
2022-10-19 更新

MFFN: Multi-view Feature Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors:Dehua Zheng, Xiaochen Zheng, Laurence T. Yang, Yuan Gao, Chenlu Zhu, Yiheng Ruan

Recent research about camouflaged object detection (COD) aims to segment highly concealed objects hidden in complex surroundings. The tiny, fuzzy camouflaged objects result in visually indistinguishable properties. However, current single-view COD detectors are sensitive to background distractors. Therefore, blurred boundaries and variable shapes of the camouflaged objects are challenging to be fully captured with a single-view detector. To overcome these obstacles, we propose a behavior-inspired framework, called Multi-view Feature Fusion Network (MFFN), which mimics the human behaviors of finding indistinct objects in images, i.e., observing from multiple angles, distances, perspectives. Specifically, the key idea behind it is to generate multiple ways of observation (multi-view) by data augmentation and apply them as inputs. MFFN captures critical boundary and semantic information by comparing and fusing extracted multi-view features. In addition, our MFFN exploits the dependence and interaction between views and channels. Specifically, our methods leverage the complementary information between different views through a two-stage attention module called Co-attention of Multi-view (CAMV). And we design a local-overall module called Channel Fusion Unit (CFU) to explore the channel-wise contextual clues of diverse feature maps in an iterative manner. The experiment results show that our method performs favorably against existing state-of-the-art methods via training with the same data. The code will be available at https://github.com/ dwardzheng/MFFN_COD.
PDF In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)


Single-Stage Open-world Instance Segmentation with Cross-task Consistency Regularization

Authors:Xizhe Xue, Dongdong Yu, Lingqiao Liu, Yu Liu, Satoshi Tsutsui, Ying Li, Zehuan Yuan, Ping Song, Mike Zheng Shou

Open-World Instance Segmentation (OWIS) is an emerging research topic that aims to segment class-agnostic object instances from images. The mainstream approaches use a two-stage segmentation framework, which first locates the candidate object bounding boxes and then performs instance segmentation. In this work, we instead promote a single-stage framework for OWIS. We argue that the end-to-end training process in the single-stage framework can be more convenient for directly regularizing the localization of class-agnostic object pixels. Based on the single-stage instance segmentation framework, we propose a regularization model to predict foreground pixels and use its relation to instance segmentation to construct a cross-task consistency loss. We show that such a consistency loss could alleviate the problem of incomplete instance annotation — a common problem in the existing OWIS datasets. We also show that the proposed loss lends itself to an effective solution to semi-supervised OWIS that could be considered an extreme case that all object annotations are absent for some images. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves impressive results in both fully-supervised and semi-supervised settings. Compared to SOTA methods, the proposed method significantly improves the $AP_{100}$ score by 4.75\% in UVO$\rightarrow$UVO setting and 4.05\% in COCO$\rightarrow$UVO setting. In the case of semi-supervised learning, our model learned with only 30\% labeled data, even outperforms its fully-supervised counterpart with 50\% labeled data. The code will be released soon.


Homogeneous Multi-modal Feature Fusion and Interaction for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Xin Li, Botian Shi, Yuenan Hou, Xingjiao Wu, Tianlong Ma, Yikang Li, Liang He

Multi-modal 3D object detection has been an active research topic in autonomous driving. Nevertheless, it is non-trivial to explore the cross-modal feature fusion between sparse 3D points and dense 2D pixels. Recent approaches either fuse the image features with the point cloud features that are projected onto the 2D image plane or combine the sparse point cloud with dense image pixels. These fusion approaches often suffer from severe information loss, thus causing sub-optimal performance. To address these problems, we construct the homogeneous structure between the point cloud and images to avoid projective information loss by transforming the camera features into the LiDAR 3D space. In this paper, we propose a homogeneous multi-modal feature fusion and interaction method (HMFI) for 3D object detection. Specifically, we first design an image voxel lifter module (IVLM) to lift 2D image features into the 3D space and generate homogeneous image voxel features. Then, we fuse the voxelized point cloud features with the image features from different regions by introducing the self-attention based query fusion mechanism (QFM). Next, we propose a voxel feature interaction module (VFIM) to enforce the consistency of semantic information from identical objects in the homogeneous point cloud and image voxel representations, which can provide object-level alignment guidance for cross-modal feature fusion and strengthen the discriminative ability in complex backgrounds. We conduct extensive experiments on the KITTI and Waymo Open Dataset, and the proposed HMFI achieves better performance compared with the state-of-the-art multi-modal methods. Particularly, for the 3D detection of cyclist on the KITTI benchmark, HMFI surpasses all the published algorithms by a large margin.
PDF Accepted by ECCV 2022


Semantic Segmentation with Active Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors:Aneesh Rangnekar, Christopher Kanan, Matthew Hoffman

Using deep learning, we now have the ability to create exceptionally good semantic segmentation systems; however, collecting the prerequisite pixel-wise annotations for training images remains expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, it would be ideal to minimize the number of human annotations needed when creating a new dataset. Here, we address this problem by proposing a novel algorithm that combines active learning and semi-supervised learning. Active learning is an approach for identifying the best unlabeled samples to annotate. While there has been work on active learning for segmentation, most methods require annotating all pixel objects in each image, rather than only the most informative regions. We argue that this is inefficient. Instead, our active learning approach aims to minimize the number of annotations per-image. Our method is enriched with semi-supervised learning, where we use pseudo labels generated with a teacher-student framework to identify image regions that help disambiguate confused classes. We also integrate mechanisms that enable better performance on imbalanced label distributions, which have not been studied previously for active learning in semantic segmentation. In experiments on the CamVid and CityScapes datasets, our method obtains over 95% of the network’s performance on the full-training set using less than 17% of the training data, whereas the previous state of the art required 40% of the training data.
PDF To appear in the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV-2023)


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