2022-10-15 更新

ViewFool: Evaluating the Robustness of Visual Recognition to Adversarial Viewpoints

Authors:Yinpeng Dong, Shouwei Ruan, Hang Su, Caixin Kang, Xingxing Wei, Jun Zhu

Recent studies have demonstrated that visual recognition models lack robustness to distribution shift. However, current work mainly considers model robustness to 2D image transformations, leaving viewpoint changes in the 3D world less explored. In general, viewpoint changes are prevalent in various real-world applications (e.g., autonomous driving), making it imperative to evaluate viewpoint robustness. In this paper, we propose a novel method called ViewFool to find adversarial viewpoints that mislead visual recognition models. By encoding real-world objects as neural radiance fields (NeRF), ViewFool characterizes a distribution of diverse adversarial viewpoints under an entropic regularizer, which helps to handle the fluctuations of the real camera pose and mitigate the reality gap between the real objects and their neural representations. Experiments validate that the common image classifiers are extremely vulnerable to the generated adversarial viewpoints, which also exhibit high cross-model transferability. Based on ViewFool, we introduce ImageNet-V, a new out-of-distribution dataset for benchmarking viewpoint robustness of image classifiers. Evaluation results on 40 classifiers with diverse architectures, objective functions, and data augmentations reveal a significant drop in model performance when tested on ImageNet-V, which provides a possibility to leverage ViewFool as an effective data augmentation strategy to improve viewpoint robustness.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


Robustifying the Multi-Scale Representation of Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Nishant Jain, Suryansh Kumar, Luc Van Gool

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) recently emerged as a new paradigm for object representation from multi-view (MV) images. Yet, it cannot handle multi-scale (MS) images and camera pose estimation errors, which generally is the case with multi-view images captured from a day-to-day commodity camera. Although recently proposed Mip-NeRF could handle multi-scale imaging problems with NeRF, it cannot handle camera pose estimation error. On the other hand, the newly proposed BARF can solve the camera pose problem with NeRF but fails if the images are multi-scale in nature. This paper presents a robust multi-scale neural radiance fields representation approach to simultaneously overcome both real-world imaging issues. Our method handles multi-scale imaging effects and camera-pose estimation problems with NeRF-inspired approaches by leveraging the fundamentals of scene rigidity. To reduce unpleasant aliasing artifacts due to multi-scale images in the ray space, we leverage Mip-NeRF multi-scale representation. For joint estimation of robust camera pose, we propose graph-neural network-based multiple motion averaging in the neural volume rendering framework. We demonstrate, with examples, that for an accurate neural representation of an object from day-to-day acquired multi-view images, it is crucial to have precise camera-pose estimates. Without considering robustness measures in the camera pose estimation, modeling for multi-scale aliasing artifacts via conical frustum can be counterproductive. We present extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets to demonstrate that our approach provides better results than the recent NeRF-inspired approaches for such realistic settings.
PDF Accepted for publication at British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2022. Draft info: 13 pages, 3 Figures, and 4 Tables


T4DT: Tensorizing Time for Learning Temporal 3D Visual Data

Authors:Mikhail Usvyatsov, Rafael Ballester-Rippoll, Lina Bashaeva, Konrad Schindler, Gonzalo Ferrer, Ivan Oseledets

Unlike 2D raster images, there is no single dominant representation for 3D visual data processing. Different formats like point clouds, meshes, or implicit functions each have their strengths and weaknesses. Still, grid representations such as signed distance functions have attractive properties also in 3D. In particular, they offer constant-time random access and are eminently suitable for modern machine learning. Unfortunately, the storage size of a grid grows exponentially with its dimension. Hence they often exceed memory limits even at moderate resolution. This work proposes using low-rank tensor formats, including the Tucker, tensor train, and quantics tensor train decompositions, to compress time-varying 3D data. Our method iteratively computes, voxelizes, and compresses each frame’s truncated signed distance function and applies tensor rank truncation to condense all frames into a single, compressed tensor that represents the entire 4D scene. We show that low-rank tensor compression is extremely compact to store and query time-varying signed distance functions. It significantly reduces the memory footprint of 4D scenes while remarkably preserving their geometric quality. Unlike existing, iterative learning-based approaches like DeepSDF and NeRF, our method uses a closed-form algorithm with theoretical guarantees.


Controllable Radiance Fields for Dynamic Face Synthesis

Authors:Peiye Zhuang, Liqian Ma, Oluwasanmi Koyejo, Alexander G. Schwing

Recent work on 3D-aware image synthesis has achieved compelling results using advances in neural rendering. However, 3D-aware synthesis of face dynamics hasn’t received much attention. Here, we study how to explicitly control generative model synthesis of face dynamics exhibiting non-rigid motion (e.g., facial expression change), while simultaneously ensuring 3D-awareness. For this we propose a Controllable Radiance Field (CoRF): 1) Motion control is achieved by embedding motion features within the layered latent motion space of a style-based generator; 2) To ensure consistency of background, motion features and subject-specific attributes such as lighting, texture, shapes, albedo, and identity, a face parsing net, a head regressor and an identity encoder are incorporated. On head image/video data we show that CoRFs are 3D-aware while enabling editing of identity, viewing directions, and motion.
PDF Accepted to 3DV 2022. 13 pages, 15 figures


Neural Deformable Voxel Grid for Fast Optimization of Dynamic View Synthesis

Authors:Xiang Guo, Guanying Chen, Yuchao Dai, Xiaoqing Ye, Jiadai Sun, Xiao Tan, Errui Ding

Recently, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is revolutionizing the task of novel view synthesis (NVS) for its superior performance. In this paper, we propose to synthesize dynamic scenes. Extending the methods for static scenes to dynamic scenes is not straightforward as both the scene geometry and appearance change over time, especially under monocular setup. Also, the existing dynamic NeRF methods generally require a lengthy per-scene training procedure, where multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) are fitted to model both motions and radiance. In this paper, built on top of the recent advances in voxel-grid optimization, we propose a fast deformable radiance field method to handle dynamic scenes. Our method consists of two modules. The first module adopts a deformation grid to store 3D dynamic features, and a light-weight MLP for decoding the deformation that maps a 3D point in the observation space to the canonical space using the interpolated features. The second module contains a density and a color grid to model the geometry and density of the scene. The occlusion is explicitly modeled to further improve the rendering quality. Experimental results show that our method achieves comparable performance to D-NeRF using only 20 minutes for training, which is more than 70x faster than D-NeRF, clearly demonstrating the efficiency of our proposed method.
PDF Technical Report: 29 pages; project page:


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