Domain Adaptation

2022-10-18 更新

Attention Regularized Laplace Graph for Domain Adaptation

Authors:Lingkun Luo, Liming Chen, Shiqiang Hu

In leveraging manifold learning in domain adaptation (DA), graph embedding-based DA methods have shown their effectiveness in preserving data manifold through the Laplace graph. However, current graph embedding DA methods suffer from two issues: 1). they are only concerned with preservation of the underlying data structures in the embedding and ignore sub-domain adaptation, which requires taking into account intra-class similarity and inter-class dissimilarity, thereby leading to negative transfer; 2). manifold learning is proposed across different feature/label spaces separately, thereby hindering unified comprehensive manifold learning. In this paper, starting from our previous DGA-DA, we propose a novel DA method, namely Attention Regularized Laplace Graph-based Domain Adaptation (ARG-DA), to remedy the aforementioned issues. Specifically, by weighting the importance across different sub-domain adaptation tasks, we propose the Attention Regularized Laplace Graph for class-aware DA, thereby generating the attention regularized DA. Furthermore, using a specifically designed FEEL strategy, our approach dynamically unifies alignment of the manifold structures across different feature/label spaces, thus leading to comprehensive manifold learning. Comprehensive experiments are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed DA method, which consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art DA methods on 7 standard DA benchmarks, i.e., 37 cross-domain image classification tasks including object, face, and digit images. An in-depth analysis of the proposed DA method is also discussed, including sensitivity, convergence, and robustness.
PDF 18 pages, 19 figures, This work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and will be available online soon. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2101.04563


DiffuSeq: Sequence to Sequence Text Generation with Diffusion Models

Authors:Shansan Gong, Mukai Li, Jiangtao Feng, Zhiyong Wu, LingPeng Kong

Recently, diffusion models have emerged as a new paradigm for generative models. Despite the success in domains using continuous signals such as vision and audio, adapting diffusion models to natural language is difficult due to the discrete nature of text. We tackle this challenge by proposing DiffuSeq: a diffusion model designed for sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) text generation tasks. Upon extensive evaluation over a wide range of Seq2Seq tasks, we find DiffuSeq achieving comparable or even better performance than six established baselines, including a state-of-the-art model that is based on pre-trained language models. Apart from quality, an intriguing property of DiffuSeq is its high diversity during generation, which is desired in many Seq2Seq tasks. We further include a theoretical analysis revealing the connection between DiffuSeq and autoregressive/non-autoregressive models. Bringing together theoretical analysis and empirical evidence, we demonstrate the great potential of diffusion models in complex conditional language generation tasks.
PDF 18 pages


Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training For Time Series via Time-Frequency Consistency

Authors:Xiang Zhang, Ziyuan Zhao, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Marinka Zitnik

Pre-training on time series poses a unique challenge due to the potential mismatch between pre-training and target domains, such as shifts in temporal dynamics, fast-evolving trends, and long-range and short-cyclic effects, which can lead to poor downstream performance. While domain adaptation methods can mitigate these shifts, most methods need examples directly from the target domain, making them suboptimal for pre-training. To address this challenge, methods need to accommodate target domains with different temporal dynamics and be capable of doing so without seeing any target examples during pre-training. Relative to other modalities, in time series, we expect that time-based and frequency-based representations of the same example are located close together in the time-frequency space. To this end, we posit that time-frequency consistency (TF-C) — embedding a time-based neighborhood of an example close to its frequency-based neighborhood — is desirable for pre-training. Motivated by TF-C, we define a decomposable pre-training model, where the self-supervised signal is provided by the distance between time and frequency components, each individually trained by contrastive estimation. We evaluate the new method on eight datasets, including electrodiagnostic testing, human activity recognition, mechanical fault detection, and physical status monitoring. Experiments against eight state-of-the-art methods show that TF-C outperforms baselines by 15.4% (F1 score) on average in one-to-one settings (e.g., fine-tuning an EEG-pretrained model on EMG data) and by 8.4% (precision) in challenging one-to-many settings (e.g., fine-tuning an EEG-pretrained model for either hand-gesture recognition or mechanical fault prediction), reflecting the breadth of scenarios that arise in real-world applications. Code and datasets:
PDF Accepted by NeruIPS 2022; 32pages (14 pages main paper + 18 pages supplementary materials). Code:


Domain Adaptation via Maximizing Surrogate Mutual Information

Authors:Haiteng Zhao, Chang Ma, Qinyu Chen, Zhi-Hong Deng

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to predict unlabeled data from target domain with access to labeled data from the source domain. In this work, we propose a novel framework called SIDA (Surrogate Mutual Information Maximization Domain Adaptation) with strong theoretical guarantees. To be specific, SIDA implements adaptation by maximizing mutual information (MI) between features. In the framework, a surrogate joint distribution models the underlying joint distribution of the unlabeled target domain. Our theoretical analysis validates SIDA by bounding the expected risk on target domain with MI and surrogate distribution bias. Experiments show that our approach is comparable with state-of-the-art unsupervised adaptation methods on standard UDA tasks.


MiniMax Entropy Network: Learning Category-Invariant Features for Domain Adaptation

Authors:Chaofan Tao, Fengmao Lv, Lixin Duan, Min Wu

How to effectively learn from unlabeled data from the target domain is crucial for domain adaptation, as it helps reduce the large performance gap due to domain shift or distribution change. In this paper, we propose an easy-to-implement method dubbed MiniMax Entropy Networks (MMEN) based on adversarial learning. Unlike most existing approaches which employ a generator to deal with domain difference, MMEN focuses on learning the categorical information from unlabeled target samples with the help of labeled source samples. Specifically, we set an unfair multi-class classifier named categorical discriminator, which classifies source samples accurately but be confused about the categories of target samples. The generator learns a common subspace that aligns the unlabeled samples based on the target pseudo-labels. For MMEN, we also provide theoretical explanations to show that the learning of feature alignment reduces domain mismatch at the category level. Experimental results on various benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over existing state-of-the-art baselines.
PDF 8 pages, 6 figures


Domain Adaptation under Open Set Label Shift

Authors:Saurabh Garg, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Zachary C. Lipton

We introduce the problem of domain adaptation under Open Set Label Shift (OSLS) where the label distribution can change arbitrarily and a new class may arrive during deployment, but the class-conditional distributions p(x|y) are domain-invariant. OSLS subsumes domain adaptation under label shift and Positive-Unlabeled (PU) learning. The learner’s goals here are two-fold: (a) estimate the target label distribution, including the novel class; and (b) learn a target classifier. First, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for identifying these quantities. Second, motivated by advances in label shift and PU learning, we propose practical methods for both tasks that leverage black-box predictors. Unlike typical Open Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) problems, which tend to be ill-posed and amenable only to heuristics, OSLS offers a well-posed problem amenable to more principled machinery. Experiments across numerous semi-synthetic benchmarks on vision, language, and medical datasets demonstrate that our methods consistently outperform OSDA baselines, achieving 10—25% improvements in target domain accuracy. Finally, we analyze the proposed methods, establishing finite-sample convergence to the true label marginal and convergence to optimal classifier for linear models in a Gaussian setup. Code is available at
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2022


Motion estimation and filtered prediction for dynamic point cloud attribute compression

Authors:Haoran Hong, Eduardo Pavez, Antonio Ortega, Ryosuke Watanabe, Keisuke Nonaka

In point cloud compression, exploiting temporal redundancy for inter predictive coding is challenging because of the irregular geometry. This paper proposes an efficient block-based inter-coding scheme for color attribute compression. The scheme includes integer-precision motion estimation and an adaptive graph based in-loop filtering scheme for improved attribute prediction. The proposed block-based motion estimation scheme consists of an initial motion search that exploits geometric and color attributes, followed by a motion refinement that only minimizes color prediction error. To further improve color prediction, we propose a vertex-domain low-pass graph filtering scheme that can adaptively remove noise from predictors computed from motion estimation with different accuracy. Our experiments demonstrate significant coding gain over state-of-the-art coding methods.
PDF Accepted for PCS2022


CASAPose: Class-Adaptive and Semantic-Aware Multi-Object Pose Estimation

Authors:Niklas Gard, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

Applications in the field of augmented reality or robotics often require joint localisation and 6D pose estimation of multiple objects. However, most algorithms need one network per object class to be trained in order to provide the best results. Analysing all visible objects demands multiple inferences, which is memory and time-consuming. We present a new single-stage architecture called CASAPose that determines 2D-3D correspondences for pose estimation of multiple different objects in RGB images in one pass. It is fast and memory efficient, and achieves high accuracy for multiple objects by exploiting the output of a semantic segmentation decoder as control input to a keypoint recognition decoder via local class-adaptive normalisation. Our new differentiable regression of keypoint locations significantly contributes to a faster closing of the domain gap between real test and synthetic training data. We apply segmentation-aware convolutions and upsampling operations to increase the focus inside the object mask and to reduce mutual interference of occluding objects. For each inserted object, the network grows by only one output segmentation map and a negligible number of parameters. We outperform state-of-the-art approaches in challenging multi-object scenes with inter-object occlusion and synthetic training.
PDF Accepted at BMVC 2022 (this submission includes the paper and supplementary material)


HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Aibek Alanov, Vadim Titov, Dmitry Vetrov

Domain adaptation framework of GANs has achieved great progress in recent years as a main successful approach of training contemporary GANs in the case of very limited training data. In this work, we significantly improve this framework by proposing an extremely compact parameter space for fine-tuning the generator. We introduce a novel domain-modulation technique that allows to optimize only 6 thousand-dimensional vector instead of 30 million weights of StyleGAN2 to adapt to a target domain. We apply this parameterization to the state-of-art domain adaptation methods and show that it has almost the same expressiveness as the full parameter space. Additionally, we propose a new regularization loss that considerably enhances the diversity of the fine-tuned generator. Inspired by the reduction in the size of the optimizing parameter space we consider the problem of multi-domain adaptation of GANs, i.e. setting when the same model can adapt to several domains depending on the input query. We propose the HyperDomainNet that is a hypernetwork that predicts our parameterization given the target domain. We empirically confirm that it can successfully learn a number of domains at once and may even generalize to unseen domains. Source code can be found at
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


Optimizing Vision Transformers for Medical Image Segmentation and Few-Shot Domain Adaptation

Authors:Qianying Liu, Chaitanya Kaul, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Roderick Murray-Smith, Fani Deligianni

The adaptation of transformers to computer vision is not straightforward because the modelling of image contextual information results in quadratic computational complexity with relation to the input features. Most of existing methods require extensive pre-training on massive datasets such as ImageNet and therefore their application to fields such as healthcare is less effective. CNNs are the dominant architecture in computer vision tasks because convolutional filters can effectively model local dependencies and reduce drastically the parameters required. However, convolutional filters cannot handle more complex interactions, which are beyond a small neighbour of pixels. Furthermore, their weights are fixed after training and thus they do not take into consideration changes in the visual input. Inspired by recent work on hybrid visual transformers with convolutions and hierarchical transformers, we propose Convolutional Swin-Unet (CS-Unet) transformer blocks and optimise their settings with relation to patch embedding, projection, the feed-forward network, up sampling and skip connections. CS-Unet can be trained from scratch and inherits the superiority of convolutions in each feature process phase. It helps to encode precise spatial information and produce hierarchical representations that contribute to object concepts at various scales. Experiments show that CS-Unet without pre-training surpasses other state-of-the-art counterparts by large margins on two medical CT and MRI datasets with fewer parameters. In addition, two domain-adaptation experiments on optic disc and polyp image segmentation further prove that our method is highly generalizable and effectively bridges the domain gap between images from different sources.


Parameter Sharing in Budget-Aware Adapters for Multi-Domain Learning

Authors:Samuel Felipe dos Santos, Rodrigo Berriel, Thiago Oliveira-Santos, Nicu Sebe, Jurandy Almeida

Deep learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance on several computer vision tasks and domains. Nevertheless, it still demands a high computational cost and a significant amount of parameters that need to be learned for each new domain. Such requirements hinder the use in resource-limited environments and demand both software and hardware optimization. Multi-domain learning addresses this problem by adapting to new domains while retaining the knowledge of the original domain. One limitation of most multi-domain learning approaches is that they usually are not designed for taking into account the resources available to the user. Recently, some works that can reduce computational complexity and amount of parameters to fit the user needs have been proposed, but they need the entire original model to handle all the domains together. This work proposes a method capable of adapting to a user-defined budget while encouraging parameter sharing among domains. Hence, filters that are not used by any domain can be pruned from the network at test time. The proposed approach innovates by better adapting to resource-limited devices while being able to handle multiple domains at test time with fewer parameters and lower computational complexity than the baseline model.


SAILOR: Scaling Anchors via Insights into Latent Object Representation

Authors:Dušan Malić, Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof

LiDAR 3D object detection models are inevitably biased towards their training dataset. The detector clearly exhibits this bias when employed on a target dataset, particularly towards object sizes. However, object sizes vary heavily between domains due to, for instance, different labeling policies or geographical locations. State-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation approaches outsource methods to overcome the object size bias. Mainstream size adaptation approaches exploit target domain statistics, contradicting the original unsupervised assumption. Our novel unsupervised anchor calibration method addresses this limitation. Given a model trained on the source data, we estimate the optimal target anchors in a completely unsupervised manner. The main idea stems from an intuitive observation: by varying the anchor sizes for the target domain, we inevitably introduce noise or even remove valuable object cues. The latent object representation, perturbed by the anchor size, is closest to the learned source features only under the optimal target anchors. We leverage this observation for anchor size optimization. Our experimental results show that, without any retraining, we achieve competitive results even compared to state-of-the-art weakly-supervised size adaptation approaches. In addition, our anchor calibration can be combined with such existing methods, making them completely unsupervised.
PDF WACV 2023; code is available at


Self-Distillation for Unsupervised 3D Domain Adaptation

Authors:Adriano Cardace, Riccardo Spezialetti, Pierluigi Zama Ramirez, Samuele Salti, Luigi Di Stefano

Point cloud classification is a popular task in 3D vision. However, previous works, usually assume that point clouds at test time are obtained with the same procedure or sensor as those at training time. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) instead, breaks this assumption and tries to solve the task on an unlabeled target domain, leveraging only on a supervised source domain. For point cloud classification, recent UDA methods try to align features across domains via auxiliary tasks such as point cloud reconstruction, which however do not optimize the discriminative power in the target domain in feature space. In contrast, in this work, we focus on obtaining a discriminative feature space for the target domain enforcing consistency between a point cloud and its augmented version. We then propose a novel iterative self-training methodology that exploits Graph Neural Networks in the UDA context to refine pseudo-labels. We perform extensive experiments and set the new state-of-the-art in standard UDA benchmarks for point cloud classification. Finally, we show how our approach can be extended to more complex tasks such as part segmentation.
PDF WACV 2023, Project Page:


Segmentation-guided Domain Adaptation for Efficient Depth Completion

Authors:Fabian Märkert, Martin Sunkel, Anselm Haselhoff, Stefan Rudolph

Complete depth information and efficient estimators have become vital ingredients in scene understanding for automated driving tasks. A major problem for LiDAR-based depth completion is the inefficient utilization of convolutions due to the lack of coherent information as provided by the sparse nature of uncorrelated LiDAR point clouds, which often leads to complex and resource-demanding networks. The problem is reinforced by the expensive aquisition of depth data for supervised training. In this work, we propose an efficient depth completion model based on a vgg05-like CNN architecture and propose a semi-supervised domain adaptation approach to transfer knowledge from synthetic to real world data to improve data-efficiency and reduce the need for a large database. In order to boost spatial coherence, we guide the learning process using segmentations as additional source of information. The efficiency and accuracy of our approach is evaluated on the KITTI dataset. Our approach improves on previous efficient and low parameter state of the art approaches while having a noticeably lower computational footprint.


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