention Extension), a Python package with efficient C++ and CUDA kernels, which allows NA to run up to 40% faster than Swin’s WSA while using up to 25% less memory. We further present Neighborhood Attention Transformer (NAT), a new hierarchical transformer design based on NA that boosts image classification and downstream vision performance. Experimental results on NAT are competitive; NAT-Tiny reaches 83.2% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, 51.4% mAP on MS-COCO and 48.4% mIoU on ADE20K, which is 1.9% ImageNet accuracy, 1.0% COCO mAP, and 2.6% ADE20K mIoU improvement over a Swin model with similar size. To support more research based on sliding-window attention, we open source our project and release our checkpoints at: https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Neighborhood-Attention-Transformer.
PDF Revision with details on our new Neighborhood Attention Extension (NATTEN), along with analysis on translational equivariance in attention-based models. NATTEN is open-sourced at: https://github.com/SHI-Labs/NATTEN/


Automatic Error Detection in Integrated Circuits Image Segmentation: A Data-driven Approach

Authors:Zhikang Zhang, Bruno Machado Trindade, Michael Green, Zifan Yu, Christopher Pawlowicz, Fengbo Ren

Due to the complicated nanoscale structures of current integrated circuits(IC) builds and low error tolerance of IC image segmentation tasks, most existing automated IC image segmentation approaches require human experts for visual inspection to ensure correctness, which is one of the major bottlenecks in large-scale industrial applications. In this paper, we present the first data-driven automatic error detection approach targeting two types of IC segmentation errors: wire errors and via errors. On an IC image dataset collected from real industry, we demonstrate that, by adapting existing CNN-based approaches of image classification and image translation with additional pre-processing and post-processing techniques, we are able to achieve recall/precision of 0.92/0.93 in wire error detection and 0.96/0.90 in via error detection, respectively.


Utilizing Language-Image Pretraining for Efficient and Robust Bilingual Word Alignment

Authors:Tuan Dinh, Jy-yong Sohn, Shashank Rajput, Timothy Ossowski, Yifei Ming, Junjie Hu, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Kangwook Lee

Word translation without parallel corpora has become feasible, rivaling the performance of supervised methods. Recent findings have shown that the accuracy and robustness of unsupervised word translation (UWT) can be improved by making use of visual observations, which are universal representations across languages. In this work, we investigate the potential of using not only visual observations but also pretrained language-image models for enabling a more efficient and robust UWT. Specifically, we develop a novel UWT method dubbed Word Alignment using Language-Image Pretraining (WALIP), which leverages visual observations via the shared embedding space of images and texts provided by CLIP models (Radford et al., 2021). WALIP has a two-step procedure. First, we retrieve word pairs with high confidences of similarity, computed using our proposed image-based fingerprints, which define the initial pivot for the word alignment. Second, we apply our robust Procrustes algorithm to estimate the linear mapping between two embedding spaces, which iteratively corrects and refines the estimated alignment. Our extensive experiments show that WALIP improves upon the state-of-the-art performance of bilingual word alignment for a few language pairs across different word embeddings and displays great robustness to the dissimilarity of language pairs or training corpora for two word embeddings.
PDF In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP Findings)


Chronic pain patient narratives allow for the estimation of current pain intensity

Authors:Diogo A. P. Nunes, Joana Ferreira-Gomes, Carlos Vaz, Daniela Oliveira, Sofia Pimenta, Fani Neto, David Martins de Matos

Chronic pain is a multi-dimensional experience, and pain intensity plays an important part, impacting the patients emotional balance, psychology, and behaviour. Standard self-reporting tools, such as the Visual Analogue Scale for pain, fail to capture this burden. Moreover, this type of tools is susceptible to a degree of subjectivity, dependent on the patients clear understanding of how to use it, social biases, and their ability to translate a complex experience to a scale. To overcome these and other self-reporting challenges, pain intensity estimation has been previously studied based on facial expressions, electroencephalograms, brain imaging, and autonomic features. However, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been attempted to base this estimation on the patient narratives of the personal experience of chronic pain, which is what we propose in this work. Indeed, in the clinical assessment and management of chronic pain, verbal communication is essential to convey information to physicians that would otherwise not be easily accessible through standard reporting tools, since language, sociocultural, and psychosocial variables are intertwined. We show that language features from patient narratives indeed convey information relevant for pain intensity estimation, and that our computational models can take advantage of that. Specifically, our results show that patients with mild pain focus more on the use of verbs, whilst moderate and severe pain patients focus on adverbs, and nouns and adjectives, respectively, and that these differences allow for the distinction between these three pain classes.
PDF 29 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables


ERNIE-UniX2: A Unified Cross-lingual Cross-modal Framework for Understanding and Generation

Authors:Bin Shan, Yaqian Han, Weichong Yin, Shuohuan Wang, Yu Sun, Hao Tian, Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang

Recent cross-lingual cross-modal works attempt to extend Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models to non-English inputs and achieve impressive performance. However, these models focus only on understanding tasks utilizing encoder-only architecture. In this paper, we propose ERNIE-UniX2, a unified cross-lingual cross-modal pre-training framework for both generation and understanding tasks. ERNIE-UniX2 integrates multiple pre-training paradigms (e.g., contrastive learning and language modeling) based on encoder-decoder architecture and attempts to learn a better joint representation across languages and modalities. Furthermore, ERNIE-UniX2 can be seamlessly fine-tuned for varieties of generation and understanding downstream tasks. Pre-trained on both multilingual text-only and image-text datasets, ERNIE-UniX2 achieves SOTA results on various cross-lingual cross-modal generation and understanding tasks such as multimodal machine translation and multilingual visual question answering.
PDF 13 pages, 2 figures


Translated Skip Connections — Expanding the Receptive Fields of Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors:Joshua Bruton, Hairong Wang

The effective receptive field of a fully convolutional neural network is an important consideration when designing an architecture, as it defines the portion of the input visible to each convolutional kernel. We propose a neural network module, extending traditional skip connections, called the translated skip connection. Translated skip connections geometrically increase the receptive field of an architecture with negligible impact on both the size of the parameter space and computational complexity. By embedding translated skip connections into a benchmark architecture, we demonstrate that our module matches or outperforms four other approaches to expanding the effective receptive fields of fully convolutional neural networks. We confirm this result across five contemporary image segmentation datasets from disparate domains, including the detection of COVID-19 infection, segmentation of aerial imagery, common object segmentation, and segmentation for self-driving cars.
PDF 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, published at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing


Camera Alignment and Weighted Contrastive Learning for Domain Adaptation in Video Person ReID

Authors:Djebril Mekhazni, Maximilien Dufau, Christian Desrosiers, Marco Pedersoli, Eric Granger

Systems for person re-identification (ReID) can achieve a high accuracy when trained on large fully-labeled image datasets. However, the domain shift typically associated with diverse operational capture conditions (e.g., camera viewpoints and lighting) may translate to a significant decline in performance. This paper focuses on unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for video-based ReID - a relevant scenario that is less explored in the literature. In this scenario, the ReID model must adapt to a complex target domain defined by a network of diverse video cameras based on tracklet information. State-of-art methods cluster unlabeled target data, yet domain shifts across target cameras (sub-domains) can lead to poor initialization of clustering methods that propagates noise across epochs, thus preventing the ReID model to accurately associate samples of same identity. In this paper, an UDA method is introduced for video person ReID that leverages knowledge on video tracklets, and on the distribution of frames captured over target cameras to improve the performance of CNN backbones trained using pseudo-labels. Our method relies on an adversarial approach, where a camera-discriminator network is introduced to extract discriminant camera-independent representations, facilitating the subsequent clustering. In addition, a weighted contrastive loss is proposed to leverage the confidence of clusters, and mitigate the risk of incorrect identity associations. Experimental results obtained on three challenging video-based person ReID datasets - PRID2011, iLIDS-VID, and MARS - indicate that our proposed method can outperform related state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at: \url{https://github.com/dmekhazni/CAWCL-ReID}
PDF IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision(WACV) 2023


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