I2I Translation

2022-10-25 更新

Analyzing the Use of Influence Functions for Instance-Specific Data Filtering in Neural Machine Translation

Authors:Tsz Kin Lam, Eva Hasler, Felix Hieber

Customer feedback can be an important signal for improving commercial machine translation systems. One solution for fixing specific translation errors is to remove the related erroneous training instances followed by re-training of the machine translation system, which we refer to as instance-specific data filtering. Influence functions (IF) have been shown to be effective in finding such relevant training examples for classification tasks such as image classification, toxic speech detection and entailment task. Given a probing instance, IF find influential training examples by measuring the similarity of the probing instance with a set of training examples in gradient space. In this work, we examine the use of influence functions for Neural Machine Translation (NMT). We propose two effective extensions to a state of the art influence function and demonstrate on the sub-problem of copied training examples that IF can be applied more generally than handcrafted regular expressions.
PDF Accepted at WMT 2022


Failure Detection in Medical Image Classification: A Reality Check and Benchmarking Testbed

Authors:Melanie Bernhardt, Fabio De Sousa Ribeiro, Ben Glocker

Failure detection in automated image classification is a critical safeguard for clinical deployment. Detected failure cases can be referred to human assessment, ensuring patient safety in computer-aided clinical decision making. Despite its paramount importance, there is insufficient evidence about the ability of state-of-the-art confidence scoring methods to detect test-time failures of classification models in the context of medical imaging. This paper provides a reality check, establishing the performance of in-domain misclassification detection methods, benchmarking 9 widely used confidence scores on 6 medical imaging datasets with different imaging modalities, in multiclass and binary classification settings. Our experiments show that the problem of failure detection is far from being solved. We found that none of the benchmarked advanced methods proposed in the computer vision and machine learning literature can consistently outperform a simple softmax baseline, demonstrating that improved out-of-distribution detection or model calibration do not necessarily translate to improved in-domain misclassification detection. Our developed testbed facilitates future work in this important area
PDF Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (10/2022)


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