Vision Transformer

2022-10-17 更新

Vision Transformer Visualization: What Neurons Tell and How Neurons Behave?

Authors:Van-Anh Nguyen, Khanh Pham Dinh, Long Tung Vuong, Thanh-Toan Do, Quan Hung Tran, Dinh Phung, Trung Le

Recently vision transformers (ViT) have been applied successfully for various tasks in computer vision. However, important questions such as why they work or how they behave still remain largely unknown. In this paper, we propose an effective visualization technique, to assist us in exposing the information carried in neurons and feature embeddings across the ViT’s layers. Our approach departs from the computational process of ViTs with a focus on visualizing the local and global information in input images and the latent feature embeddings at multiple levels. Visualizations at the input and embeddings at level 0 reveal interesting findings such as providing support as to why ViTs are rather generally robust to image occlusions and patch shuffling; or unlike CNNs, level 0 embeddings already carry rich semantic details. Next, we develop a rigorous framework to perform effective visualizations across layers, exposing the effects of ViTs filters and grouping/clustering behaviors to object patches. Finally, we provide comprehensive experiments on real datasets to qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate the merit of our proposed methods as well as our findings.


Green Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Masked Image Modeling

Authors:Lang Huang, Shan You, Mingkai Zheng, Fei Wang, Chen Qian, Toshihiko Yamasaki

We present an efficient approach for Masked Image Modeling (MIM) with hierarchical Vision Transformers (ViTs), allowing the hierarchical ViTs to discard masked patches and operate only on the visible ones. Our approach consists of three key designs. First, for window attention, we propose a Group Window Attention scheme following the Divide-and-Conquer strategy. To mitigate the quadratic complexity of the self-attention w.r.t. the number of patches, group attention encourages a uniform partition that visible patches within each local window of arbitrary size can be grouped with equal size, where masked self-attention is then performed within each group. Second, we further improve the grouping strategy via the Dynamic Programming algorithm to minimize the overall computation cost of the attention on the grouped patches. Third, as for the convolution layers, we convert them to the Sparse Convolution that works seamlessly with the sparse data, i.e., the visible patches in MIM. As a result, MIM can now work on most, if not all, hierarchical ViTs in a green and efficient way. For example, we can train the hierarchical ViTs, e.g., Swin Transformer and Twins Transformer, about 2.7$\times$ faster and reduce the GPU memory usage by 70%, while still enjoying competitive performance on ImageNet classification and the superiority on downstream COCO object detection benchmarks. Code and pre-trained models have been made publicly available at
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2022. 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, and 3 algorithms


Dynamic Token Normalization Improves Vision Transformers

Authors:Wenqi Shao, Yixiao Ge, Zhaoyang Zhang, Xuyuan Xu, Xiaogang Wang, Ying Shan, Ping Luo

Vision Transformer (ViT) and its variants (e.g., Swin, PVT) have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks, owing to their capability to learn long-range contextual information. Layer Normalization (LN) is an essential ingredient in these models. However, we found that the ordinary LN makes tokens at different positions similar in magnitude because it normalizes embeddings within each token. It is difficult for Transformers to capture inductive bias such as the positional context in an image with LN. We tackle this problem by proposing a new normalizer, termed Dynamic Token Normalization (DTN), where normalization is performed both within each token (intra-token) and across different tokens (inter-token). DTN has several merits. Firstly, it is built on a unified formulation and thus can represent various existing normalization methods. Secondly, DTN learns to normalize tokens in both intra-token and inter-token manners, enabling Transformers to capture both the global contextual information and the local positional context. {Thirdly, by simply replacing LN layers, DTN can be readily plugged into various vision transformers, such as ViT, Swin, PVT, LeViT, T2T-ViT, BigBird and Reformer. Extensive experiments show that the transformer equipped with DTN consistently outperforms baseline model with minimal extra parameters and computational overhead. For example, DTN outperforms LN by $0.5\%$ - $1.2\%$ top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, by $1.2$ - $1.4$ box AP in object detection on COCO benchmark, by $2.3\%$ - $3.9\%$ mCE in robustness experiments on ImageNet-C, and by $0.5\%$ - $0.8\%$ accuracy in Long ListOps on Long-Range Arena.} Codes will be made public at \url{}
PDF Published at ICLR’22; 18 pages, 12 Tables, 9 Figures


文章作者: 木子已
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