Domain Adaptation

2022-10-17 更新

Generalized One-shot Domain Adaptation of Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Zicheng Zhang, Yinglu Liu, Congying Han, Tiande Guo, Ting Yao, Tao Mei

The adaptation of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) aims to transfer a pre-trained GAN to a target domain with limited training data. In this paper, we focus on the one-shot case, which is more challenging and rarely explored in previous works. We consider that the adaptation from a source domain to a target domain can be decoupled into two parts: the transfer of global style like texture and color, and the emergence of new entities that do not belong to the source domain. While previous works mainly focus on style transfer, we propose a novel and concise framework to address the \textit{generalized one-shot adaptation} task for both style and entity transfer, in which a reference image and its binary entity mask are provided. Our core idea is to constrain the gap between the internal distributions of the reference and syntheses by sliced Wasserstein distance. To better achieve it, style fixation is used at first to roughly obtain the exemplary style, and an auxiliary network is introduced to the generator to disentangle entity and style transfer. Besides, to realize cross-domain correspondence, we propose the variational Laplacian regularization to constrain the smoothness of the adapted generator. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in various scenarios. Code is available at \url{}.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


Can Demographic Factors Improve Text Classification? Revisiting Demographic Adaptation in the Age of Transformers

Authors:Chia-Chien Hung, Anne Lauscher, Dirk Hovy, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Goran Glavaš

Demographic factors (e.g., gender or age) shape our language. Previous work showed that incorporating demographic factors can consistently improve performance for various NLP tasks with traditional NLP models. In this work, we investigate whether these previous findings still hold with state-of-the-art pretrained Transformer-based language models (PLMs). We use three common specialization methods proven effective for incorporating external knowledge into pretrained Transformers (e.g., domain-specific or geographic knowledge). We adapt the language representations for the demographic dimensions of gender and age, using continuous language modeling and dynamic multi-task learning for adaptation, where we couple language modeling objectives with the prediction of demographic classes. Our results when employing a multilingual PLM show substantial performance gains across four languages (English, German, French, and Danish), which is consistent with the results of previous work. However, controlling for confounding factors — primarily domain and language proficiency of Transformer-based PLMs — shows that downstream performance gains from our demographic adaptation do not actually stem from demographic knowledge. Our results indicate that demographic specialization of PLMs, while holding promise for positive societal impact, still represents an unsolved problem for (modern) NLP.
PDF arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.01029


Revisiting Realistic Test-Time Training: Sequential Inference and Adaptation by Anchored Clustering

Authors:Yongyi Su, Xun Xu, Kui Jia

Deploying models on target domain data subject to distribution shift requires adaptation. Test-time training (TTT) emerges as a solution to this adaptation under a realistic scenario where access to full source domain data is not available and instant inference on target domain is required. Despite many efforts into TTT, there is a confusion over the experimental settings, thus leading to unfair comparisons. In this work, we first revisit TTT assumptions and categorize TTT protocols by two key factors. Among the multiple protocols, we adopt a realistic sequential test-time training (sTTT) protocol, under which we further develop a test-time anchored clustering (TTAC) approach to enable stronger test-time feature learning. TTAC discovers clusters in both source and target domain and match the target clusters to the source ones to improve generalization. Pseudo label filtering and iterative updating are developed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of anchored clustering. We demonstrate that under all TTT protocols TTAC consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on six TTT datasets. We hope this work will provide a fair benchmarking of TTT methods and future research should be compared within respective protocols. A demo code is available at
PDF NeurIPS 2022 accepted paper


Polycentric Clustering and Structural Regularization for Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Xinyu Guan, Han Sun, Ningzhong Liu, Huiyu Zhou

Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) aims to solve the domain adaptation problem by transferring the knowledge learned from a pre-trained source model to an unseen target domain. Most existing methods assign pseudo-labels to the target data by generating feature prototypes. However, due to the discrepancy in the data distribution between the source domain and the target domain and category imbalance in the target domain, there are severe class biases in the generated feature prototypes and noisy pseudo-labels. Besides, the data structure of the target domain is often ignored, which is crucial for clustering. In this paper, a novel framework named PCSR is proposed to tackle SFDA via a novel intra-class Polycentric Clustering and Structural Regularization strategy. Firstly, an inter-class balanced sampling strategy is proposed to generate representative feature prototypes for each class. Furthermore, k-means clustering is introduced to generate multiple clustering centers for each class in the target domain to obtain robust pseudo-labels. Finally, to enhance the model’s generalization, structural regularization is introduced for the target domain. Extensive experiments on three UDA benchmark datasets show that our method performs better or similarly against the other state of the art methods, demonstrating our approach’s superiority for visual domain adaptation problems.
PDF BMVC2022, codes


SAILOR: Scaling Anchors via Insights into Latent Object

Authors:Dušan Malić, Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof

LiDAR 3D object detection models are inevitably biased towards their training dataset. The detector clearly exhibits this bias when employed on a target dataset, particularly towards object sizes. However, object sizes vary heavily between domains due to, for instance, different labeling policies or geographical locations. State-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation approaches outsource methods to overcome the object size bias. Mainstream size adaptation approaches exploit target domain statistics, contradicting the original unsupervised assumption. Our novel unsupervised anchor calibration method addresses this limitation. Given a model trained on the source data, we estimate the optimal target anchors in a completely unsupervised manner. The main idea stems from an intuitive observation: by varying the anchor sizes for the target domain, we inevitably introduce noise or even remove valuable object cues. The latent object representation, perturbed by the anchor size, is closest to the learned source features only under the optimal target anchors. We leverage this observation for anchor size optimization. Our experimental results show that, without any retraining, we achieve competitive results even compared to state-of-the-art weakly-supervised size adaptation approaches. In addition, our anchor calibration can be combined with such existing methods, making them completely unsupervised.
PDF WACV 2023; code is available at


Mention Annotations Alone Enable Efficient Domain Adaptation for Coreference Resolution

Authors:Nupoor Gandhi, Anjalie Field, Emma Strubell

Although, recent advances in neural network models for coreference resolution have led to substantial improvements on benchmark datasets, it remains a challenge to successfully transfer those models to new target domains containing many out-of-vocabulary spans and requiring differing annotation schemes. Typical approaches for domain adaptation involve continued training on coreference annotations in the target domain, but obtaining those annotations is costly and time-consuming. In this work, we show that adapting mention detection is the key component to successful domain adaptation of coreference models, rather than antecedent linking. Through timed annotation experiments, we also show annotating mentions alone is nearly twice as fast as annotating full coreference chains. Based on these insights, we propose a method for effectively adapting coreference models that requires only mention annotations in the target domain. We use an auxiliary mention detection objective trained with mention examples in the target domain resulting in higher mention precision. We demonstrate that our approach facilitates sample- and time-efficient transfer to new annotation schemes and lexicons in extensive evaluation across three English coreference datasets: CoNLL-2012 (news/conversation), i2b2/VA (medical case notes), and a dataset of child welfare case notes. We show that annotating mentions results in 7-14% improvement in average F1 over annotating coreference over an equivalent amount of time.


Self-Adaptive Named Entity Recognition by Retrieving Unstructured Knowledge

Authors:Kosuke Nishida, Naoki Yoshinaga, Kyosuke Nishida

Although named entity recognition (NER) helps us to extract various domain-specific entities from text (e.g., artists in the music domain), it is costly to create a large amount of training data or a structured knowledge base to perform accurate NER in the target domain. Here, we propose self-adaptive NER, where the model retrieves the external knowledge from unstructured text to learn the usage of entities that has not been learned well. To retrieve useful knowledge for NER, we design an effective two-stage model that retrieves unstructured knowledge using uncertain entities as queries. Our model first predicts the entities in the input and then finds the entities of which the prediction is not confident. Then, our model retrieves knowledge by using these uncertain entities as queries and concatenates the retrieved text to the original input to revise the prediction. Experiments on CrossNER datasets demonstrated that our model outperforms the strong NERBERT baseline by 2.45 points on average.


Q-TOD: A Query-driven Task-oriented Dialogue System

Authors:Xin Tian, Yingzhan Lin, Mengfei Song, Siqi Bao, Fan Wang, Huang He, Shuqi Sun, Hua Wu

Existing pipelined task-oriented dialogue systems usually have difficulties adapting to unseen domains, whereas end-to-end systems are plagued by large-scale knowledge bases in practice. In this paper, we introduce a novel query-driven task-oriented dialogue system, namely Q-TOD. The essential information from the dialogue context is extracted into a query, which is further employed to retrieve relevant knowledge records for response generation. Firstly, as the query is in the form of natural language and not confined to the schema of the knowledge base, the issue of domain adaption is alleviated remarkably in Q-TOD. Secondly, as the query enables the decoupling of knowledge retrieval from the generation, Q-TOD gets rid of the issue of knowledge base scalability. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed Q-TOD, we collect query annotations for three publicly available task-oriented dialogue datasets. Comprehensive experiments verify that Q-TOD outperforms strong baselines and establishes a new state-of-the-art performance on these datasets.
PDF Accepted to EMNLP 2022


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