
2022-10-21 更新

Cluster and Aggregate: Face Recognition with Large Probe Set

Authors:Minchul Kim, Feng Liu, Anil Jain, Xiaoming Liu

Feature fusion plays a crucial role in unconstrained face recognition where inputs (probes) comprise of a set of $N$ low quality images whose individual qualities vary. Advances in attention and recurrent modules have led to feature fusion that can model the relationship among the images in the input set. However, attention mechanisms cannot scale to large $N$ due to their quadratic complexity and recurrent modules suffer from input order sensitivity. We propose a two-stage feature fusion paradigm, Cluster and Aggregate, that can both scale to large $N$ and maintain the ability to perform sequential inference with order invariance. Specifically, Cluster stage is a linear assignment of $N$ inputs to $M$ global cluster centers, and Aggregation stage is a fusion over $M$ clustered features. The clustered features play an integral role when the inputs are sequential as they can serve as a summarization of past features. By leveraging the order-invariance of incremental averaging operation, we design an update rule that achieves batch-order invariance, which guarantees that the contributions of early image in the sequence do not diminish as time steps increase. Experiments on IJB-B and IJB-S benchmark datasets show the superiority of the proposed two-stage paradigm in unconstrained face recognition. Code and pretrained models are available in https://github.com/mk-minchul/caface
PDF To appear in NeurIPS 2022


How to Boost Face Recognition with StyleGAN?

Authors:Artem Sevastopolsky, Yury Malkov, Nikita Durasov, Luisa Verdoliva, Matthias Nießner

State-of-the-art face recognition systems require huge amounts of labeled training data. Given the priority of privacy in face recognition applications, the data is limited to celebrity web crawls, which have issues such as skewed distributions of ethnicities and limited numbers of identities. On the other hand, the self-supervised revolution in the industry motivates research on adaptation of the related techniques to facial recognition. One of the most popular practical tricks is to augment the dataset by the samples drawn from the high-resolution high-fidelity models (e.g. StyleGAN-like), while preserving the identity. We show that a simple approach based on fine-tuning an encoder for StyleGAN allows to improve upon the state-of-the-art facial recognition and performs better compared to training on synthetic face identities. We also collect large-scale unlabeled datasets with controllable ethnic constitution — AfricanFaceSet-5M (5 million images of different people) and AsianFaceSet-3M (3 million images of different people) and we show that pretraining on each of them improves recognition of the respective ethnicities (as well as also others), while combining all unlabeled datasets results in the biggest performance increase. Our self-supervised strategy is the most useful with limited amounts of labeled training data, which can be beneficial for more tailored face recognition tasks and when facing privacy concerns. Evaluation is provided based on a standard RFW dataset and a new large-scale RB-WebFace benchmark.


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