
2022-10-24 更新

Backdoor Attack and Defense in Federated Generative Adversarial Network-based Medical Image Synthesis

Authors:Ruinan Jin, Xiaoxiao Li

Deep Learning-based image synthesis techniques have been applied in healthcare research for generating medical images to support open research and augment medical datasets. Training generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) usually require large amounts of training data. Federated learning (FL) provides a way of training a central model using distributed data while keeping raw data locally. However, given that the FL server cannot access the raw data, it is vulnerable to backdoor attacks, an adversarial by poisoning training data. Most backdoor attack strategies focus on classification models and centralized domains. It is still an open question if the existing backdoor attacks can affect GAN training and, if so, how to defend against the attack in the FL setting. In this work, we investigate the overlooked issue of backdoor attacks in federated GANs (FedGANs). The success of this attack is subsequently determined to be the result of some local discriminators overfitting the poisoned data and corrupting the local GAN equilibrium, which then further contaminates other clients when averaging the generator’s parameters and yields high generator loss. Therefore, we proposed FedDetect, an efficient and effective way of defending against the backdoor attack in the FL setting, which allows the server to detect the client’s adversarial behavior based on their losses and block the malicious clients. Our extensive experiments on two medical datasets with different modalities demonstrate the backdoor attack on FedGANs can result in synthetic images with low fidelity. After detecting and suppressing the detected malicious clients using the proposed defense strategy, we show that FedGANs can synthesize high-quality medical datasets (with labels) for data augmentation to improve classification models’ performance.
PDF 25 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.00762


Defending Person Detection Against Adversarial Patch Attack by using Universal Defensive Frame

Authors:Youngjoon Yu, Hong Joo Lee, Hakmin Lee, Yong Man Ro

Person detection has attracted great attention in the computer vision area and is an imperative element in human-centric computer vision. Although the predictive performances of person detection networks have been improved dramatically, they are vulnerable to adversarial patch attacks. Changing the pixels in a restricted region can easily fool the person detection network in safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving and security systems. Despite the necessity of countering adversarial patch attacks, very few efforts have been dedicated to defending person detection against adversarial patch attack. In this paper, we propose a novel defense strategy that defends against an adversarial patch attack by optimizing a defensive frame for person detection. The defensive frame alleviates the effect of the adversarial patch while maintaining person detection performance with clean person. The proposed defensive frame in the person detection is generated with a competitive learning algorithm which makes an iterative competition between detection threatening module and detection shielding module in person detection. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively defends person detection against adversarial patch attacks.
PDF Accepted at IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022


Analysis of Master Vein Attacks on Finger Vein Recognition Systems

Authors:Huy H. Nguyen, Trung-Nghia Le, Junichi Yamagishi, Isao Echizen

Finger vein recognition (FVR) systems have been commercially used, especially in ATMs, for customer verification. Thus, it is essential to measure their robustness against various attack methods, especially when a hand-crafted FVR system is used without any countermeasure methods. In this paper, we are the first in the literature to introduce master vein attacks in which we craft a vein-looking image so that it can falsely match with as many identities as possible by the FVR systems. We present two methods for generating master veins for use in attacking these systems. The first uses an adaptation of the latent variable evolution algorithm with a proposed generative model (a multi-stage combination of beta-VAE and WGAN-GP models). The second uses an adversarial machine learning attack method to attack a strong surrogate CNN-based recognition system. The two methods can be easily combined to boost their attack ability. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed methods alone and together achieved false acceptance rates up to 73.29% and 88.79%, respectively, against Miura’s hand-crafted FVR system. We also point out that Miura’s system is easily compromised by non-vein-looking samples generated by a WGAN-GP model with false acceptance rates up to 94.21%. The results raise the alarm about the robustness of such systems and suggest that master vein attacks should be considered an important security measure.
PDF Accepted to be Published in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023


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