I2I Translation

2022-11-05 更新

Transfer Learning with Kernel Methods

Authors:Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan, Max Ruiz Luyten, Neha Prasad, Caroline Uhler

Transfer learning refers to the process of adapting a model trained on a source task to a target task. While kernel methods are conceptually and computationally simple machine learning models that are competitive on a variety of tasks, it has been unclear how to perform transfer learning for kernel methods. In this work, we propose a transfer learning framework for kernel methods by projecting and translating the source model to the target task. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in applications to image classification and virtual drug screening. In particular, we show that transferring modern kernels trained on large-scale image datasets can result in substantial performance increase as compared to using the same kernel trained directly on the target task. In addition, we show that transfer-learned kernels allow a more accurate prediction of the effect of drugs on cancer cell lines. For both applications, we identify simple scaling laws that characterize the performance of transfer-learned kernels as a function of the number of target examples. We explain this phenomenon in a simplified linear setting, where we are able to derive the exact scaling laws. By providing a simple and effective transfer learning framework for kernel methods, our work enables kernel methods trained on large datasets to be easily adapted to a variety of downstream target tasks.


Text-Only Training for Image Captioning using Noise-Injected CLIP

Authors:David Nukrai, Ron Mokady, Amir Globerson

We consider the task of image-captioning using only the CLIP model and additional text data at training time, and no additional captioned images. Our approach relies on the fact that CLIP is trained to make visual and textual embeddings similar. Therefore, we only need to learn how to translate CLIP textual embeddings back into text, and we can learn how to do this by learning a decoder for the frozen CLIP text encoder using only text. We argue that this intuition is “almost correct” because of a gap between the embedding spaces, and propose to rectify this via noise injection during training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by showing SOTA zero-shot image captioning across four benchmarks, including style transfer. Code, data, and models are available on GitHub.
PDF Will be presented at EMNLP 2022. GitHub: https://github.com/DavidHuji/CapDec


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