2022-11-05 更新

nerf2nerf: Pairwise Registration of Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Lily Goli, Daniel Rebain, Sara Sabour, Animesh Garg, Andrea Tagliasacchi

We introduce a technique for pairwise registration of neural fields that extends classical optimization-based local registration (i.e. ICP) to operate on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) — neural 3D scene representations trained from collections of calibrated images. NeRF does not decompose illumination and color, so to make registration invariant to illumination, we introduce the concept of a ‘’surface field’’ — a field distilled from a pre-trained NeRF model that measures the likelihood of a point being on the surface of an object. We then cast nerf2nerf registration as a robust optimization that iteratively seeks a rigid transformation that aligns the surface fields of the two scenes. We evaluate the effectiveness of our technique by introducing a dataset of pre-trained NeRF scenes — our synthetic scenes enable quantitative evaluations and comparisons to classical registration techniques, while our real scenes demonstrate the validity of our technique in real-world scenarios. Additional results available at:


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