2022-10-25 更新

Coordinates Are NOT Lonely — Codebook Prior Helps Implicit Neural 3D Representations

Authors:Fukun Yin, Wen Liu, Zilong Huang, Pei Cheng, Tao Chen, Gang YU

Implicit neural 3D representation has achieved impressive results in surface or scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis, which typically uses the coordinate-based multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to learn a continuous scene representation. However, existing approaches, such as Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) and its variants, usually require dense input views (i.e. 50-150) to obtain decent results. To relive the over-dependence on massive calibrated images and enrich the coordinate-based feature representation, we explore injecting the prior information into the coordinate-based network and introduce a novel coordinate-based model, CoCo-INR, for implicit neural 3D representation. The cores of our method are two attention modules: codebook attention and coordinate attention. The former extracts the useful prototypes containing rich geometry and appearance information from the prior codebook, and the latter propagates such prior information into each coordinate and enriches its feature representation for a scene or object surface. With the help of the prior information, our method can render 3D views with more photo-realistic appearance and geometries than the current methods using fewer calibrated images available. Experiments on various scene reconstruction datasets, including DTU and BlendedMVS, and the full 3D head reconstruction dataset, H3DS, demonstrate the robustness under fewer input views and fine detail-preserving capability of our proposed method.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


An Exploration of Neural Radiance Field Scene Reconstruction: Synthetic, Real-world and Dynamic Scenes

Authors:Benedict Quartey, Tuluhan Akbulut, Wasiwasi Mgonzo, Zheng Xin Yong

This project presents an exploration into 3D scene reconstruction of synthetic and real-world scenes using Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) approaches. We primarily take advantage of the reduction in training and rendering time of neural graphic primitives multi-resolution hash encoding, to reconstruct static video game scenes and real-world scenes, comparing and observing reconstruction detail and limitations. Additionally, we explore dynamic scene reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes(D-NeRF). Finally, we extend the implementation of D-NeRF, originally constrained to handle synthetic scenes to also handle real-world dynamic scenes.


Unsupervised Multi-View Object Segmentation Using Radiance Field Propagation

Authors:Xinhang Liu, Jiaben Chen, Huai Yu, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

We present radiance field propagation (RFP), a novel approach to segmenting objects in 3D during reconstruction given only unlabeled multi-view images of a scene. RFP is derived from emerging neural radiance field-based techniques, which jointly encodes semantics with appearance and geometry. The core of our method is a novel propagation strategy for individual objects’ radiance fields with a bidirectional photometric loss, enabling an unsupervised partitioning of a scene into salient or meaningful regions corresponding to different object instances. To better handle complex scenes with multiple objects and occlusions, we further propose an iterative expectation-maximization algorithm to refine object masks. RFP is one of the first unsupervised approach for tackling 3D real scene object segmentation for neural radiance field (NeRF) without any supervision, annotations, or other cues such as 3D bounding boxes and prior knowledge of object class. Experiments demonstrate that RFP achieves feasible segmentation results that are more accurate than previous unsupervised image/scene segmentation approaches, and are comparable to existing supervised NeRF-based methods. The segmented object representations enable individual 3D object editing operations.
PDF 23 pages, 14 figures, NeurIPS 2022


Decomposing NeRF for Editing via Feature Field Distillation

Authors:Sosuke Kobayashi, Eiichi Matsumoto, Vincent Sitzmann

Emerging neural radiance fields (NeRF) are a promising scene representation for computer graphics, enabling high-quality 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis from image observations. However, editing a scene represented by a NeRF is challenging, as the underlying connectionist representations such as MLPs or voxel grids are not object-centric or compositional. In particular, it has been difficult to selectively edit specific regions or objects. In this work, we tackle the problem of semantic scene decomposition of NeRFs to enable query-based local editing of the represented 3D scenes. We propose to distill the knowledge of off-the-shelf, self-supervised 2D image feature extractors such as CLIP-LSeg or DINO into a 3D feature field optimized in parallel to the radiance field. Given a user-specified query of various modalities such as text, an image patch, or a point-and-click selection, 3D feature fields semantically decompose 3D space without the need for re-training and enable us to semantically select and edit regions in the radiance field. Our experiments validate that the distilled feature fields (DFFs) can transfer recent progress in 2D vision and language foundation models to 3D scene representations, enabling convincing 3D segmentation and selective editing of emerging neural graphics representations.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


Parallel Inversion of Neural Radiance Fields for Robust Pose Estimation

Authors:Yunzhi Lin, Thomas Müller, Jonathan Tremblay, Bowen Wen, Stephen Tyree, Alex Evans, Patricio A. Vela, Stan Birchfield

We present a parallelized optimization method based on fast Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for estimating 6-DoF target poses. Given a single observed RGB image of the target, we can predict the translation and rotation of the camera by minimizing the residual between pixels rendered from a fast NeRF model and pixels in the observed image. We integrate a momentum-based camera extrinsic optimization procedure into Instant Neural Graphics Primitives, a recent exceptionally fast NeRF implementation. By introducing parallel Monte Carlo sampling into the pose estimation task, our method overcomes local minima and improves efficiency in a more extensive search space. We also show the importance of adopting a more robust pixel-based loss function to reduce error. Experiments demonstrate that our method can achieve improved generalization and robustness on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks.
PDF Submitted to ICRA 2023. Project page at


SPIDR: SDF-based Neural Point Fields for Illumination and Deformation

Authors:Ruofan Liang, Jiahao Zhang, Haoda Li, Chen Yang, Nandita Vijaykumar

Implicit neural representations such as neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have recently emerged as a promising approach for 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis. However, NeRF-based methods encode shape, reflectance, and illumination implicitly in their neural representations, and this makes it challenging for users to manipulate these properties in the rendered images explicitly. Existing approaches only enable limited editing of the scene and deformation of the geometry. Furthermore, no existing work enables accurate scene illumination after object deformation. In this work, we introduce SPIDR, a new hybrid neural SDF representation. SPIDR combines point cloud and neural implicit representations to enable the reconstruction of higher quality meshes and surfaces for object deformation and lighting estimation. To more accurately capture environment illumination for scene relighting, we propose a novel neural implicit model to learn environment light. To enable accurate illumination updates after deformation, we use the shadow mapping technique to efficiently approximate the light visibility updates caused by geometry editing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SPIDR in enabling high quality geometry editing and deformation with accurate updates to the illumination of the scene. In comparison to prior work, we demonstrate significantly better rendering quality after deformation and lighting estimation.
PDF 25 pages, 15 figures


Learning Neural Radiance Fields from Multi-View Geometry

Authors:Marco Orsingher, Paolo Zani, Paolo Medici, Massimo Bertozzi

We present a framework, called MVG-NeRF, that combines classical Multi-View Geometry algorithms and Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for image-based 3D reconstruction. NeRF has revolutionized the field of implicit 3D representations, mainly due to a differentiable volumetric rendering formulation that enables high-quality and geometry-aware novel view synthesis. However, the underlying geometry of the scene is not explicitly constrained during training, thus leading to noisy and incorrect results when extracting a mesh with marching cubes. To this end, we propose to leverage pixelwise depths and normals from a classical 3D reconstruction pipeline as geometric priors to guide NeRF optimization. Such priors are used as pseudo-ground truth during training in order to improve the quality of the estimated underlying surface. Moreover, each pixel is weighted by a confidence value based on the forward-backward reprojection error for additional robustness. Experimental results on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in obtaining clean 3D meshes from images, while maintaining competitive performances in novel view synthesis.
PDF ECCV 2022 Workshop on “Learning to Generate 3D Shapes and Scenes”


Compressing Explicit Voxel Grid Representations: fast NeRFs become also small

Authors:Chenxi Lola Deng, Enzo Tartaglione

NeRFs have revolutionized the world of per-scene radiance field reconstruction because of their intrinsic compactness. One of the main limitations of NeRFs is their slow rendering speed, both at training and inference time. Recent research focuses on the optimization of an explicit voxel grid (EVG) that represents the scene, which can be paired with neural networks to learn radiance fields. This approach significantly enhances the speed both at train and inference time, but at the cost of large memory occupation. In this work we propose Re:NeRF, an approach that specifically targets EVG-NeRFs compressibility, aiming to reduce memory storage of NeRF models while maintaining comparable performance. We benchmark our approach with three different EVG-NeRF architectures on four popular benchmarks, showing Re:NeRF’s broad usability and effectiveness.


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