Domain Adaptation

2022-10-19 更新

Enabling Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation in Multi-inhabitants Smart Home Activity Learning

Authors:Md Mahmudur Rahman, Mahta Mousavi, Peri Tarr, Mohammad Arif Ul Alam

Domain adaptation for sensor-based activity learning is of utmost importance in remote health monitoring research. However, many domain adaptation algorithms suffer with failure to operate adaptation in presence of target domain heterogeneity (which is always present in reality) and presence of multiple inhabitants dramatically hinders their generalizability producing unsatisfactory results for semi-supervised and unseen activity learning tasks. We propose \emph{AEDA}, a novel deep auto-encoder-based model to enable semi-supervised domain adaptation in the existence of target domain heterogeneity and how to incorporate it to empower heterogeneity to any homogeneous deep domain adaptation architecture for cross-domain activity learning. Experimental evaluation on 18 different heterogeneous and multi-inhabitants use-cases of 8 different domains created from 2 publicly available human activity datasets (wearable and ambient smart homes) shows that \emph{AEDA} outperforms (max. 12.8\% and 8.9\% improvements for ambient smart home and wearables) over existing domain adaptation techniques for both seen and unseen activity learning in a heterogeneous setting.


HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Aibek Alanov, Vadim Titov, Dmitry Vetrov

Domain adaptation framework of GANs has achieved great progress in recent years as a main successful approach of training contemporary GANs in the case of very limited training data. In this work, we significantly improve this framework by proposing an extremely compact parameter space for fine-tuning the generator. We introduce a novel domain-modulation technique that allows to optimize only 6 thousand-dimensional vector instead of 30 million weights of StyleGAN2 to adapt to a target domain. We apply this parameterization to the state-of-art domain adaptation methods and show that it has almost the same expressiveness as the full parameter space. Additionally, we propose a new regularization loss that considerably enhances the diversity of the fine-tuned generator. Inspired by the reduction in the size of the optimizing parameter space we consider the problem of multi-domain adaptation of GANs, i.e. setting when the same model can adapt to several domains depending on the input query. We propose the HyperDomainNet that is a hypernetwork that predicts our parameterization given the target domain. We empirically confirm that it can successfully learn a number of domains at once and may even generalize to unseen domains. Source code can be found at
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


Towards Understanding GD with Hard and Conjugate Pseudo-labels for Test-Time Adaptation

Authors:Jun-Kun Wang, Andre Wibisono

We consider a setting that a model needs to adapt to a new domain under distribution shifts, given that only unlabeled test samples from the new domain are accessible at test time. A common idea in most of the related works is constructing pseudo-labels for the unlabeled test samples and applying gradient descent (GD) to a loss function with the pseudo-labels. Recently, Goyal et al. (2022) propose conjugate labels, which is a new kind of pseudo-labels for self-training at test time. They empirically show that the conjugate label outperforms other ways of pseudo-labeling on many domain adaptation benchmarks. However, provably showing that GD with conjugate labels learns a good classifier for test-time adaptation remains open. In this work, we aim at theoretically understanding GD with hard and conjugate labels for a binary classification problem. We show that for square loss, GD with conjugate labels converges to a solution that minimizes the testing 0-1 loss under a Gaussian model, while GD with hard pseudo-labels fails in this task. We also analyze them under different loss functions for the update. Our results shed lights on understanding when and why GD with hard labels or conjugate labels works in test-time adaptation.


Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Auto-Encoder via Simultaneous Learning

Authors:Md Mahmudur Rahman, Rameswar Panda, Mohammad Arif Ul Alam

We present a new semi-supervised domain adaptation framework that combines a novel auto-encoder-based domain adaptation model with a simultaneous learning scheme providing stable improvements over state-of-the-art domain adaptation models. Our framework holds strong distribution matching property by training both source and target auto-encoders using a novel simultaneous learning scheme on a single graph with an optimally modified MMD loss objective function. Additionally, we design a semi-supervised classification approach by transferring the aligned domain invariant feature spaces from source domain to the target domain. We evaluate on three datasets and show proof that our framework can effectively solve both fragile convergence (adversarial) and weak distribution matching problems between source and target feature space (discrepancy) with a high `speed’ of adaptation requiring a very low number of iterations.


Domain-Specific Risk Minimization for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Authors:Yi-Fan Zhang, Jindong Wang, Jian Liang, Zhang Zhang, Baosheng Yu, Liang Wang, Dacheng Tao, Xing Xie

Recent domain generalization (DG) approaches typically use the hypothesis learned on source domains for inference on the unseen target domain. However, such a hypothesis can be arbitrarily far from the optimal one for the target domain, induced by a gap termed ``adaptivity gap’’. Without exploiting the domain information from the unseen test samples, adaptivity gap estimation and minimization are intractable, which hinders us to robustify a model to any unknown distribution. In this paper, we first establish a generalization bound that explicitly considers the adaptivity gap. Our bound motivates two strategies to reduce the gap: the first one is ensembling multiple classifiers to enrich the hypothesis space, then we propose effective gap estimation methods for guiding the selection of a better hypothesis for the target. The other method is minimizing the gap directly by adapting model parameters using online target samples. We thus propose \textbf{Domain-specific Risk Minimization (DRM)}. During training, DRM models the distributions of different source domains separately; for inference, DRM performs online model steering using the source hypothesis for each arriving target sample. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DRM for domain generalization with the following advantages: 1) it significantly outperforms competitive baselines on different distributional shift settings; 2) it achieves either comparable or superior accuracies on all source domains compared to vanilla empirical risk minimization; 3) it remains simple and efficient during training, and 4) it is complementary to invariant learning approaches.
PDF ECCV 2022 Workshop on Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Computer Vision


Solving Seismic Wave Equations on Variable Velocity Models with Fourier Neural Operator

Authors:Bian Li, Hanchen Wang, Xiu Yang, Youzuo Lin

In the study of subsurface seismic imaging, solving the acoustic wave equation is a pivotal component in existing models. The advancement of deep learning enables solving partial differential equations, including wave equations, by applying neural networks to identify the mapping between the inputs and the solution. This approach can be faster than traditional numerical methods when numerous instances are to be solved. Previous works that concentrate on solving the wave equation by neural networks consider either a single velocity model or multiple simple velocity models, which is restricted in practice. Instead, inspired by the idea of operator learning, this work leverages the Fourier neural operator (FNO) to effectively learn the frequency domain seismic wavefields under the context of variable velocity models. We also propose a new framework paralleled Fourier neural operator (PFNO) for efficiently training the FNO-based solver given multiple source locations and frequencies. Numerical experiments demonstrate the high accuracy of both FNO and PFNO with complicated velocity models in the OpenFWI datasets. Furthermore, the cross-dataset generalization test verifies that PFNO adapts to out-of-distribution velocity models. Moreover, PFNO has robust performance in the presence of random noise in the labels. Finally, PFNO admits higher computational efficiency on large-scale testing datasets than the traditional finite-difference method. The aforementioned advantages endow the FNO-based solver with the potential to build powerful models for research on seismic waves.
PDF 24 pages, 13 figures


Using Language to Extend to Unseen Domains

Authors:Lisa Dunlap, Clara Mohri, Devin Guillory, Han Zhang, Trevor Darrell, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Aditi Raghunanthan, Anja Rohrbach

It is expensive to collect training data for every possible domain that a vision model may encounter when deployed. We instead consider how simply verbalizing the training domain (e.g. “photos of birds”) as well as domains we want to extend to but do not have data for (e.g. “paintings of birds”) can improve robustness. Using a multimodal model with a joint image and language embedding space, our method LADS learns a transformation of the image embeddings from the training domain to each unseen test domain, while preserving task relevant information. Without using any images from the unseen test domain, we show that over the extended domain containing both training and unseen test domains, LADS outperforms standard fine-tuning and ensemble approaches over a suite of four benchmarks targeting domain adaptation and dataset bias


Learning Less Generalizable Patterns with an Asymmetrically Trained Double Classifier for Better Test-Time Adaptation

Authors:Thomas Duboudin, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Corentin Abgrall, Gilles Hénaff, Liming Chen

Deep neural networks often fail to generalize outside of their training distribution, in particular when only a single data domain is available during training. While test-time adaptation has yielded encouraging results in this setting, we argue that, to reach further improvements, these approaches should be combined with training procedure modifications aiming to learn a more diverse set of patterns. Indeed, test-time adaptation methods usually have to rely on a limited representation because of the shortcut learning phenomenon: only a subset of the available predictive patterns is learned with standard training. In this paper, we first show that the combined use of existing training-time strategies, and test-time batch normalization, a simple adaptation method, does not always improve upon the test-time adaptation alone on the PACS benchmark. Furthermore, experiments on Office-Home show that very few training-time methods improve upon standard training, with or without test-time batch normalization. We therefore propose a novel approach using a pair of classifiers and a shortcut patterns avoidance loss that mitigates the shortcut learning behavior by reducing the generalization ability of the secondary classifier, using the additional shortcut patterns avoidance loss that encourages the learning of samples specific patterns. The primary classifier is trained normally, resulting in the learning of both the natural and the more complex, less generalizable, features. Our experiments show that our method improves upon the state-of-the-art results on both benchmarks and benefits the most to test-time batch normalization.


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