
2022-10-17 更新

LEAVES: Learning Views for Time-Series Data in Contrastive Learning

Authors:Han Yu, Huiyuan Yang, Akane Sano

Contrastive learning, a self-supervised learning method that can learn representations from unlabeled data, has been developed promisingly. Many methods of contrastive learning depend on data augmentation techniques, which generate different views from the original signal. However, tuning policies and hyper-parameters for more effective data augmentation methods in contrastive learning is often time and resource-consuming. Researchers have designed approaches to automatically generate new views for some input signals, especially on the image data. But the view-learning method is not well developed for time-series data. In this work, we propose a simple but effective module for automating view generation for time-series data in contrastive learning, named learning views for time-series data (LEAVES). The proposed module learns the hyper-parameters for augmentations using adversarial training in contrastive learning. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method using multiple time-series datasets. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective in finding reasonable views and performs downstream tasks better than the baselines, including manually tuned augmentation-based contrastive learning methods and SOTA methods.


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